Portal2 Level Creation Group P2LC
Portal2 Level Creation Group P2LC
September 10, 2013
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LPChip Sep 11, 2013 @ 4:17am
Hi, I am...
Hey there, this is the introduction topic. You can say who you are and tell us a bit about yourself. That way we can get to know each other a little bit.

I am...
My name is LPChip, and I founded this group with Stagger Lee for the interest in Portal2 level creation and it sounded nice to share this love with others who are similar minded.

I live in the Netherlands and I am a Network-/Systemadministrator for a living.

I've started my own company as a musician, and I am working on my first cd.

In my spare time, I manage a few communities, among the MODPlug forums (for music software OpenMPT), the Nifflas Support Forum (for indie developer Nifflas, who has a few games on steam too: NightSky, Saira and soon Knytt Underground), CTGMusic, a music website for tracked music and Armina, my spiritual forum.

I am also a gamer, and I mostly play Portal2, GRID2, CnC3, CoD:MW3. There are more games I like and play, but these are the games I come back to.

If one of these items sparked your interest, feel free to ask me about it.

How about you?
I'd like to know you too. Care to reply here, and tell us a little bit about yourself?
Last edited by LPChip; Sep 11, 2013 @ 5:52am
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Showing 1-15 of 90 comments
Stagger Lee Sep 11, 2013 @ 5:33am 
Stagger Lee here. After living my whole life in Georgia, I have recently moved to the mountains of Roanoke, VA and life is good.

My background is in computer hardware sales and service. Hobbies have included playing guitar, song writing and computer gaming. I spent years playing Counter-Strike before moving on to the Left4Dead franchise and the Portal franchise. I am helping to write a L4D2 campaign with a awesome mapper that is coming along slowly but nicely.

I've been a dad for 8 years now and that's easily my favorite time I spend everyday so I feel it's worth mentioning.

I enjoy solving Portal2 maps and making my own maps for others to play. I like using the PETI because the graphics are less important to me than the puzzle itself. I respect those who like to use Hammer for their own creations though.

I'm hoping we can build a vibrant area here where other mappers can showcase thier work and participate in fun challenges to spur everyones creativity.
Last edited by Stagger Lee; Sep 11, 2013 @ 5:57am
toncica Sep 12, 2013 @ 9:55am 
Hi, I am... toncica!

I'll let that shocking revelation sink in and spare you more details of my personal life. If you must know how I look there's a chance to find a picture of me that I posted while I was active in another forum. At the time my obsession was C&C Generals, the best multiplayer game of all time. I'm not really into games and Portal 2 isn't a game to me. It's the one true god. I pray to it 20 hours a day on average. Here's hoping this group will serve science well.
Hi I'm Jethro Q.Walrustitty (aka Jimmy, aka Toxic Dwarf), just finished Uni geting my BA in Creative Music Technology, I'm a music producer who also enjoys a good gaming session and ripping appart/moding/making/experimenting with electronics - hardware hacking and circuit bending is so much fun. I write electronica, in many different styles - psyytrance, breaks, ambient, experimental, downbeat, upbeat, sidebeat, tech-funk-rockabilly-folk-jaaz..... whatever really, i just like to make the air wobble in a pleasing manner! I really enjoy making portal 2 puzzles, FPS's, Strategy, role play games etc... a bit of everything really. Anyways hope you enjoy my puzzles and if not please let me know, I apreciate any feeback, good or back it's all contructive.
PackSciences Sep 12, 2013 @ 12:27pm 
Who I am
My name is PackSciences, aka Alexandre.
I come from France, near Paris.

Languages Learnt

I perfectly speak French.
I speak pretty well English.
I speak a bit German.
I can read Latin.
I have worked on Game Maker Language (I have Pro version).
I have a bit learnt basic C++, C, HTML, CSS.
I have already worked on Hammer community project but I'm not very skilled.

Current goals
  • SpeedRunning
    I currently try to speedrun Portal 1 and Portal 2.
    My speedrun master is Ghabryel05.
  • Making Game Maker Games (my master is LeD)
  • Making Portal 2 game with Hammer

I have worked on a song with a famous french singer.

Space and time are linked.
I'm not Wheatley, I haven't gone in space for weeks :D: (just kidding).
... So, time is my main weakness; I can't promise anything to this group.
I have a lot of stuffs to do and I have movable timetable.
So, feel free to kick me if you judge me inactive.
DeathWish808 Sep 12, 2013 @ 12:39pm 
DeathWish808 here and I live in Richmond, VA (US). I suck at making maps, but love doing it anyway. I also enjoy playing them, of course.

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know whatcha gonna get.

That's about all I have to say right now. ;-) Oh, I'm also a crazy random mofo that enjoys joking around and shit like that. I guess I'll be the black sheep for you guys. heh.
Innocentive Sep 12, 2013 @ 12:43pm 
Innocentive here ...

My past occupations (in more or less chronological order): garbage man, law firm gofer, news paper delivery, dj, lawyer, real estate administrator, tour guide.

My current occupation: portal 2 map creator.

I got to Portal 2 on my PS3 about two or three years ago. When I heard about the PeTI Initiative I immediately installed Steam on my PC. That was about a year ago and I have been active on and off as a puzzle maker since then. Last winter I started using Hammer and am still learning the ropes ... always trying to introduce something new. The reason for that is that I actually suck at creating puzzles so I have to keep players interested by building new toys for them :D

Well, I hope you'll enjoy my creations nonetheless. Criticism, good and bad, is always appreciated!
LPChip Sep 12, 2013 @ 12:44pm 
Cool! Hi guys :) Welcome.

Originally posted by DeathWish808:
That's about all I have to say right now. ;-) Oh, I'm also a crazy random mofo that enjoys joking around and shit like that. I guess I'll be the black sheep for you guys. heh.
You're joking around and you think you'll be worse than me? I guess you'll learn new things every day XD And I think you'll feel at hime here too :) now... where's that kick button... :P j/k
PackSciences Sep 12, 2013 @ 12:46pm 
Are you all jsut not doing anything with your lifes ?
You have only one goal ?
You are what, monkeys ?
DeathWish808 Sep 12, 2013 @ 12:50pm 
You're joking around and you think you'll be worse than me? I guess you'll learn new things every day XD And I think you'll feel at hime here too :) now... where's that kick button... :P j/k

Damn, 1st I get banned from digg 10 times then facebook, then reddit and now here on my first comment. SHIT! hahaha
PackSciences Sep 12, 2013 @ 1:04pm 
Originally posted by DeathWish808:
You're joking around and you think you'll be worse than me? I guess you'll learn new things every day XD And I think you'll feel at hime here too :) now... where's that kick button... :P j/k

Damn, 1st I get banned from digg 10 times then facebook, then reddit and now here on my first comment. SHIT! hahaha
You go to Facebook and Reddit ...
Ahaha ... what a waste of time ...
DeathWish808 Sep 12, 2013 @ 1:06pm 
Originally posted by PackSciences:
Originally posted by DeathWish808:

Damn, 1st I get banned from digg 10 times then facebook, then reddit and now here on my first comment. SHIT! hahaha
You go to Facebook and Reddit ...
Ahaha ... what a waste of time ...

OH NO. Damn it! I just got publicly humiliated. *Crawls back to my mother's basement*

LPChip Sep 12, 2013 @ 1:07pm 
I guess, if I would have a life, I'd not start a group like this... XD
Stagger Lee Sep 12, 2013 @ 1:18pm 
I had a life once but it took all my time.
Originally posted by Stagger Lee:
I had a life once but it took all my time.
I had to take mine back and get a refund, luckily I still had the receipt or would have had to accept store credit.
Goose Sep 12, 2013 @ 1:36pm 
Hey there. You can call me Goose I guess.

I'm currently a junior at the University of Houston in Texas, majoring in Mathematics with a minor in Comp Sci. I play percussion and am on the UH drumline, so if you ever happen to be flipping through channels and you catch a UH game (not likely, we suck) you'll probably see me in a camera shot somewhere.

I tend to pick a video game and obsess over it for an extended period of time before moving on. The most pertinent obsession to this group was a little flash puzzle game you may have heard of called Fantastic Contraption (puzzles, level creation). Dear god, when you start learning some of the tricks to that game and actually get good at building complicated machinery it is hard to stop playing. There was a huge community for that game that really spurred it forward and led to new challenges and ways of playing that could keep you interested for months. Apparently I made some good levels in FC because I was picked along with about 20 other people to test its sequel (FC2), and 9 or so of the official levels in FC2 were picked from my creations during the beta.

As for Portal 2, I consider it probably the greatest puzzle game I have ever played. Very few games come close to providing such interesting mechanics to construct thought-provoking puzzles. As soon as PeTI came out I started making levels like mad, most of which were mediocre and I subsequently deleted, but I have made a few with some very interesting concepts that I am quite proud of. I have never learned Hammer, mainly because I tend to focus on creating interesting mechanics out of the existing items/tools in the PeTI editor. Unforunately about a year ago my computer went to shit, and I just recently acquired a new one capable of running Portal 2. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of map making!
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