กลุ่ม STEAM
eXplorminate e4X
กลุ่ม STEAM
eXplorminate e4X
24 กันยายน 2014
United States 
Old World Megathread
Our 1.0 Review Article here: https://explorminate.co/old-world-review/

Our Preview Article here: https://explorminate.co/old-world-formerly-10-crowns-preview/

I'm happy to answer any questions you have here.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mezmorki; 20 พ.ค. 2022 @ 12: 14pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 712 ความเห็น
10 Crowns

Well this looks interesting, though it's so early, it's impossible to say exactly what it is or will be. But the words "historical" and "4X" and "Soren Johnson" sure do work well together
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nasarog; 9 ก.พ. 2018 @ 2: 51pm
Soren is the one behind Mohawk games and Offworld Trading Company, correct?

If so, that bodes well for the game. Civ IV and that are a great history!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BlackSmokeDMax; 5 ก.พ. 2018 @ 8: 51am
He is, indeed. The fact that he did Offworld, in particular, gives me a lot of hope for this project.
yeah Offworld is a really good game.. if it was not for the fact that it is a multiplayer focused game I would definatly own and play it.. but multiplayer dosn't interest me at all.
Johnson was always one of the most talented members of Firaxis' stable.
Interesting. Too little info actually get excited about it yet, but I'll definitely keep my eye on this one.
The single player component of Offworld has really developed over the last year via DLC. Funny, I've noticed Soren playing 10 Crowns for quite a while in the userlist of the Offworld Discord and wondered when the game would surface. :)
really? Neat.. i didn't know it. .i always thought it was a multiplayer focused game only.
Offworld is still predominantly skirmish based, so even against AI it's pretty much multiplayerish....but... There's a proper dynamic campaign vs AI which can be played over multiple "weeks" which I've replayed a bunch of times. Enjoyable single player content for if you've got some time on your hands.

Jupiters Forge (combined with ceres) rounded out the game a lot, increased variations on the dynamic campaign, and introduced a new play mode against AI using a sequence of prepared maps - a plotless static campaign against of sorts. As far as single player goes, I occasionally pop in to play the daily challenge map - another single player vs AI mode. There are two scenario pack DLCs as well, the first by Blues which presents really challenging scenarios, and the limited supply dlc which breaks a bunch of the familiar market dynamics and makes each level like a puzzle. Each scenario pack has about 20 scenarios so at least 10 hours of content each if you win them all first try... which you won't.

So with the built in scenarios, workshop, replayable dynamic campaign, JF static campaign, daily challenge, and two scenario pack DLCs, and ad-hoc skirmish vs AI there's actually a ton of single player content. Still good (and a very different experience) to play with friends though. ;)
narr.. multiplayer sucks.. plus I would need to have frends that played computer games. I literally do not know a single person in real life that plays video games, they are either play nothing or boardgames.
I'm in touch with Soren Jonsen. More info will be coming from us.
Wow first Civ competition since Call to power 2.Very much looking forward to these supposed radical innovations to the genre.
The prospect of a Soren Johnson designed terrestrial 4X is drool-inducing.
I wonder why Stardock didnt publish it.I thought Mohawk was set up be Brad.
Looks like this one was picked up by Starbreeze, who are responsible for Payday amongst other things.
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 712 ความเห็น
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