SillyXida #FixTF2
sillyxida   United States
Read my info box below! :3

Chivalry 2 pushed a streamer to committing the unthinkable...don't buy the game.
Read Me :3
Haia, I'm Xida! I'm straight when it comes to romantic interests but damn there are some guys out there that make me flushed. But I also love spreading love and happiness around so forgive me if I seem a bit flirty. I love playing video games and doing stupid things in them.

Just know if you don't message me for awhile I may un-add you, if you were just busy or something send me a message and ill re-add you!

I also have a hard time messaging a lot of people at once, so ill usually wait for people to message me. So please send me a message I love chatting!
Review Showcase
319 Hours played
Spoiler warning :3

I love this game.
Do drugs, kill a bear.
Screw the NCR (literally?!)
Kill a giant dog.
Literally take over the Mojave.

This game is fun, buggy, and runs like crap on modern hardware sometimes, but it's a testament to how when people have a passion to create a good game, they make a good game, even with less than a year to create it, the team that made this game created a cult classic, a timeless master piece, and the modders keep it modern and fresh. Buy this game. 10/10.
SillyXida #FixTF2 May 15 @ 3:05pm 
god will know the pain they have caused me.
nuclear warheads launched ..... what did you do...............
SillyXida #FixTF2 May 14 @ 4:08pm 
This is so tragic to hear, Alexa, detonate the C4 roomba, I can't live in a world without my cheddar.
sir I regret to inform you but your cheddar… is all gone ….
SillyXida #FixTF2 Apr 29 @ 9:38pm 
Same dude
♥ Zeee_ ♥ Apr 29 @ 9:05pm 
Dude I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love ear licking ASMR