Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress

Multiplayer Adventure mode?
Note that I am not asking for a Fortress multiplayer, because I know it would be unfeasible.

However, I think it could be implemented for the adventure mode. It would work basically like early graphical MUDs (multi-user dungeon) where one computer would host the world and simulate stuff around players and other would connect to it. The host computer would then just send the current world state (basically what is around each player character) and clients will do rendering based on that info.

Obviously it's not something that can be done right away, but this can be done.
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JAGIELSKI původně napsal:
Note that I am not asking for a Fortress multiplayer, because I know it would be unfeasible.

However, I think it could be implemented for the adventure mode. It would work basically like early graphical MUDs (multi-user dungeon) where one computer would host the world and simulate stuff around players and other would connect to it. The host computer would then just send the current world state (basically what is around each player character) and clients will do rendering based on that info.

Obviously it's not something that can be done right away, but this can be done.
Adventure mode is turn based. You would have to wait for each player to do what they want to do.
Wouldn't have any problems with that. Wouldn't be much different from D&D.
Sim 20. zář. 2021 v 8.05 
This will be hell to play....
mwirkk 20. zář. 2021 v 11.17 
carlospaul původně napsal:
Adventure mode is turn based. You would have to wait for each player to do what they want to do.

A turned-based mode might be suitable for adapting to something like play-by-email (PBEM), or some such other messaging protocol? As with other server-less net play strategies, one player would still need to act as a host arbiter. I used to enjoy playing PBEM mode with games such as Warlords and Stars! (And chess, of course.)
PBE/PBF (play by forum) is too much of a hassle to set up, especially when "friends" are just mythical beasts to you.

76561197987960414 původně napsal:
This will be hell to play....
Not true, there are several good strategy games that are turn based and have online multiplayer. Civilization comes to mind. Also, there could be some time limit on each turn to stop the players from stalling (a setting left to the host as not everyone would want such limit or agree on the exact duration).
Teemo 21. zář. 2021 v 11.59 
multiplayer adventure mode would run quite smoothly imo. We have games like Baldur's Gate 3 which is essentially DF adventure mode multiplayer but get rid of the realism and add in better graphics. Lots of people play BG3.

The only difficult part to solution is how to get the party to travel long distances outside of combat. I would recommend designating a party leader/follow command structure so one person just runs the party somewhere till combat starts.
Naposledy upravil Teemo; 21. zář. 2021 v 12.00
Teemo 21. zář. 2021 v 12.06 
JAGIELSKI původně napsal:
Note that I am not asking for a Fortress multiplayer, because I know it would be unfeasible.

It's actually not, you'd just have to come up with a couple of decision points:

1) if any player goes into a screen that pauses the game in single player, does it still pause the game for everyone in multiplayer?

2) what base speed do you want the game to try to hit?

3) are the players on the same map, but have their own set of dwarves that listen to their commands, or are they on different maps. And by "map" I mean very small area of the world, embark screen size. Because players could play on different embarks rather easily and have little to no direct effect on each other. It's only when you start putting 2+ players on the same embark site that it gets complicated.

4) how is loyalty handled between 2 different dwarven fortresses on the same embark site (does attacking the other dwarf site cause any loyalty concerns for yourself).

Now if your answer to #3 is that you don't actually have separate dwarves, and it's just multiple people giving the same inputs to one dwarven civilization then multiplayer becomes really simple as well, it's only when you get multiple dwarven fortresses that things actually become complicated.

I am asking only for MP Adventure, not Fortress.

MP Fortress is infeasible at best and impossible (processing power...) at worst.
if i remember correctly they was a mod that let you run Fortress mode in Multiplayer but this was years ago. I say someone could figure it out if they figured out Fortress mode Multiplayer.
NEON 19. říj. 2021 v 5.52 
It could work and it could be fun but it will be something which can't be rushed. It would technically be like playing tabletop where you discuss your next move with your friend/friends.
JAGIELSKI původně napsal:
Note that I am not asking for a Fortress multiplayer, because I know it would be unfeasible.

No way, you have that BACKWARDS. It would be far easier to do a fortress multiplayer because the commands would just need to be sent from two or more clients with everybody viewing the simulation play out, as the Dwarves just do what they are told from orders being placed. Like the Rimworld multiplayer mod turned a single player game into a multiplayer game. Now adventure mode, I can't even imagine how that could be accomplished.
FirestormXL původně napsal:
JAGIELSKI původně napsal:
Note that I am not asking for a Fortress multiplayer, because I know it would be unfeasible.

No way, you have that BACKWARDS. It would be far easier to do a fortress multiplayer because the commands would just need to be sent from two or more clients with everybody viewing the simulation play out, as the Dwarves just do what they are told from orders being placed. Like the Rimworld multiplayer mod turned a single player game into a multiplayer game. Now adventure mode, I can't even imagine how that could be accomplished.
It wouldn't be a true multiplayer fortress though. A true multiplayer fortress would require each player to control their own colony with players either competing or cooperating, kinda like a multiplayer Civ game.
Nyx původně napsal:
It could work and it could be fun but it will be something which can't be rushed. It would technically be like playing tabletop where you discuss your next move with your friend/friends.
Agreed. And since Adventure is already turn-based, just with only a single player character, it would be trivial to implement add more turns for players, either in hotseat mode or remote. Basically like early graphical MUD.
Huh, never thought of coop df adventure mode, but it seems doable and pretty fun, you just wait for the other players turn like with the NPCs and the host controls the world map movements. +1
JAGIELSKI původně napsal:
Obviously it's not something that can be done right away, but this can be done.
You touched a subjective topic: Time :)
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Datum zveřejnění: 19. zář. 2021 v 21.48
Počet příspěvků: 16