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19.8 hrs on record
Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
Posted May 3.
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8.8 hrs on record (7.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Unlocks are boring, level ups are boring, meta progression is boring, you have to do throwaway runs with every single weapon to make them usable, and the sponginess of everything is absurd. I wanted to like it so much, but it's just worse than the demo was.

EDIT: So it turns out the meter for progression through the level is based on kills, not time spent. Since you get nearly all your money and a good chunk of your XP through mining rather than fighting, this means getting into combat is outright detrimental to your chances of winning.

In a VS-style game.

This decision is, to be blunt, so obviously terrible that it harms my ability to believe the devs can improve the game through patches, because it makes me think they have no clue what they're doing with the mechanics of the game. Avoid.
Posted February 15. Last edited February 15.
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98.0 hrs on record (94.2 hrs at review time)
Ten years after Risk of Rain originally came out, and three years after Risk of Rain 2 actually fixed this problem, it's utterly inexplicable that they STILL haven't changed that the same button that progresses you from stage 1 to 5 then loops you instead of progressing you to stage 6. I'm tired of losing runs to accidentally looping, so this negative review stays until they swap the buttons or add a prompt or switch to the RoR2 system or SOMETHING.
Posted November 19, 2023. Last edited December 7, 2023.
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49.7 hrs on record (48.8 hrs at review time)
It's great how their 'stability improvements' did nothing but break fixes the community had already come up with.
Posted September 21, 2023.
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652.9 hrs on record (410.2 hrs at review time)
Decent enough game, I'll keep playing it, but I cannot recommend it to others in good conscience. It's one of the most ridiculously buggy games I've ever played, and the developers clearly have no plans to change this. I've not had a single session that wasn't affected by some kind of bug, from the amusing (enemies rapidly phasing in and out of existence) to the annoying (HUD markers not appearing where they're supposed to) to the infuriating (it took hours longer than expected to rank up one of the syndicates because fish just don't respawn in the Cambion Drift half the time, hotspot or no) to the gamebreaking (I had to restart the final boss fight of the biggest story arc because the boss in question just stood there, doing nothing and being immune to damage). Many of these bugs have been in the game for *years*, and yet remain unfixed. It's a far more frustrating experience than it should be, so save yourself the grief and play something else.
Posted October 7, 2022. Last edited October 7, 2022.
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7.3 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Game won't let me set the resolution at anything above 720p.
Posted March 28, 2022.
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3.7 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Progression is ridiculously grindy, which is why I stopped playing, but I'm actually leaving this review because I was just reminded that this game - despite being a new release - uses the classic gamertag system instead of the current one for some stupid reason, meaning I have a bunch of numbers showing up after my name that I never wanted to be there and have no way to remove.
Posted February 20, 2022. Last edited February 20, 2022.
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100.5 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
help, they keep adding more achievements and ruining my 100% completion
Posted February 6, 2022.
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1.2 hrs on record
Fun game when it's working, but in *every* game, I get a ton of freezing and stuttering at the start of the round.
Posted November 4, 2021.
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52.9 hrs on record (43.8 hrs at review time)
New update screwed over completionists. There were skins added to battlemode, which are 1) time-gated (30 days), 2) skill-gated (need four wins in a row with only one loss, fifteen times), and 3) grindy (90 wins, which works out to six games per day every day assuming a 50% winrate and ignoring the win streak requirements). Predictably, as soon as they added win-based rewards, the number of cheaters skyrocketed, making it even harder to get these unlocks legitimately. Note that I have not commented on how enjoyable Battlemode actually is to play; these are purely objective complaints about the design of the rewards.

A simple fix would be to also add the skins to Horde Mode seasons (giving players a reason to actually play horde mode each season beyond positions on a leaderboard that is also already hacked), but Hugo defended the design decision and said it wouldn't be changed. So I'm gonna put this negative review up and not change it until Hugo changes his mind.

To preemptively address likely comments:

"git gud"
No. I think Battlemode is unbalanced, buggy, laggy trash and, until this update, I got to collect everything while ignoring it. Adding in win-tied rewards that incentivize cheating, matchmaking that somehow manages to be worse than completely random, and a terribly balanced new demon has done nothing to improve it.

"they're just skins"
You don't get to dictate what other players find enjoyable or motivating in a game. I liked collecting cosmetics. Having a complete collection is no longer feasible for me. Ergo, the update made my game worse.

"the rest of the game is still great, though"
Yes. If you don't care about collecting everything, feel free to ignore this review because nothing I'm complaining about will matter to you. But it matters to me, and that's why my review is staying negative until my complaints are addressed.
Posted October 29, 2021.
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