An actual bipolar leaf
"Pop It - Andora"
v More info v

^ Tis is just a quote ^ (Most of the quotes are either purely self-insult/harm, dark, funny, normal, or just weird, don't expect anything too much my gamer) :^)

Profile Picture of Autumn from former teacher :koikoijapan_momiji:
(The weird looking pictures are just TF2, CS:GO, Dota 2 alias that I love to change because no one shall easily recognize me, unless they read or check this profile out, or in general read my weapons lmfao...) < My trade link if you cannot access through

If you think you are a steam admin/ "pending" ban, don't even bother... []

:koikoijapan_momiji: Ayame, and Mudrock is best waifu. Usasaki best VRchat avatar I bought! :FallingLeaf:
Information of this sohai person
Hello stranger/ friends/ People who I met from games and such...
Welcome to this audiophile's garbage profile :doublemaple:

First of all of my info!

1. Don't add me for no specific reason. ( Do you scammers not read this? Oh wait, they do not, lmao. Stupid people.)

Just comment down below why do ye wanna add me.
(You must give me an actual good reason why to accept your friend request? I don't accept random comment without a proper reason, or a comment that because you are mutual friends with someone in my friend list. I want an actual proper reason why but who adds me anyways? Odd people?! Yeah, that makes sense...)

Unless I added you for something or I stumbled upon you in a game... You don't need to comment down below and I need to or maybe not.)

2. < My trade link if you cannot access through

3. I tend to make bad jokes so I never knew how to be comedic and if I am an annoyance to anyone and do insult you. I'm always sorry for specific reasons that I do bad but if you don't believe, that you and that is that, and this is this.



in-game - I'm in a game, what do you think am I doing? AFK in a game? No. . . Maybe. . .

online - doing other stuff, on standby, twitter, Youtube, trading, and other such things you don't know what am I doing.

away - Doing stuff, getting the hecc out from my house to eat or learn, or taking a nap because I am always sleepy.

snooze - Let me sleep would ya? (if you see me snooze and I turn online and send an immediate message) Don't say anything because that wouldn't be me... Immediately remove me so you won't be involved with dis shet and the only way to know if that is me, ask about TF2 huntsman stuff, or ask me my real name.

Offline - I am dead.

Invisible : testing "stuff." or just being hidden from steam friends to play other things.


Hallloween 2023 (31/10/23), Mecha Engine, Tour 15, 12:10 JST : Australium Flame Thrower Dropped.


Rest In Peace, Australium Wrench 11:23 10/11/17
I accidentally Deleted it..............but hey! Steam support helped me getting my wrench back and then someone took it away and never gave it back after FIVE years, and I bought myself the wrench again. Only this time, that GUY doesn't exist in my friend list no more.

The word, "Thanks" and "Sorry" is used too often until you cannot even know if they are genuine about it or not, most likely not... I can never believe in anyone anymore, kind or evil... This current timeline disgusts me..

No matter how high your ranks and Hours, it doesn't matter how you have more skills, it depends on either winning or losing, as you are having fun in the game, that's enough for me.

A huntsman influencer, I am. I hated the fact that I use the huntsman and get kills and people be like when they switch to huntsman, "WOAH! You got a lot of kills with that and almost top scoring!? I should follow this guy!! <- Don't be this guy, this dumb. I use the huntsman more than the sniper rifle, lmao.


The spoiler message of the moments :

This world disgusts me.
More dumb info
v | discord | v

I have a discord server with my sohai friends, just add me if you want to join that server and God knows what is in the server. :^)

PLEASE ADD A COMMENT, if you wanted to add me. (Unless you add me in game.)
Gacha Game ID :
v | Arknights | v

v | Limbus Company | v

v | HSR | v

v | My Autumn leaves emoji Collection | v

:AFleaf: :autumn_leaf: :doublemaple: :foliage: :FallingLeaf: :koikoijapan_momiji: :AutumnLeaves: :wialeaf:

JT [] is my short and usual name called in my discord server, you can call me that instead of Autumnxd or Autumn, or JT.


Callouts in TF2 :

Medic : I need a medic. <- This? No.

Spy 1x or more : There is a spy or the spy is still alive after dead ringer, so watch your backs, and your surroundings

Sentry ahead 1x or more : There is a sniper in the backlines, or a sentry. Either way, I wish they add the, "Sniper Ahead!"

I just like autumn in general. No, these are not for sale and neither my items above me are for sale. Especially the grandmaster, whoever still send me a trade offer for the grandmaster, HKC, Pan, Wrench, The Law, you are an idiot for not reading.
✎ℳ₯㎕MVM@Yuki℃ 3 月 13 日 上午 2:27 
+rep experienced mvm
Zekey7 2 月 15 日 上午 5:31 
celestia 2 月 5 日 下午 5:55 
SpArTANec 2023 年 11 月 26 日 上午 8:27 
thx for trade
HaiDiLao2.5%Discount 2023 年 11 月 26 日 上午 6:59 
$helBy⇄QS | [24/7] 2023 年 11 月 9 日 上午 4:29 
+rep great trader