Join Us In VR JoinUsInVR
Join Us In VR JoinUsInVR
November 17, 2019
This topic has been locked
You a Winner❕❔❕❔
UPDATED: May 2024
• Win games here:
• Shortcut to here:

If you just won a key, PLEASE...
• Help get the word out that you WON a VR steam key from our group.
• Others did this before you, to get us the key YOU just won.
1️⃣ ► In all of this page, please DO mention the game by name... UNLESS :
 🅰 you were specifically asked NOT to mention it by name
 🅱 or you don't know the game yet (in either case, say "a VR game")

2️⃣ ► In the "GENERAL" channel of the please write a short 1 line message expressing something encouraging/exciting about your win of a "GIVEAWAY", the game, and our group. Be sure it's different than what other folks say.
⠀• EXAMPLE: I also won [VR GAME NAME] in the [EVENT NAME] giveaway. Who has the skills to come challenge me in the group's LFG & voice channel later on?
⠀• EXAMPLE: I just won [VR GAME NAME] doing a GIVEAWAY channel thing. The game looks pretty neat. Anyone want to come play it with me in VC?
⠀• EXAMPLE: Guess who's got 2 motion controllers and just scored another new VR game in the Voice Chat :D

3️⃣ ► Post the same message (or a similar) at the BOTTOM of this page:

4️⃣A) ► Now post a similar message as a REPLY on the GameTesting tweet & give the full thread & some replies a LIKE + RePost (do mention the game name UNLESS I told you not to)

4️⃣B) ► Also, post a similar message as a REPLY on Ben's stuff here & give the full thread a LIKE + RePost (but DON'T mention the actual game name UNLESS it's in the top pic)

4️⃣C) ► And then post a similar message as a REPLY on the BIG pic here & give the full thread a LIKE + RePost (but DON'T mention the actual game name UNLESS it's in the top pic)

5️⃣ ► Post a fun message at the BOTTOM of

6️⃣ ► Please mention " steam group " when you do a game review on games as the place you PLAY (don't mention the win there). It will help us get other games for giveaways too :)

7️⃣ ► Please find MY review on the game and give it a thumbs up AND add a comment on it. If you give me your review link too (and enable comments on it) I'll return the favor. If I didn't review it yet, please tell me that (I forget sometimes too).

🔷Truly Like JoinUsInVR? Want MORE AAA games? (extra credit)
• LIKE + RePost a bunch of things at
• Add comments on places like the 'ENTER HERE' places on this link's page

🔷🔷Keep winning games❕
• Post in LFG next time you are in the voice channel, so we can hang out and play more. (PS: can win more than one game too, just ask for it when in voice chat)
Last edited by FishTail [JoinUsInVR]💬GROUP; Jun 1 @ 6:23pm
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Please read the steps closer.
If questions, please visit the to right click me and DM.
Last edited by FishTail [JoinUsInVR]💬GROUP; Nov 15, 2022 @ 8:22pm
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