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A great little party game which remixes a classic idea into something new and fun :)
Diposting pada 16 Desember 2023.
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Tercatat 152.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 118.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
If you don't like this game you should just punch yourself in the nose.
Diposting pada 30 April 2022.
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Tercatat 50.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 12.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Blown away so far, I've put in 12 hours and am only about half way through episode 2! There's just so much to explore and complete. A lot of the content in the game comes through exploring the open environments during levels. So whilst you can obviously just speed-run through everything and not care about collectables or secrets etc, doing so will mean missions are likely a lot less fun. Note: I've had a couple of stability issues where the game would randomly soft-lock when changing scenes, but hopefully this can be fixed in later updates.
Diposting pada 8 April 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 8 April 2022.
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19 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
3 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 295.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 65.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Easily one of the most addictive, challenging and most enjoyable games I have had the chance to play. I've always been a fan of dungeon crawlers / rouge-likes such as the binding of issac but never managed to pick it up, so getting this game on sale made me wish I'd payed the full price to support the developers for what a Gem they have created. The level of polish is outstanding and the variety of weapons and items is almost uncomparable. The only downside would probably be the stark contrast between quality of items you can collect between runs. Since it is all luck based - one run you might end up with 5 bags of trash, a compass and a water pistol and next possess 10 additional hearts, a jetpack, a rocket launcher and a laser cannon.

long-overdue edit: The game has had tweaks to RNG which make the aforementioned 'stark contrasts' between runs far less random and slightly more lenient. That said, the game is completely beatable with only the starting weapons if you're really good enough, so there is no real downside other than perhaps a slightly unpredictable learning curve.

The game is certainly challenging but it is one of the most rewarding moments to beat the gungeon, practice truly makes perfect with this game and the amount of skill and etiquette gained from playing is visible as levels which previously stumped you blow by with ease. I could go on and on for hours talking about how great this game is but I have a gungeon to enter.
Diposting pada 30 Mei 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 18 Maret 2022.
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Tercatat 12.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 11.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
This game is an absolute must-buy for any half life fan, or any fps game fan for that matter. The levels are so well constructed in a way which makes them feel so much less linear than the original half life, whilst maintaining a clear sense of direction with a perfectly balanced equation of puzzles and decision making - definitley resolving the issues I have with half life feeling too linear. The soundtrack is fantastic and the graphics are top notch, creating amazing atmosphere with brilliant sound design to really immerse the player (headphones reccomended). Seriously, Black mesa feels more immersive than most other "Triple A" games out there that I have played.

I never found myself completley bored or lost - the game always has something for you to do and keeps introducing new gimmics e.t.c as you progress without feeling repetitive or predictable. It also maintains the glorious half life ethos and certainly feels like a valve quality production in the infamous style of the series.

Whilst it is indeed still in Early access and has been for a long time now, what's already here is enough for me to happily consider it a full game. My playthough even equated more hours than playtime on both Half life 2: episode 1 and 2. There's seriously enough enjoable gameplay here to be shipped as a first installment of a franchise.

All in all, I can't reccomend this product enough. The fact that it's not under the development of some well known, completley professional development team amazes me. All I can say is if you are interested enough to have come all the way to this store page and read this review - you need to play the game. Trust me, you won't regret it.
Diposting pada 24 Februari 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 24 Februari 2018.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 2,349.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 956.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
When a game makes you want a pointless shiny hat more than anything else in the world - It's doing something right. Or... maybe I'm just wrong in the head? Meh - whatever's wrong with my head, I'm sure it'll be alot warmer with a nice fluorescent hat ontop.
Diposting pada 3 Agustus 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 22 Oktober 2017.
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3 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 0.6 jam
Idk why but My game won't load.
Diposting pada 25 Juli 2017.
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4 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 0.9 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
I bought this game in a steam sale initially thinking it would be like some sort of sci - fi take on A game like Rust, However It feels more like a cheap rip off than anything worth playing. Being clunky to control, Having absolutley no idea or help on what do do, completley random and complicated UI and Assets which made no effort to tell me what they are, lacking and un-finished gameplay, It was a severe dissapointment to say the least. I don't see myself ever willingly choosing to play Grav again. I do realise it is in Early Access, But it's not very enjoyable at the moment.

I HATE to sound like a total stuck up fool but there are just some games you'll like, love, and then there are those you just don't like. No hate to the Devs tho, keep on developin - don't let me slow you down!
Diposting pada 19 Juni 2017.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 1,284.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 182.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Never did I think I'd find myself spending the weekend flying through a castle full of Rainbow landsharks on a bathtub loaded with 2 semi - automatic rifles, being chased by a floating doge head spewing exploding barrels and memes at me. And I love it.

There's really no limit to the sh*ts n' giggles you can have with this game - though I do recommend Having friends around to play with cos there's only so much you can do without having that itch to blow someone up with a home-made nuclear airstrike.

- Worth The money (not even expensive), tons of fun, Personally a MUST HAVE game!

K bye.
Diposting pada 21 Februari 2017.
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Menampilkan1-9 dari 9 kiriman