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Recenzii recente de DarkRagnar

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Game runs horribly and crashes when you shoot your gun some times. World is small and there is almost no loot and interacting with objects doesn't work half the time. Gunplay is abysmal. You have to spray and hope you hit the target even shooting center mass from a few feet away. No melee option, so if you run out of bullets the NPC zombies run you down and kill you.
Postat 7 decembrie 2023.
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67.6 ore înregistrate (41.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game is a sleeper hit. It is well designed, the gun play is solid and rewards playing with your head. Also you can grow modified or normal bullets yourself. I normally can't get too much into a game as unforgiving like Tarkov. It sucks when you die and lose a character with some nice extra stats, but you can easily get them back.

See you in Century City...
Postat 25 octombrie 2022.
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After all this time, the game is plagued with lag switchers and hackers that have been prevalent since day 1. Everyone rolls in a large group to kill noobies for no reason other than get their rocks off killing people that have no chance to retaliate. The core game hasn't really changed at all. It is stupid easy to grief and the zerg groups rule the servers.

Their touted 2.0 patch changed absolutely nothing.
Postat 20 iunie 2019.
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17.4 ore înregistrate (2.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
True sequel to the great castlevania's. It hits all the right metroidvania buttons. Secrets, fighting game moveset inspired skills, collectables, cool weapons and attacks. Also incorporates systems from the newer castlevania's like crafting and questing for cool bonuses.
Postat 18 iunie 2019.
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7.7 ore înregistrate (6.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
As of day 1, yes, the game crashes every so often. It isn't that bad. The negative reviews are mostly a bunch of trolls that have never played an early access game before.

The game does in fact load when you hit new game. The loading just takes a bit and might stop responding once or twice while it loads. FYI, the game still loads! Just freaking wait. For the people that don't know, failing to respond doesn't mean the game crashed.

I'm having a lot of fun so far with the game exploring and finding new items and sparingly, inventory upgrades :) Now where is that flashlight upgrade...
Postat 9 martie 2017.
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605.6 ore înregistrate (210.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Build. Learn you suck at building. Much trial and error. Fumble around and try not to get your face bitten off by aliens. Rip your entire factory apart to "fix things". Accidentally rip out a power line powering your defenses. Biters eat your oil refineries, but you manage to keep them away from the precious fluid storage.

Create a flamethrower and burn them all in revenge.

The factory must grow.
Postat 23 noiembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 14 august 2020.
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0.2 ore înregistrate
Hit detection and lag is still garbage. Play the original game Slither.io instead.
Postat 4 mai 2016.
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0.2 ore înregistrate
Pay wall of $20 to remove the gold cap (50g), level cap of 30 (Max is 50), Ability Cap 40 (Max 50), Max quest log 10 (25), maximum character slots 4 (8)

I had to find this out on mmorpg.com from a forum post in 2010. I don't see why they just didn't make it buy to play instead of using false advertising.
Postat 19 mai 2015.
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