Cities: Skylines II
Apology from CO
Upcoming apology from CO:

"We understand the negative feedback. We couldn't give you more because we are working very hard on outstanding issues. But we had to release this because ultimate edition bla bla bla... We promise we will add sand and more assets to this DLC and henceforth DLCs will include more content. - Monneyna Andfameinen"

Dishonest, disingenuous, superficial; therefore entirely predictable.
Автор останньої редакції: mehmeteking; 26 берез. о 14:10
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Показані коментарі 115 із 91
"If you didn't like this DLC, maybe beaches just aren't for you."
Автор останньої редакції: Xianli; 26 берез. о 13:54
"Sand will be delivered some other time...Good community idea to add beaches, noted."
Автор останньої редакції: General T.Montana Tropic Thunda; 26 берез. о 14:11
Цитата допису ˛.o•°★°•o.˛:
"Sand will be delivered some other time...Good community idea to add sand, noted."
How did I forget about sand! I added it to the apology :)
But I think they will give it as part of the "free" update with the next DLC.
Автор останньої редакції: mehmeteking; 26 берез. о 14:14
DLC to DLC? 😂

Only 1 € you can buy Sand asset 🤣
I wouldnt be surprised if they add a subscription fee to use mods
Цитата допису ste:
I wouldnt be surprised if they add a subscription fee to use mods
Paradox isn't going to do that.
Neither is Colossal Order.

They've never done it with any of their other games, and they know it'd be the end of their company if they ever tried.
Wait, how did you get the rough draft?
Цитата допису HashSlingingSlasher:
Wait, how did you get the rough draft?
I have psychic powers! :)
You can tell its fake. CO dont do apologies. We should be apologising to them for not being better customers
Автор останньої редакції: ste; 26 берез. о 14:37
Bold of you to assume CO would apologize.
Цитата допису ste:
You can tell its fake. CO dont do apologies. We should be apologising to them for not being better customers
Цитата допису Professor H. Farnsworth:
Bold of you to assume CO would apologize.
I think you two are forgetting something, though. DLC is everything to PDX, and PDX is everything to CO. They will apologize simply because PDX will ask them to.
they don't understand "negative feedback"
complain more... nah seriously tho go outside for a bit and live life bro
Maybe CO should develop and sell it without a publisher like Paradox. They want things faster than CO can do it, it seems. Why so gready paradox?
Look at simcity 5 except the small map. It was actually good and the only dlc was future with a lot of content and new way to play it. That is a dlc, not some new buildings. Then you should have much more content. Beaches with beachwolley, rescue towers, chairs and stuff. Everything for a beach.
I am happy that I did not buy the game yet. Why preorder? wait and see some reviews people before spending your money. But maybe you have too much money?
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Показані коментарі 115 із 91
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Опубліковано: 26 берез. о 13:50
Дописів: 91