Portal2 Level Creation Group P2LC
Portal2 Level Creation Group P2LC
September 10, 2013
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Almisuifre Jun 22, 2015 @ 2:35pm
Update issue (new URL)
Hi everyone,
I updated an already published chamber, and it created a new one instead (with a new URL).
I tried again many times but it seems that the editor doesn't "recognize" the in-game file as the one published. It always creates a new URL (so two URL for one file).
Frustrating issue :/

Here's what has been done :
- after the publication, I modified the file (in PeTI) and saved it.
- days later, I published the updated file, using greykarel's thumbnail tip. (build the map, delete the new "untitled.jpg", add a pic named the same, then publish the map)
- that's all...

Is someone already met this ? Is something can be done ? (by editing the p2c or something?)
I got a backup of the non-updated .p2c

Thanks ! (I do my best with my english...)
Last edited by Almisuifre; Jun 22, 2015 @ 2:40pm
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LPChip Jun 22, 2015 @ 3:42pm 
Yeah, this is a known issue with PeTI. I have had it in the past too, and can't exxplain why it happens. There are "tricks" to update an existing map when it went into this state, but its hard and tricky as hell.

My recommendation is to get the map in the final state, and accept it for what it is and not update it anymore, use the hammer export facility and publish the map once more through the hammer publisher. This will create a new url, but any following updates will not.

I do not have the link to how you can update a map with the right name, but it does use the peti to hammer export function, then rename it to the correct .bsp name and upload that. I Think... :P
toncica Jun 23, 2015 @ 4:49am 
Some people struggle with this problem all the time. I had it once, not sure if I was just lucky or if I did something useful to solve this problem.

When you open the p2c file with a text editor, Notepad++ for example, you see a line that starts with "FileID" with a value. That value is the hexadecimal ID of your workshop object. An unpublished map has "0x00000000", in the browser address bar you can see the value of your workshop object in decimal. Your latest map for example: id=452301194, converted to hexadecimal =1AF5918A . I believe the problem occurs when the p2c file appears to be set to read-only for some reason when trying to publish, and the editor then creates a new p2c file with a new FileID.

Change the FileID in the updated p2c file with the text editor and make sure it's not set to read-only, then load the map in PTI and publish again.
Last edited by LPChip; Sep 18, 2015 @ 1:43pm
Almisuifre Jun 24, 2015 @ 5:03am 
Thanks for your quick answers.
Hey LPChip, because I was looking for an update more than creating a new file, I tried toncica's solution : Editing the p2c worked fine ! -- brass section playing --

Thanks a lot toncica. And with your solution I also noticed something great if you lost the file of a workshop object you d'like to update : you can apply the same method to fix it :
Rebuild it from scratch (patience...) / assign it the ID of the old published one / then publish the new one, which will replace the old chamber at the original URL with everything kept (comments, rates, etc).
We probably have to be careful with this (make backups, convert numbers carefully etc...)

I updated my latest chamber, and I rebuild "Air Paths" (a lost workshop object where you and jgauntley found alternate last moves) to publish it the way described above. It worked, and I noticed that with this method, subscribers don't have to re-subscribe.

Well, nice to see that obscure issues can quickly be fixed here ! :)
Almisuifre Oct 31, 2015 @ 3:13pm 
Today the problem occured again, but strangely this method doesn't work.
I follow the steps, all seems ok, the right ID is set, the read only is not ticked.
But it's during the publication on the workshop that a new URL is created in the .p2c ...

The submissions and update's deadline of the current competition is in few hours. Uh, well.
Last edited by Almisuifre; Oct 31, 2015 @ 3:40pm
Almisuifre Oct 31, 2015 @ 3:52pm 
Okay, here's what I did (it's still toncica's method, with some details)

- In the .p2c file, erase the "FileID" value line : "0x00000000[hexadecimal map's number]"
(during non-working tries I only replaced the hexadecimal number, not the "0x00000000)
- Write manually the right ID (during non-working tries I used a copy/paste) : "0x00000000[hexadecimal conversion of the workshop page's ID]"
- Save, and let the .p2c open (during non-working tries I closed it after saving)
- Load the map in PTI editor
- I took the thumbnail I wanted to replace, and first erased the name showing it's creation date, then made Greykarel's tip (linked in the topic).
- Publish

There's maybe some useless steps here, but all together, the issue is fixed.
Last edited by Almisuifre; Nov 17, 2015 @ 9:59am
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