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So far, my impressions of this game are..mixed. I entered the game series back on the 360 playing both AC-4 and AC-4A, both of which are IMO superior games to this. I was hoping for an armored core that felt like an armored core game and while the scale and scope is armored core..esk. The game play when dealing with the cannon fodder and heavy "MTs" (I'm going to just call them normals, are fine as they weren't meant to be capable of withstanding an attack from an AC/NEXT in the previous titles. The heavy "Normals" are bullet sponges, in every sense of the word, their "ballistic shields" soak up a ludicrous amount of damage before breaking further adding to the sponge nature of anything above a Standard Normal.

The game has so far felt more like a dark souls with mechs but with the name of Armored Core slapped onto it.

Movement - Somewhat floaty, but passable once you get used to it

Gunplay - Feels fine

Music - There's music? (In other words, kinda dogcrap)

Boss Fights - This is where the bleed through of "dark souls" comes into play in a bad way. They are insanely spongy. The stagger "ACS Overload" mechanic is very dumb, in previous titles a large enemy could be damaged or disabled to hurt its mobility (But only specific missions and targets could you do this)

Unlocks - OS Upgrades, this is one of the biggest down grades from the tuning you could do in 4/4A,
Why the actual hell do we need to "Unlock the ability to eject our weapons" What the **** is that all about??

Now in previous titles from the git go you could equip 2 primary weapons be it energy, baslistic etc, but then when you ran out of ammo in those primary held weapons, you could purge those weapons and have either handguns or blades as a back up to your primary held weapons. Shoulder weapons could be purged as well however you couldn't replace those.

Go to youtube, look up game play of previous installments of the series, the music for past games for 1) Is far superior and 2) The game play is more weighty in feeling and movement.

I personally say this game doesn't deserves the title of "Armored core"
If you like more souls like feeling games, you'll *love* this game, but if you're someone like myself whom expected a game that lived up to the name of Armored Core, I would suggest avoiding this one, sorry fromsoft, but I think you all screwed up this one.

Since there is only recommend or not, I will have to say "no" I dont really recommend this one.

Edit: 8/26/23 - Explained a couple points in more detail, and finished a point or two that I didnt finished as this was written quite early in the morning prior to myself sleeping.
Publicada em 24 de agosto de 2023. Última edição em 26 de agosto de 2023.
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15.9 horas registradas (11.4 horas no momento da análise)
While the game is enjoyable, right now apparently the multiplayer is absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥ broken. No fix has worked, port forwarding doesn't work, unable to connect to the game server and quite a few people are being left unanswered in the discussion board. If the devs want to help walk me through the steps to get them the information, I will, but at this time, I Cannot, and WILL NOT recommend this game, I even attempted buying the latest DLC as a crab shoot to see if that fixed it, but did nothing. There are some who said a previous DLC update broke the multiplayer for them. If you want my most genuine honest opinion, decent single player game, because odds are, you wont be able to host a multiplayer session. But if you want a game to play with friends, avoid this game like the plague, or spread how to fix the current broken multiplayer issues, because I'm not buying a damn VPN just to play this in co-op, where last year, multiplayer worked fine.

Until answers are put forward to fix the continual "Connect to game servers" when trying to host (But you know, I can still see the ♥♥♥♥♥ hosted games) don't spend your money here, spend it elsewhere.

And before anyone asks, I have already port forwarded, allowed through my firewall, I even enabled my routers DMZ mode, and UPnP and nothing has worked.

Edit: (Meant to make this edit sooner) As of the 20th, being the last time I played, I /was/ able to connect to the server, I have not been on the game since then, so i cant say if I still do, I dont know what changed, because I did nothing aside from posting this review the day prior to my connection finally connecting. However, my lover has yet to be able to host his own game, but can join mine just fine.
Publicada em 19 de agosto de 2023. Última edição em 25 de agosto de 2023.
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16.1 horas registradas (11.6 horas no momento da análise)
This game is honestly quite a fun experience. You a biological horror, escape from a capsule and tear through a human research and containment facility (Hmmmm, SCP much :^))))) and go around collecting upgrades in a metroidvania style game. Np map, so you have to remember where the hell you've been, how you get there, and vise versa. There are a couple tough encounters, some challenging ones and what not when you play through it the first time, but they will get easier as you learn and get used to things and use your upgrades/powers. I highly reccomend this game, its a blast and now has a workshop that is being added too over time. The workshop however is in open beta as of the writing of this small wall'o'text. The mods show quite a bit of promise and we'll have to see where the community takes the game next.


10/10 Would play and buy again
Publicada em 19 de outubro de 2020.
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28.2 horas registradas (13.8 horas no momento da análise)
Insanely enjoyable, you're a super powerful magic user, with different skills, and classes to start out with. Just beware you will get Fatal Error crashes alot with this game, but that just seems to be because the game engine can't handle the more insane crazy spells lol.
Publicada em 14 de junho de 2020.
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74.7 horas registradas (45.3 horas no momento da análise)
I overall enjoy this game, I love & hate the fact that the Uman cult use legit military tactics to hunt you down. My only gripe is the map boarder is not clearly defined, I like skirting around the edge of the battlefield, kiting my enemies as I go, however its really annoying to run into the boarder, while trying to avoid direct confrontation. That is so far my only complaint, though I would love to see more of a wind factor instead of RNG for bullet accuracy, but I also understand that is a bit of a difficult thing to impliment.

All in all, I highly recommend this game. Its like banner lord, just with guns. Take it easy at the start, and watch for active battles, get a rifle, scope, silencer and NVGs as soon as you can, selling trade items and joining in battles agasint the looters and bandits at the start, and then you are golden. Will play much more in the coming future.
Publicada em 9 de junho de 2020.
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21.1 horas registradas (18.9 horas no momento da análise)
Insanely fun, ended up crashign my computer with one of my spells, do I still use it? Course I do! Its fun to craft up your spells, and doing new game+ becomes super easy once you fight the best spell combonation, and even making the wand stronger in some ways.
Publicada em 9 de dezembro de 2019.
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2,246.1 horas registradas (906.6 horas no momento da análise)
Avoid twigs, bushes, and other thing, physics engines hate life.
Publicada em 2 de dezembro de 2019.
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1,498.0 horas registradas (1,136.0 horas no momento da análise)
Warframe, where you're a super powered technical mutant able to dwell within a physical form, or transfer your consciousness into a "frame" and beat the ever living daylights out of the different factions. Upgrade your stuff, become broken strong and wipe out the enemy with guns, powers, or melee.

I have played this game since the early days and I mean when there was only ONE map, and the old J3 Gollem, I somewhat miss that oversized exploding puss ball lol. Anyway, this game is quite enjoyable, with cosmetic changes, and the modding system allows you to build how you want, offensive, you can do it, defensive? You can do it, a mixture? You can do it, though it will certainly fall behind most times, the high level enemies will do a ♥♥♥♥ load of damage too you, so you have to keep moving, regardelss of what mods you use, but over all this game is insanely fun, enjoyable to play (Mostly with friends but can be fun solo).

I give this best free game to come out in a very long time 10/10
Publicada em 5 de novembro de 2019.
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47.8 horas registradas (33.3 horas no momento da análise)
Okay so, I'm not overly familier with making reviews, however, this is a game I'm going to make one for.

Hacknet is a game about hacking (Bet you couldn't get that from the name eh?)

You play the role of fulfilling the wishes of someone named "Bit". Oh and side onte, Spoilers incoming!

You learn about the Hacknet OS in the tutorial, learning how to breach systems, and search for more to breach.
You eventually are released from the tutorial (Which you can end early if you know how)
I highly suggest you play the tutorial at minimum of one time, and play it again if you need to brush up on how to play.

Now the tutorial will NOT cover everything you can do, that's okay, you are given tutorial "servers" with that information and you can make little pin notes to help remind you, however, that uses your "system memory" which is used to attack other systems when launching programs designed to do so.

You have SSH, FTP and many other tools to breach systems which you will gain as you progress in the story.

The DLC is many times more interesting, and if you want to see a real treat and fireworks show, I suggest you go through and have alot of servers from your first playthrough available for what happens at the start of Labrynths.

Labrynths follows a similar pattern to what the base games does, but with some new twists. You're not longer part of a "large" group, you are not part of a 4 man group (Yourself being the 4th) and you progress through a different storyline and the finale of it, lets just say, I still am curious as to how many other people made the decision for it.

All in all, it's fun, and can be a bit frustrating at times, but that is only on your first couple of play throughs, I strongly recommend playing this because hot damn is this game fun, the music is kickass, and the game is a treat.
Publicada em 3 de julho de 2019.
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So, I'm going to get this out of the way, the loading times could be better, however due to it being a STUDENT PROJECT, I am fine with it.

Sure the mechanics aren't anything new, however as a demo or a project for game development in college it is quite alright.

The game is a tad bit confusing, however I chaught on very quickly, other people might not catch on so quick. The icon in the center of your screen indicates if the surface you're looking at, provided you are close enough, can be your floor. The puzzels are a bit simple but if you aren't to careful you can back track on the progress you've made in a puzzel (did that for a moment before realizing my mistake). Sure the graphics aren't that great, but they don't need to be to make it an interesting or somewhat enjoyable game.

I did find it enjoyable and I think the students did a fair job, I would like to see something come from absorbed studios. Or Whatever name they go by when they become devs.
Publicada em 31 de maio de 2017.
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