Jake   Texas, United States
Desk jockey
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Like a boss.
1 1
DarkHelmutt 6.12.2023 klo 16.25 
Main windows hard drive died. Don't have money for a new one. :sob_boy:
Prince Vegeta 4.7.2023 klo 16.59 
:vegeta: Have a great week! :vegeta:
DarkHelmutt 22.12.2021 klo 18.14 
New shower head= $30, car repairs=$1425, Manhattan with dog at my feet after a 12 hour work day= not priceless, but it's alright.
DarkHelmutt 4.6.2021 klo 17.02 
Huzzah for OT! Now it's Miller Time!, or it would be, if I didn't think Miller was gross.:Lacerator: :FC5_Cheeseburger:
DarkHelmutt 19.3.2020 klo 16.12 
Three day weekend! :steamhappy:
DarkHelmutt 11.1.2016 klo 5.14 
Day sleeping.Yay