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2.5 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A good game for those who like games like Arma 3, Squad or Hell let Loose but can't afford it. The game is free with a lot of modded contend and is in active development. With modded contend you can play in the Ukranian-Russian Conflict, Vietnam War, Pacific front, WW2 and more. All for free! But a very big con is that most of the server are so lagy it becomes unplayable. No matter how close i live to the servers and no matter how low my ping is, it still is very laggy so most servers are unplayble unfortunately.

So it might look rough now because it is in early access but it gets better with each update. And it is free so you can always uninstall it if you don't like it! 8/10.
Posted April 13. Last edited April 14.
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5.8 hrs on record
This game sucks.

It has a good premise but the amount of micro management and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ makes it unplayabe. You have to manually tag each single fighter aircraft for several seconds for the gunners to fire at, gunners refure to fire because one of my engine is slightly damaged and i have to send someone to repair it. Only having 2 gunners available is just stupid.

Just don't waste money on this game.
Posted March 11.
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0.0 hrs on record
For 2 bucks it is well worth it! The campaign is quite simple and short with you having a lot of stuarts and spg's for the Americans, and Pz III's/IV's for the germans. This makes it a good operation for any beginner and this is was the first operation i played.

The map is my favorite because it does have varity and is the smallest map in the game. (with a 4x4 square playable area if i remember correctly.) You get a ravine, plenty of rocky montains towards the edges of the map, some small forest patches, a mostly dried up river, fields, a highway in the middle and a farm in the middle where you will be fighting most of the time. So while the map is small, it does have good varity and is overall a good map.

So do i recommend this dlc? Yes, i think everyone should buy this game with this dlc!
Posted February 24.
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45.7 hrs on record (33.3 hrs at review time)
Didn't know this game existed till one hour before i bought it and i don't regret buying it. This game offers so much for how it's price (on sale you can get the game and all dlc bundle for 5 bucks!).

Keep in mind this is quite a complex game that has hard to learn ui and mechanics but it has soo much deepth and i think that Tank Warfare Tunisia and graviteam tactics Mius front (Same game set in eastern front) are one of the best ww2 rts game on steam. Also quite underrated, this game sees 1-6 people playing it at the same time on average.

But there's one big problem that almost made me want to leave this as a negative review, and that is the fact that ai is cheating. 4 Churchill's can't deal with a single pz III from range, i have 16 infantry hidden in a forest constantly harassing enemy infantry in the open, and the enemy losses 2-5 soldiers while i lost my entire 16 infantry section instanly, enemy mortars have aimbot, the enemy forces react much faster, and etc.

In short do i recommend it? If you want ai not to be rigged, stay away from this game. But if you don't care then go ahead.
Posted February 13. Last edited February 16.
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7.7 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Horrible game design and is unfun.

It is just a walking from point a to b simulator where you get killed by npc with perfect aim and aimbot and invisible anomalies that kill you once you get close to them.
Posted January 20. Last edited January 20.
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1.2 hrs on record
Mom, can we have Hell let loose at home?
We already have Hell let loose at home.
Hell let loose at home:
Posted January 15.
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5.7 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Good game that requires some patches

This is my review from 2 hours of gameplay. The review will be edited after time.

I got Alaskan Road Truckers for free and well i liked it. If you want a breakdown of cons and pros then scroll down a bit but here is what i think of it so far. The game has a lot of charms and the survival aspect of the game is so fun. I actually feel like a real trucker. And so far i haven't seen many bugs and the game hasn't crashed once. (I don't own a supercomputer if your wondering) You own an hq aswell that you can upgrade and explore.

Good gameplay: The gameplay is quite unique and fun. You are not just stuck in a truck like in Ets2 or Ats, but you actually can walk around the entire map. You have to manage stats like hunger and energy, you have to keep yourself warm, you can meet a roadblock and have to remove it, you can actually die in this game, and much more

Interactive cab: You can press on the buttons in the cab which is cool and you can access the back area of your truck where you can store food and tools, sleep and cook food in the microwave!

Graphics: I find the graphics to be quite good. Like the textures, sun rays and etc looks so good on high settings.

Map: The map is also pretty good and it is fairly big. The map is also walkable and you even have points of interest where your supposed to walk to with a camera to take a picture.

Shops: You have plenty of stores that you can visit and purchase stuff from.

Driving: Driving feels realistic like the accellaration is slow, the truck is kinda slippery and you have to drive carefully.

Minimap: The minimap sucks, parts of soem roads don't show up on the minimap, no icons on the minimap so you have to check the map all the time, roads are all the same size on minimap which can leed to confusion, parts of the roads don't appear on the minimap and etc.

Traffic: Ai traffic is weird, they might slow down suddently, they all drive exactly the same and is just kinda boring.

Bugs: This game is really buggy. (It is an early access game tho, so there will be a lot of bugs)

The job selection page doesn't show the route you will have to take or where the warehouse your delivering to is located so you have to search for it around the map which is annoying.

I will update this review as i play this game.
Posted October 28, 2023. Last edited October 28, 2023.
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14 people found this review helpful
162.9 hrs on record
Wargaming is ruining this game and it has become completly unplayable. Op and unbalanced premium ships, 12 gambling events a month, subs and cv's ruining everything. Don't download if you want to keep your soul and wallet intact
Posted September 20, 2023.
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2.4 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Can't even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fire with my units even after equipping them with rifles and doing everything.
Don't spend 11 bucks on this ♥♥♥♥. Get a game which actually works.

Really dissapointed Armchair History
Posted September 20, 2023.
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10.2 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
A well made and fun third person shooter. You got a lot of operators from different nations wiht unique skills, roles and each one has their own ability. You got plenty of maps, skins and gamemodes. But you have to grind a bit to max out a operator. I recommend this game especially if you love CSGO, Valorant or Overwatch!
Posted April 27, 2023.
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