eXplorminate e4X
eXplorminate e4X
September 24, 2014
United States 
Showing 1-10 of 121 entries
Stellaris Megathread
Honestly, describing the appeal of Stellaris as "role playing" for me is a bit limiting and artificial. As Mr. Kill points out, there are plenty of other 4X games that you can do this with.

For me, Stellaris is an infinite SciFi story generator. A game like Endless Space 2, which I do like quite a bit, limits me to the stories of the races that already exist (yes you can create your own race in ES2, but whatever I make always feels like a lesser, faded copy of what's already there). In games like ES2 and Civ, everything feels the same after a while. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just different than what Stellaris offers.

I encounter new scenarios in almost every game I play with Stellaris. Something happens that was unexpected or unique. 200 hours in that's saying something. It captures the feeling of open possibility that no other Space 4X does for me. With my full time job, my kid, etc. I find it very hard to get sucked into that "one more turn" feeling with games. I'm almost always pulled out of it by the nagging worry that I ought to be doing something else. That doesn't happen with Stellaris. I look up and see 8 hours have passed and all I think is, OK, just another hour.

I'm not enough of a designer to explain the mechanics of how it was accomplished. Stellaris just feels limitless to me. When I play a game, I'm less interested in optimal play or "winning." I just want to be transported to another world and Stellaris does that for me.

Anyway, I don't think this really answers your question. But I've rambled enough for one post.
Civilization 6 - MEGA thread.
Star Control: Origins
Showing 1-10 of 121 entries