Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
May 23, 2016
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Kaldaien May 10, 2017 @ 1:49am
FAR (Fix Automata Resolution)
Special K[] features NieR: Automata specific tweaks and features (collectively known as FAR) created by Kaldaien with contributions from various individuals. For years these tweaks were essential to fix various issues the Steam version of the game suffered from, and many of these features and fixes made their way into the game officially following an update to the game released by Square Enix on July 15, 2021.

With the current state of the game Special K is no longer as essential though it still features improvements to the latest version of the game that some may find beneficial:
  • Enables much faster loading times.
  • Can improve the frame pacing of the game and eliminate micro stuttering.
  • Decrease the global illumination below that of the lowest setting of the game for a major performance improvement.
  • As well as various other minor fixes and features that improves the overall rendering pipeline and latency, such as Nvidia Reflex integration.

For updated information please see the Special K wiki:

Uninstall outdated versions of FAR

The legacy version of FAR (v is not compatible with the new updated Steam version, and the game will fail to launch if left in the game folder. The files related to FAR needs to be removed manually from the game folder, so please remove them from the game folder. This is most easily done by removing any and all files that is not shown in the below image.

  • This is how a fully cleaned out folder looks like after the game has been launched once:
  • If the game has not been launched yet another executable along with some batch files will also exist in the folder.

  • Only GOTY owners have the Wallpaper folder.

  • Validating game files or uninstalling/reinstalling the game through Steam will not remove third-party files, such as FAR, from the game folder.

These are the files and folders related to older versions of FAR:
Remove any file with dinput8 in its name. These are the main components of FAR.
Holds NieR: Automata tweaks config.
Holds outdated shader config for the outdated custom ReShade of FAR.
Holds non-functioning auto-updater version data.
Holds FAR diagnostics logs.
Any file or folder with ReShade in its name is related to FAR's outdated custom version of ReShade.
Last edited by Aemony; Jul 27, 2021 @ 10:05pm
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Showing 1-15 of 4,946 comments
uiomaelo May 10, 2017 @ 3:11am 
Thank you Kal. Please don't let this be the last game specific mod you release.
Last edited by uiomaelo; May 10, 2017 @ 3:13am
Aemony May 10, 2017 @ 3:39am 
Thx for creating a new thread for FAR.
Raven May 10, 2017 @ 3:51am 
Thank you so much.
😎Macula😎 May 10, 2017 @ 4:16am 
So, what is status on ReShade? Is compatibility solved or is it still a problem?

I think you meantion something about it but given everything what happened I couldn't even bring myself to ask.
Kaldaien May 10, 2017 @ 4:20am 
Originally posted by Macula:
So, what is status on ReShade? Is compatibility solved or is it still a problem?

I think you meantion something about it but given everything what happened I couldn't even bring myself to ask.
Yes, ReShade + 3DMigoto + Special K/FAR + Steam Overlay + GeForce Experience has been tested and shown compatible.

Like I've said, the 0.8.x branch of Special K is all about compatibility and when this stupid fiasco boils down, documentation. I have not yet looked into third-party software that I have no use for such as Discord, but you can be sure that I will eventually as part of my roadmap for 0.8.x.
Thanks dude.
*{P}hol_{R}ock* May 10, 2017 @ 4:42am 
"FAR" (FixAutomataRes) is Great!!
it's helpful and boost performance for "NieR:Automata"

FAR version ,it's stable for me.

Thank you so much. :steamhappy:
blackphoenix82 May 10, 2017 @ 4:44am 
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
Originally posted by Macula:
So, what is status on ReShade? Is compatibility solved or is it still a problem?

I think you meantion something about it but given everything what happened I couldn't even bring myself to ask.
Yes, ReShade + 3DMigoto + Special K/FAR + Steam Overlay + GeForce Experience has been tested and shown compatible.

Like I've said, the 0.8.x branch of Special K is all about compatibility and when this stupid fiasco boils down, documentation. I have not yet looked into third-party software that I have no use for such as Discord, but you can be sure that I will eventually as part of my roadmap for 0.8.x.
so now if inject reshade 3.07 directly in the game folder renaming dxgi files into ReShade64 to not overvrite far's dlls should work?or do i have to put the Reshade64 dlls into the mod folder?
Last edited by blackphoenix82; May 10, 2017 @ 4:45am
blackphoenix82 May 10, 2017 @ 4:45am 
Originally posted by *{P}hol_{R}ock*:
"FAR" (FixAutomataRes) is Great!!
it's helpful and boost performance for "NieR:Automata"

FAR version ,it's stable for me.

Thank you so much. :steamhappy:
version is latest
😎Macula😎 May 10, 2017 @ 4:48am 
Originally posted by blackphoenix82:
Originally posted by *{P}hol_{R}ock*:
"FAR" (FixAutomataRes) is Great!!
it's helpful and boost performance for "NieR:Automata"

FAR version ,it's stable for me.

Thank you so much. :steamhappy:
version is latest
Yea but I am fuzzy into what it changes since I checked changelogs.
Kaldaien May 10, 2017 @ 4:49am 
Originally posted by blackphoenix82:
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
Yes, ReShade + 3DMigoto + Special K/FAR + Steam Overlay + GeForce Experience has been tested and shown compatible.

Like I've said, the 0.8.x branch of Special K is all about compatibility and when this stupid fiasco boils down, documentation. I have not yet looked into third-party software that I have no use for such as Discord, but you can be sure that I will eventually as part of my roadmap for 0.8.x.
so now if inject reshade 3.07 directly in the game folder renaming dxgi files into ReShade64 to not overvrite far's dlls should work?or do i have to put the Reshade64 dlls into the mod folder?

Ideally, you would put them in the location listed under the Plug-Ins section of the config UI. You can use ReShade in all of my mods and potentially all of your games (well most of them, if they're compatible) that way.

My ultimate goal is to be able to bring in ReShade as an optional plug-in using my global injector project. That would mean never having to drop ReShade DLLs into random locations again and a centralized location for all your shaders and profiles ;)
Kaldaien May 10, 2017 @ 4:49am 
Originally posted by Macula:
Originally posted by blackphoenix82:
version is latest
Yea but I am fuzzy into what it changes since I checked changelogs.
I basically updated the licensing text :) There was a while there when legally, Zefar held a copyright that he shouldn't have, lol.
Astolfo May 10, 2017 @ 4:56am 
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks a lot for all the work you've done, you turned Automata from an unplayable mess into a wonderful journey.
blackphoenix82 May 10, 2017 @ 4:58am 
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
Originally posted by blackphoenix82:
so now if inject reshade 3.07 directly in the game folder renaming dxgi files into ReShade64 to not overvrite far's dlls should work?or do i have to put the Reshade64 dlls into the mod folder?

Ideally, you would put them in the location listed under the Plug-Ins section of the config UI. You can use ReShade in all of my mods and potentially all of your games (well most of them, if they're compatible) that way.

My ultimate goal is to be able to bring in ReShade as an optional plug-in using my global injector project. That would mean never having to drop ReShade DLLs into random locations again and a centralized location for all your shaders and profiles ;)
I'll try both ways and report, hope at least one works :P. ReShade alone works, so i can exclude is a game incompatibility.
😎Macula😎 May 10, 2017 @ 5:07am 
Hmm, it appears win7 getting 3 important updates, did win10 got some updates too?
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