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1 person found this review helpful
88.6 hrs on record (58.7 hrs at review time)
Game seems great, but dropping a negative review until the add an option to hide cloaks since they frequently bug out, warp inside the characters' bodies, stiff-pose outward as physics break, or just look like glitchy dogwater. Frequently takes me out of the game as I watch the physics freak out on capes. Truly baffling decision to not have a "hide cape" option separate from backpacks.

Honestly, if you like 40k or CRPGs, its absolutely worth a buy. Probably Owlcat's best work yet. That said, this is the third game with buggy capes + a weird refusal to allow hiding them.
Posted June 2. Last edited June 5.
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86.1 hrs on record (26.2 hrs at review time)
They've fixed most of the issues.
Posted February 20. Last edited February 23.
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705.8 hrs on record (438.3 hrs at review time)
game good
Posted October 13, 2023.
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99.4 hrs on record (37.4 hrs at review time)
Jagged Alliance is back.

And it's great.
Posted August 3, 2023.
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24.2 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
This game is poorly optimized. Where Warhammer 2 runs smooth with most settings on Ultra, this game will crap its pants. The campaign map is absurdly demanding, tanking 20-30 FPS just moving about, even on settings that remain a steady 60 in battle.

And to get that steady 60 in battle, the game ends up looking worse than WH2.

I guess the solution is to manually change graphics setting every time you hop between battle and campaign? Good luck! The game's load times are abysmal even on a SSD, often taking well over a minute to load back into the campaign map from battle.

These issues used to exist in WH2: absurd load times, poor optimization, but were eventually solved. So I guess SEGA/CA just kicked a poorly optimized game out the door again, and you'll have to wait another year or two for reasonable load times, optimized graphics, etc.

As of right now a simple campaign map is the most hardware intensive gaming experience I've had in the last few years, stuttering and turning my card into a jet engine in ways that Elden Ring or the RE4 Remake wouldn't dream of.
Posted April 6, 2023. Last edited April 6, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
71.1 hrs on record (31.1 hrs at review time)
This game owns.

Want a character rich, dialogue heavy RPG with a great party and solid writing? And your party just happens to be a bunch of solid interpretations of Marvel mainstays along with some underappreciated occult weirdos?

Want an XCOM pedigree, skin of your teeth strategy game? How about coupling that with a quality bit of deckbuilding?

Want to enjoy the skinner box dopamine rush of constantly opening loot boxes, but its completely free instead of predatory BS?

What if we tied all those systems together so they fed into and reinforced one another?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, Midnight Suns has you covered.

Also has you covered if you want like a weird pseudo-dating sim where you become best bros with Blade by taking him fishing. Or give Deadpool a child's music box as a gift, while on a date picking mushrooms in a graveyard, because Dr. Strange took you aside and asked you to make him feel welcome on the team, then while doing so Deadpool tells you he's made action figures of the rest of the team and is making them kiss. Then as a reward for your bromance you get like an epic purple card that makes Deadpool shove a grenade up someone's ass or something. I dunno, this game is alright.
Posted February 28, 2023. Last edited March 1, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
No ranked matchmaking. Ugly, gigantic UI with no options for scaling. Camera distance feels claustrophobic. Feedback, both audio and visual, in general feels worse than previous games. Apparently the campaign is completely busted, but I refunded after encountering multiple bugs where my settings and UI changes would revert every match in multiplayer.

The game feels like a beta. Maybe try back in 6 months to a year.
Posted February 23, 2023.
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73.5 hrs on record
Maybe Chivalry 2 will have functional shields. Mordhau does not, and was fun when a variety of playstyles were viable, but the devs made shields incredibly clunky to use (you can no longer just hold up a shield like normal humans have been doing for millennia) so now everyone just runs around spinning in circles with two handers.

Mordhau mostly has performance problems and packet loss.
Posted May 2, 2021. Last edited May 3, 2021.
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6 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
People complain about this being scummy. And it is.

But the real issue as that this is a poorly optimized pile of ♥♥♥♥ that will bring a 2080 to its knees and have you running at 20-30 fps by the middle of a battle.
Posted March 28, 2021.
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13.2 hrs on record (12.3 hrs at review time)
Play it on hard. I kept hearing this game was 5-6 hours long, but I'm assuming those people were playing on easy or something. I'm right near the end of the game and according to steam it took me 12.3 hours, so likely 12.5-13 for a full playthrough. In game clock says ~9, but that's not including deaths.

Much like the RE2: Remake, playing on Hard means you have to take it slow, play cautiously, and scrounge every inch of the environment for resources.
Posted December 9, 2020.
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