3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,037.6 hrs on record (262.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 3, 2023 @ 4:19pm
Updated: Jul 5, 2023 @ 10:02am

Early Access Review
Due to VRChat becoming more and more my main game to enjoy my free time with, I actually got myself a VR headset because of it. The socialization got better, you can have good and very atmospheric experiences. Community maps getting better each upload and the dev team still carring about their community, fixing their game with good updates.

But you need to be prepared for a few cons this game is going to give you when you want to try it out yourself;

- Kids or teens screaming aswell as being very offensive towards you in public servers (luckily not as much but it would be a good idea to know servers)
- Crashers (Be aware if you only play the game on the standalone Quest 2 and also if your PC has enough RAM and VRAM to begin with, my advice is to get at least 32GBs of RAM)
- People who could make you uncomfortable with either NSFW avatars or Roleplays in public worlds (I didn't want to include this but due to some very known public servers sometimes actually getting those people, it's something I have to point out then)

But other than that once you find a good server and find some good people to enjoy your time with, this game will pretty much give you very relaxful times. At least something you should try out when you own a VR headset yourself.
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