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0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 152.7 timmar totalt (6.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 14 feb, 2019 @ 11:48
Uppdaterad: 27 dec, 2019 @ 11:11

>Get raided by a lone man
Shoot him, he goes unconscious
Take him to medbay to patch him up
Perform surgery for no reason
2 peg legs, 2 prosthetic arms, one glass eye, harvest a kidney
Release him to send a warning back to his camp not to mess with us
They thanked me for keeping him alive and became my closest ally

Review time!

I don't really know where to begin, but this game is amazing. It's a base building survival game that starts you off with limited resources and a small colony and you slowly expand into a massive colony comprised of a large population of varying individuals. I skipped the tutorial for this game because I didn't think it would be too difficult to figure out, and I was right, though I was struggling to figure out some more complex systems.

The game isn't to complex where you will get lost and confused and give up, but it also isn't so simple that you get bored of it. I've only played for 3.4 hours at the time of writing this review, but I really feel like almost every step I took was one getting me that much closer to a sprawling kingdom that dominates the planet. Even though I skipped the tutorial, the game still offered tips in a small mission-window-esque box in the top right corner. The way it was done didn't feel overbearing or condescending as you can go a few hours without realizing it even exists, and you can easily dismiss any of the advice it gives you (and probably disable the thing altogether, but I didn't check for it)

I don't have any major issues with the game at all. The atmosphere, art direction, music, everything, all fits together so well to sell this experience. I would like to see the wood-fueled generator produce more energy as two of them struggle to power a small colony with a freezer and like, 7 lights, though it isn't much of an issue at all.

All in all, amazing game for the price. If you aren't sure about it, wait for a sale, but I would highly recommend you try it out if you like base-building games. I hesitated to buy it for a while because I wasn't sure how I felt about it from the steam page, but playing the game is an amazing experience.
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