Cannabinoid Optics PS2 CNOH PS2
Cannabinoid Optics PS2 CNOH PS2
게임 중
2014년 9월 21일
Cannabinoid Optics PS2 정보

Welcome to the Cannabinoid Optics Steam Group

This thread will cover some basics of who we are and what we do.
CNOH is based on australian eastern seaboard time (GMT +10) and we try to use daylight savings.

The current leadership is as follows
Doobz - all round nice guy and usually on VS on planetside 2
Evogen - leader of the banned
MewMew - cute kitty that works hard to keep us organised

these 5 great keyboard warriors help define us in our roles.

Having said all of this CNOH was based from a mutual respect and fun had in planetside 2. Since then we have expanded our gaming list and at some point we will go over all of these.

To be a part of this awesome outfit you do have to follow some simple rules:
1 respect for each other (its ok to have a joke or 2 but there is no reason to go over the top)
2 expect people to have lives and not be on from time to time.
3 teamspeak is our primary source of communication while the steam group is a place where we can document any changes.
4 you must be on at least once per month to maintain membership of this awesome clan. Evo has a trigger finger for bans.

The main idea is to have fun, members of CNOH have priority to teamspeak but outsiders are permitted to enter with the admins approval. There are some people that are not what the outfit desires to maintain our quiet little fun area.

Hello and welcome dear outfit members!

Our tight group is always going through changes in-game and out. This Steam group is going to be our one-stop for all things CNOH related and hopefully will be the best way to keep updated with those changes, events and general info.

The basic layout of the requirements as far the PS2 goes as a pin-up in General Discussions forum and hopefully as up-to-date as possible, check it out for a catch-up. It should answer most questions and give you the overview of how you could contribute should you wish to do so.
Start-up a discussion or contact an officer in-game if you have any suggestions or concerns.

See you on the battlefield and don't forget to smok'em all!
인기 토론글
최근 공지
A call to the old guard
Teamspeak server Shutdown, moving to Discord
댓글 26
MewMew21 2017년 9월 1일 오전 2시 30분 
Set the first link to never expire but still expired not sure if this'll stay or not
WASDA MASTA 2017년 8월 31일 오전 7시 25분 
can someone give me the Discord link please
MewMew21 2017년 1월 12일 오전 5시 15분 
Holy shit sorry guys our 2 leaders "Doobz" and "Evo" are fucking useless jks <3, thats the new TS address
mmm99 2015년 5월 9일 오전 3시 55분 
OI! what the hell is our TeamSpeak address? I'm on a different computer and cant remember it!
umbrellacorp1988 2015년 4월 14일 오전 7시 37분 
i seen there a new ts address cane some one steam me the new address
buzzkiller7 2015년 3월 26일 오후 5시 23분 
Rickarsus it isn't true lol
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2014년 9월 21일