Ben McLean
Ben McLean   Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Gablota przedmiotów z warsztatu
Gablota recenzji
The Talos Principle borrows heavily from Portal for it's puzzles, despite not having a central innovative game mechanic. Story-wise, it goes into hardcore philosophy concepts in a surprisingly legit way for the developers of Serious Sam. So if you ever wanted to stop shooting things in a Serious Sam game and instead wander around admiring the architecture and the pretty skybox while listening to a deep voiced God actor reading lines written by a pretentious philosophy major, then The Talos Principle is definitely for you. Are there people in that category? The game would claim that you are asking the wrong question. The right question would be: are there such things as people at all?
Ostatnia aktywność
2,6 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 17 maja
0,4 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 14 maja
7 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 13 maja
Stachman 11 października 2023 o 19:29 
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If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
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mariic 11 sierpnia 2022 o 22:45 
I have something you can add to your MYST collection for TTS:
byteframe's cat 28 marca 2020 o 19:08 
Gee, Toto, I don't think
we're in Kansas anymore.

VolnuttHeroP64 27 grudnia 2019 o 4:17 
luigimcloud 29 września 2018 o 15:51 
hello sir, may I ask why you added me on steam?
dragonfly59 22 grudnia 2016 o 1:59 
Add you about trade in barter