92nd Royal Highlanders 92nd RH
92nd Royal Highlanders 92nd RH
November 24, 2014
ABOUT 92nd Royal Highlanders

We are the 92nd Royal Highlanders... We once was the 42nd Royal Highlanders, but there was another group with our name that had 40+ members. We do have a website!
Won: 2
Lost: 0

Our New Official Webpage![]
Be active by 18th of March!
KaiserWaffles Apr 5, 2016 @ 7:43pm 
Just joined. My Regiment is being disbanded soon due to the main group (LGA) being disbanded. I want to know how active is this group and how mature is it.

P.S. I am a former SoD (Private) of the 85e
Geeko Mar 18, 2015 @ 8:40am 
I have moved the date of Inactivity to be April 4th, if you are not active by the 4th of April, you are booted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Geeko Mar 3, 2015 @ 11:25am 
Attention: All Members who are not Active by the 18th of March, will be kicked from the regiment, and will have to re-apply for a position.
Geeko Jan 15, 2015 @ 8:22pm 
I had to post 2 comments, because my long comment exceeded over 1000 characters. :3
Geeko Jan 15, 2015 @ 8:21pm 
Starting Saturday, which is 2 days, we will be doing more regiment stuff, and those of you who are not online, might have to deal with Grumpy William, and a few of you have already met me in that state. Sorry for the long comment, and the events will now be posted VIA Announcement. Feel free to leave comments on the Announcements and Event area, I read your comments, and I believe that everyone has a say in the group. Those members who are considered "Inactive," or you disobey High Ranking officers, you will be removed from the regiment. The regiment will be getting more strict, if we are going to get into the NWL (Napoleonic Wars League) which I do plan on getting this regiment into, after we rename ourselves of course, because of the 92nd Gordon Highlanders, they are in the NWL, and we don't want to confuse anyone, even though our tags are: 92ndRH, because I believe the GH's tags are just 92nd.
Geeko Jan 15, 2015 @ 8:21pm 
Guys, it has been a busy week for me, with finals week, and all that, but the server that we use will be shutting down on the 20th of this month, if we are going to do the group photo, we must do it quickly, trainings and possibly more events will be coming soon, for all of those members who have been waiting for a long while for a Line Battle to begin, I have been tied with Finals. The protocol for the "Active" Tag: You must come to atleast 1 training per week, You must come to atleast 1 Line Battle per week, and yes, I want to get the Line Battles setup again, therefore, I will be looking for more regiments to challenge. The W/L's will be getting kept track of per month, and the amount of members showing up to any of the Line Battles/Trainings/Events that will come later on.
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November 24, 2014