Cities: Skylines II

Cities: Skylines II

Is the economy usable yet?
When i played this at launch, city services cost 100x more than they should, so taxes could never cover them. Is it balanced enough to give another try yet?
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115/15 megjegyzés mutatása
The economy doesn't work, but yes you can play now.
It depends on how deep you try to understand it and accept some shortcuts or simplifications like taxes for education levels and not by income groups ...

Here f.e. is the "no customers" problem and the dependencies that lead to this:
Define "Usable"...?

Because it's perfectly "Usable" if you mean : can it be spent and earned.

... :D
Look: A Lizard eredeti hozzászólása:
When i played this at launch, city services cost 100x more than they should, so taxes could never cover them. Is it balanced enough to give another try yet?
Not much... i have taxes in my city on 1% and i am still in huge profit and everyone is happy, and i have only little of production only forest and little of oil
Legutóbb szerkesztette: asd; ápr. 10., 9:13
Yes the economy is fully ♥♥♥♥♥ and simulated, with dozens of fail-safes and illogical supply chain
Yes, its perfectly balanced.
This tax bug ruins the game each and every time I try a new city.
Still waiting for a single thing to be fixed completely.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: 𝓕𝔁; ápr. 10., 10:06
Game is a heaping pile of hot garbage. Goodbye CO. Hope you had fun ripping off your fans and customers. They should write a book on how to torpedo your company in 5 easy steps.
I've the opposite issue lol. As in that Beautiful Taxes screenshot, my expenses are dwarfed by income despite very low tax rates. I always seem to get an absolute ton of income through service fees though.
Define usable. There is a sort of economy, yes. Is it realistic? Hell no. Is it even slightly realistic? Hell no. Is it at least passable? Not really. Not for about 70-80% of players apparently.
There are things labeled as taxes and income and expenses and fees and such, but none of it makes sense or interacts like you would expect. You can't run out of money no matter what you do, unless you really go insane and build everything all at once. Even then you'll soon have a pile of money anyway.
You can have no taxes at all and sill make money hand over fist.
It is just plain pathetic. Worse game I've ever played and a complete embarrassment to CO and Paradox.
Look: A Lizard eredeti hozzászólása:
When i played this at launch, city services cost 100x more than they should, so taxes could never cover them. Is it balanced enough to give another try yet?
Really... not sure how you play... but that would be a good tip on how to start loosing money cos I... don't know how to loose money in this game :D:D
zaltocleotl eredeti hozzászólása:
You can't run out of money no matter what you do, unless you really go insane and build everything all at once.
Errrmmm... I think the only way to do it is to avoid building specialised industries - those large scale mines and farms. It does become a challenge then I think. Not a massive one but it is harder :)
macluk eredeti hozzászólása:
Look: A Lizard eredeti hozzászólása:
When i played this at launch, city services cost 100x more than they should, so taxes could never cover them. Is it balanced enough to give another try yet?
Really... not sure how you play... but that would be a good tip on how to start loosing money cos I... don't know how to loose money in this game :D:D

Even if you loose money there is aperantly no negative limit. At least my test city went down to -1 billion without any consequences
Geist eredeti hozzászólása:
macluk eredeti hozzászólása:
Really... not sure how you play... but that would be a good tip on how to start loosing money cos I... don't know how to loose money in this game :D:D

Even if you loose money there is aperantly no negative limit. At least my test city went down to -1 billion without any consequences
there is a top cap... it is 2 billions. I'd assume there is a bottom cap too.... but that simply stops the count, you still have an income (i had a mad income and i didn't really build anything special), or a loss, it just that bank account stops counting at 2 billions and that's it. Which is good. I already got perplexed by the amount of zeros there.
gosammy1971 eredeti hozzászólása:
It depends on how deep you try to understand it and accept some shortcuts or simplifications like taxes for education levels and not by income groups ...

Here f.e. is the "no customers" problem and the dependencies that lead to this:

Which is the entire reason people are saying, we have no control, because we have no control. The game wants furniture stores and it will make furniture stores whatever you try to do.
The best thing you can do is play whack-a-mole, but that's not engaging gameplay - at all. I shouldn't have to sit and spam demolish some 20+ times to get a store that isn't in the vicinity.

It doesn't matter if you import or locally produce.

There's zero information in that which solves the problem at hand. We can't control the industry and we can't control the commercial zones. I could zone an entire industry area right next to my stone extraction area and I would find that it makes all sorts of industry there.. Wood, farming, oil etc.
It's beyond levels of dumb.

To fix it we should have zones that let us choose what type of industry - wood/farming/stone/oil/ore refining and processing + a mixed version.

Similarly a way to make zones for commercial areas that let us choose: Food, Leisure, Household, Cars, Gas (and whatever else is there) and mixed versions..

That would ACTUALLY have an impact, I would no longer have to sit and play whack-a-mole and I might actually give a flying ♥♥♥♥ about the game.
Sad that they still never fixed this up. The original game was great. Its seems they abused the good will generated from that game to pull off some sort of scam here. I don't think many will buy a third game in the series if they survive long enough to make one years down the road.
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115/15 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: ápr. 10., 6:53
Hozzászólások: 15