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Senaste recensioner av Deca

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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13.5 timmar totalt
Kona turned out to be a really good experience for me, not only for how much of a solid game it is, in the more technical aspects, but also for its incredible attention to detail and appealing storyline.
In Kona, you play as Carl Faubert, a well acclaimed private investigator and detective, that is called by William Hamilton, a rich indrustrialist in Northern Canada, to solve a simple case of vandalism.
After a car accident, Carl finds himself deep into the Canadian winterland, and ends up finding a little town, close to the Atamipek Lake, which was governed by Hamilton.
Soon you'll discover that Hamilton has been killed, and you end up having to learn about the town and its different inhabitants in order to solve this complicated case. You have two different vehicles you can use throughout your adventure, but you can also play the game almost solely by walking, because there's a lot to explore that is off-limits and away from the main roads.
Kona is a beautiful story about love and how it can change people drastically, incredibly well designed and with some amazing sound effects, but also a story made up of a multitude of other stories about individuals and their own lives and issues.
Not only is this game beautiful, it also has a really good optimization. The only thing I'd like would be for the game to feature a wider variety of soundtracks.
Kona is a game you definitely won't want to miss if you're a fan of interactive stories/ walking simulators with a great plot.
Upplagd 17 juli 2019.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.3 timmar totalt
Paratopic, chaotic, unique, disturbing, nerve-wracking, discomfortable.
I wasn't expecting much when I bought it, but after seeing people's reviews and feedback I understood this game had something special... and indeed it has.
Paratopic does something that not many games do: it focuses in the journey rather than in the end. You play as three different characters: a VHS tape contrabander, that has to deliver a load to the border; a girl that finds herself in the woods exploring; and a criminal that robs a coffee shop.
And here's where the magic of this game comes into place: you don't focus on reaching the border to deliver the tapes, or in the aftermath of that robber's crime. No. You focus rather on the trip to the actual border, and the stops in gas stations along the way, or the actual crime itself.
The point of this game is to tell a story, but caring about everything that leads to the outcome, and not in the actual outcome itself. With its charming early 2000's design and its very unsettling soundtrack, you meet people throughout your adventure as each of the 3 individual characters and see how their own stories overlap each other.
There's just something that feels weird through the whole game, wether that is because of the atrociously deformed speech of the characters, or the oddness of the scenery that surrounds you, it all just feels very off putting and yet the game keeps its charm until the end.

I definitely recommend this game to anyone, as a different perspective of how a story can be told.
Upplagd 14 juli 2019. Senast ändrad 18 augusti 2019.
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3.7 timmar totalt
The Mooseman is a very interesting, out of the ordinary experience as it focus in ancient legends and allies beautiful design with amazing audio throughout the whole game.
You play as this man that goes through 3 universes: the Underworld, the world of the dead; the Middle World, the world of the man and the living; and the Upper World, the world of the gods.
Throughout your adventure, you'll face different enemies that guard each of the sites you go to and will learn more about the legends. There are also hidden locations for you to find.
Overall I really recommend this game because of how beautiful and original it is, as well as being a very soothing experience.
Upplagd 13 juli 2019.
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En utvecklare har svarat på 10 aug, 2021 @ 10:22 (Visa svar)
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.8 timmar totalt
Uhmm... I don't know... honestly. Inmates might have conquered the title of the weirdest game I've ever played... or atleast is definitely up there in terms of oddness.
I had high expectations when I started up this game and had a completely different idea of what the game would be. This game had such a unexpected ending that I must say I am shocked.
So... Inmates is a game that puts you in the shoes of Jonathan, who finds himself in a prison, seemingly empty, but that soon shows how occupied it actually is. Well, this is a really vague way of explaining the game.

So let's try again (spoiler alert):

You are Jonathan, someone that has multiple personality disorder, that came as result of a trauma that you had when you were a kid (Your parents both died in a car accident, in 1983.), and you end up creating in your mind fictional playmates. As you get older, the disease calms down and you stop having these immaginary buddies, until you marry.
With marriage, came the discussions and the issues, which started to bring back signs of the disease, but in a much more negative way.
This is where it gets weird: during this period of time of calmness, you created in your mind a prison where you kept all the personalities you had. Once the problems and argues start, you go back to your old visions, which in the game is represented by you being in the prison, where many weird people with shaking heads are (some of your old "friends").
The thing is that some of them, including Ben (who you talk to during the game), show as actual individuals, particularly Nataly, one of the many personalities.
Nataly is actually in love with your character and plans to kill your wife. Natalie is also the "Director" of the prison.
This is why your main goal throughout the whole game is to reach the "Director's Room".

Final thoughts on the game: very, very confusing game pretty much until the end (that's when you actually get told the whole story behind your presence in that prison), where your main objective is to just walk (yes,you can't even run!) from room to room, getting keys and solving a few puzzles along the way.
The dynamics are a little off and it gets pretty boring fairly soon. I've also noticed some bugs with trying to enter/exit certain rooms.
Overall, I found this somewhat of an interesting experience, but that has a lot of flaws, and some of them really serious, like the ones above, so I would only recommend this game to people that are open to any type of gaming experience and like diversity on their playthroughs. I wouldn't recommend this to the average player though.
Upplagd 10 juli 2019. Senast ändrad 10 juli 2019.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7.9 timmar totalt
I've had this game in my wishlist for a while ever since I got captivated by the beautiful stainglass screenshots that were featured in its store page, and I must say that it is indeed a beautifully made puzzle game.
Glass Masquerade uses stainglass pictures as puzzles, that you have to complete in order to unlock more, and each one is representative of a country's culture. In total, with DLCs included, you have around 50 differente puzzles to do, each with its own difficulty.
This game gives a really good amount of content for the price, given that most puzzles took me over 10, some even 20, minutes to finish.
Even though this game is aesthetically beautiful and challenging, it is, as suggested, aimed for a very specific market niche: people that enjoy puzzles, especially challenging ones. So I can't recommend this game to anyone, because if you're not a part of this market segment, you'll probably find yourself frustrated and bored with this game. But for puzzle enthusiasts, I would say this game is a must.
Upplagd 10 juli 2019.
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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
14.0 timmar totalt (14.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I was quite interested in this game when I saw it in the Steam store; the graphics looked amazing, the plot seemed rather different and appealing, so I ended up buying this game on the Summer sale.
I wasn't actually expecting anything too great and started this game with my expectations fairly low but, oh boy!, did this game deliver.
Lethe is a really good horror game that doesn't overdue on the jumpscares but also doesn't allow the suspense to end.

You play as this man that departs on an adventure to learn more about his origins, after having discovered that what he always thought to be true about himself was actually a lie.
As he crosses the seas on his boat, a storm makes the boat crash into a seemingly peaceful island whose misteries you, a castaway, will soon uncover.
The island was actually a mining place that housed many people; some miners, some not, and it was abandoned because of a strange fungal epidemic that killed most of the habitants.
Your job is to delve deep into the depths of the mines and discover more about yourself, as you run away from the crazy mutants that come in your way.

I really loved this game. It is a really high quality indie game, made apparently by a small team. The soundtracks are great and they keep you on your toes at all times, the graphics are top notch and, although the storyline isn't the greatest, this title isn't any less than a great game for its genre, that doesn't follow traditional horror lines and, through its originality, keeps the player interested until the end.
Upplagd 29 juni 2019. Senast ändrad 20 juli 2019.
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57 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
803.9 timmar totalt (389.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I remember first hearing about this game from my friends, that had played it and were trying to convince me to buy it and that I wouldn't regret it... well, I eventually bought it (I think in a winter sale) and I must admit, they were absolutely right!
Terraria is an survival, sandbox game, that has been around since 2011, yet increasing in popularity in a very healthy rate. It also has become one of my favorite games, the type you're able to sink hundreds of hours in.
You start in a randomly generated world with very basic tools. From there, you have to continuously upgrade your equipment as you explore further into the world, fighting various bosses. The game also has different modes of difficulty and a hugely praised modding community, that just increases the already high replayability value.
I've personally spent, at the time of writing this, almost 400 hours in the game and haven't even tried any modded playthroughs.

With one of the best price-content ratio I've ever seen in a game, wide space for creativity, appealing pixel art style and a ton of mods, Terraria is definitely one of the best deals on the Steam store, even after 8 years.
Upplagd 4 maj 2019. Senast ändrad 13 juni 2021.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
22.9 timmar totalt
What a game... Outlast games are really a superb horror experience and they have a special place in my heart when it comes to gaming. If you have played through the first Outlast and thought it was bizarre, gruesome and sick, then you'll absolutely go crazy with this one.
In Outlast 2, you play as a camera man, called Blake, who flies to rural Arizona, with his wife and reporter, Lynn, to search the case of the murder of a pregnant woman, Jane Doe (whose father you'll meet briefly ingame).

Throughout your adventure, you'll have only your trusty camera to rely on to record the terrible things you witness amongst the community of Temple Gate, and at the same you'll be running away from almost everyone you meet. You'll visit the town, wonder deep in the forest and ultimately spelunk down into the mines, in search of your wife, that has been captured, first by the Temple Gate residents, whose faction is called the Testament of the New Ezekiel, and later by Val and the Heretics.
As you venture further and further into the deep misteries of what's happening, you'll also go back to Blake's past and meet Jessica, a childhood friend of Blake, who was sexually molested by Father Lautermilch, a teacher in the catholic school they studied in.
You'll constantly go back and forth between the past that haunts Blake and the present, as the plot thickens.

I really loved this game, I can't say if it's better or worse than the first Outlast because I think both have their strong and weak points, even though Outlast 2 is a much more macabre game than its predecessor.
It's far longer and far harder, making me prefer it more as a horror experience.
From the achievement hunting point of view, most of the achievements are fairly easy to do, being the 2 hardest ones the ones where you have to finish the game in insane mode, which is the hardest mode in the game (no checkpoints in a 2+ hour long game, if you speedrun it!), without ever reloading your battery. It took me a whole afternoon to go through those achievements and I think they made me more stressed and worried than I've ever been in a game.

Overall, I recommend this game to the fullest, wether or not you get it in a sale or not, it's worth the 25€ price if you are a fan of Outlast games.
All I can say is that Red Barrels really set the bar high amongst this category with this game. Good job!
Upplagd 28 april 2019. Senast ändrad 10 augusti 2019.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
9.1 timmar totalt (5.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I was really looking forward to getting this software (no, it's not a steam game) and I have to be honest, it delivered.
Wallpaper Engine is a very complete and high quality program for the price it has.
You have thousands and thousands of high end wallpapers to choose fron for your desktop or you can make your own and upload them. There are wallpapers for all tastes, with the most amazing features, such as sound recognition or moving particles, and you can find a lot of incredible ones that don't really take that much of a toll on your pc. You can also customize the colors of most of the wallpapers you download to fit your preferences.
I had some problems, though, such as the delays when trying to close certain tabs, mostly on the editor, and also some occasional issues when trying to close the app itself, having to restart Steam and resort to task manager to deal with it.
Still this is an amazing product and really lives to the overwhelmingly positive reviews it has.
Upplagd 12 april 2019.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7.4 timmar totalt (7.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
KHOLAT is a great horror experience. This game is based in a true accident that happened in the Ural Mountains. You play as a guy that ventures into those mountains and try to find what happened, by essentialy looking for abandoned camps and notes scattered around the map, all of this trying to avoid the scary cretures living there. Go check this screenshot if you want a full map with all the collectibles, campground locations and landmarks.
This game, as it is, is a unique experience that really gives you the chills at some points, it has amazing soundtrack and nice graphic details, as well as a good number of hours of content.
I had this game under my radar for a while and I managed to get it for free, and I can say it was worth the waiting.
Upplagd 7 februari 2019. Senast ändrad 8 februari 2019.
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