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Senaste recensioner av Official Dunky Undaunted

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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
17.1 timmar totalt (5.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
an immensely charming little gem of a game. let's just say that it deserves all of the ten out of tens that it has been getting....
Upplagd 7 november 2015.
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24.0 timmar totalt (12.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Great game, however if you have a lower-end computer like I do, it runs like a stuttering wimpy fat man. Poorly. Make sure to download mods that will help to lower the graphics quality. the game may look like it was made in 1995, but atleast now it's playable. :P
Upplagd 19 oktober 2015.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
8.1 timmar totalt (7.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The one and only flaw with the game is a lack of players. Seriously, stop looking at reviews and buy this game! It is the most fun, yet challenging game that I have ever played. It's probably in the top five games on steam. it's that good.
Upplagd 21 juni 2015.
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0.1 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Beat it in 4 minutes. The message is so simple that a five year old could have thought it up.
Upplagd 10 maj 2015.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
315.9 timmar totalt (175.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Recension av CS:GO

Varied weapons
One of my favourite maps in any fps (inferno)
Mass Chicken Genocide
Heavy reliance on easy to master grenade tosses

Trolls and hackers run rampant, rarely getting kicked. They may get a short ban from overwatch, but only after they have already ruined anywhere from 2 to 7 games, give or take.
SUPER laggy servers. I can only pull off 16 fps most of the time in competitive on min graphics, but my computer is fairly decent.
Maps(other than inferno and a few others) have no soul. typically they are just bleached versions of what could have been good maps.
The community can be god awful, ranging from naggy children, to raging russians, to troll protectors. It's rare to find someone who isnt a ♥♥♥♥, is 5, or both.
For some reason the hitboxes don't work. if you are too close to a person(as in within inches), the bullet will do no damage. this is especially annoying, because shotguns do seem to work when up close, making them instakills while you can do nothing.
This game is oddly anti casual. I like to jump into games once every week or so and play for a while without having to invest hundreds of hours of my life into a game. This is not allowed in counter strike, because combining the lag and hitbox problems above is the fact that the only two viable guns (Ak and M4) have crazy high recoil and spray patterns. This means the only way to ever get good at the games is to spend 10 + hours training on only a single gun, and doing nothing else. Not my idea of fun. And i'm not asking for an uber weapon that would allow noobs to kill skilled players with ease, but a little more consideration for players who don't want to waste their time would be nice.
Lastly, You begin to realize after 70 hours or so that this game is extremely repetitive. with no campaign to speak of, this doesn't surprise me. You just shoot, shoot shoot, switch sides, shoot, shoot, shoot, the end. over and over and over. you can try to have fun by using little used weapons that are much more entertaning to use (berrettas, Deagle) but they unfortunately suck.

Anyway, i hope I helped!
Upplagd 29 april 2015.
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18.5 timmar totalt (9.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
the only game that i have ever owned that has actually made me want to buy the soundtrack. 10/10, best roguelike on steam. buy it now!
Upplagd 22 mars 2015.
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0.1 timmar totalt
it crashes so much, that its virtually unplayable. if you still want to play it, then atleast the game starts up very quickly. note to the developer: most crashes seem to arise from the big enemies killing the player. just a heads up. also, the shotgun instantly crashes the game when you shoot it at a large enemy.
Upplagd 21 mars 2015.
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11.3 timmar totalt (8.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
one of the best roguelikes out there. give it a shot!
Upplagd 21 mars 2015.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
40.5 timmar totalt (36.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
What can possibly be said about robocraft, a block based game that has the audacity to not be a blatant ripoff of minecraft? a game that mixes the fun, team based gameplay of world of tanks with super in depth customization that is reminescent of lego bricks, yet so much more. A game that has developers that actually care about your input and wether or not you like the game. put simply.......... Its good. play it now.
Upplagd 17 mars 2015.
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0.6 timmar totalt
I wanted to leave a good review, but i just cant. Its a good idea for a game, but even on min graphics its unplayable. i just cant put up with five fps. and its not like its the most visually demanding game ever, it's no crysis 3. not sure whats going on there. but yeah, fix this and i can give a thumbs up and might play again.
Upplagd 13 mars 2015. Senast ändrad 16 mars 2015.
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