Epic Games Sucks no exclusive
Epic Games Sucks no exclusive
게임 중
2019년 1월 28일
Epic Games Sucks 정보

For those against Epic and their forced exclusives

Epic claims to want to save PC gaming but instead only divide the market and divide PC gamers

The purpose of this group is NOT to hate on anyone who's using Epic Games Store, nor to harass them. We are simply taking stance against Epic's questionable and anti-consumer business practices.

We believe video games industry is strong, however... Epic Games seeks to fracture the market with exclusivity deals.

If you disagree with their practice of buying out games that were originally promised on Steam or GoG, feel free to join us.

What we offer:
Informational news from our curator page .
Weekly gaming news without clickbait (via our announcements).
A discussion area for discussing news in the games industry.

For group community related questions, general support and partnerships, visit #group-support channel at our Discord server.

P.S. We are NOT associated with r/fuckepic by any means.

Group Rules
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최근 공지
News Roundup #200
Other News
  • Bandcamp United files complaint against Epic Games and Songtradr accusing their former and current parent companies of engaging in unfair labor practices against union members.
    Resident Advisor Archive[]

  • Epic faces newly revived lawsuit alleging the "misuse" of a choreographers dance moves by using them in Fortnite emotes.
    Reuters Archive[]
Thank you for reading and have a good weekend everyone.
Au revoir.
For reviews, news & disclaimers on Epic exclusives, give our group curator a glance.

Please do not post this anywhere else without asking permission.
Please keep the comment thread civil.

News Roundup #199
Other News
  • Epic lays off half of Bandcamp staff (mostly Bandcamp United union members) amid its sale to Songtradr.
    Pocketgamer Archive[]

  • Blockchain Brawlers becomes the newest crypto game to launch on EGS.
    CryptoNews Archive[]
Thank you for reading and have a good weekend everyone. For reviews, news & disclaimers on Epic exclusives, give our group curator a glance.

Please do not post this anywhere else without asking permission. Please keep the comment thread civil.

Steam 큐레이터
평가 Epic Games Sucks개
"Timed/Full EGS exclusives, as well as recommendations of pro-consumer games that didn't fall for EGS exclusivity."
다음은 Epic Games Sucks 님이 최근에 작성한 평가입니다.
댓글 2,414
corn man 2024년 5월 30일 오전 11시 31분 
The guy below me is right
Dkorador 2024년 5월 29일 오후 9시 09분 
what a clown 👇
Tech35 2024년 5월 29일 오전 8시 05분 
Man I hate Epic Games as much as the next guy, but y'all need to get the sticks out of your asses
MrFoxly 2024년 5월 22일 오전 10시 35분 
I just heard there are going to be improvements over the epic version.

Personally, I'll pick them up only if there's a great big launch discount placed on them. KH's epic exclusivity was one of the worst we've had to sit through.
Solaire the ducky sun praiser 2024년 5월 21일 오전 10시 19분 
Pillman 2024년 5월 21일 오전 10시 00분 
Kingdom Hearts games are coming to Steam on 13th June!! :steamhappy::steamhappy:
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2019년 1월 28일
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