Cities: Skylines II

Cities: Skylines II

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Snackary Oct 24, 2023 @ 12:46pm
I keep getting notifications on chirper that many people are getting sick or dying due to lack of healthcare. I have a very small city so far (2,200 pop) and I have two medical clinics. All roads are green and have full access to them. When I click on the medical clinics it says there's more or less 2-4 patients out of a max of 100 for that clinic. So availability isn't an issue and neither is accessibility. Anybody else experiencing this? I was thinking maybe its because I only have a cemetery and not a crematorium yet?
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
jejenoob Oct 24, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
I experienced the same, crematorium helped.
there might be an issue with healthcare balance, need to play more to confirm!
dklreviews Oct 24, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
I've been mashing and it seems like you need a university to get "well educated" people to fill out the hospital jobs. Seems like you have to hold the -1 happiness bonus until you have a city developed enough to fund universities, but I'm not sure.
zima Oct 24, 2023 @ 5:48pm 
Originally posted by dklreviews:
I've been mashing and it seems like you need a university to get "well educated" people to fill out the hospital jobs. Seems like you have to hold the -1 happiness bonus until you have a city developed enough to fund universities, but I'm not sure.
i hope this wasn't intentional. its really frustrating paying for the service's upkeep but not getting any of the benefit.
Sound Zero Oct 26, 2023 @ 12:54am 
Originally posted by yeenimal:
Originally posted by dklreviews:
I've been mashing and it seems like you need a university to get "well educated" people to fill out the hospital jobs. Seems like you have to hold the -1 happiness bonus until you have a city developed enough to fund universities, but I'm not sure.
i hope this wasn't intentional. its really frustrating paying for the service's upkeep but not getting any of the benefit.

If you want should be intentional. As a doctor, I can tell you that cities with university's rarely have issues filling medical jobs.

Those without...well, I've worked 56 hours straight before.
banzaimonkey Oct 26, 2023 @ 1:29am 
My clinics are green but overall health in my city was around 58%. I think three things are happening:

1. Chirper is just really noisy. You can ignore much of it.
2. Health can't max out with the first few buildings you get. Getting health up to 90%+ will probably require some later game policies, buildings, etc.
3. Traffic and/or distance causes delays in ambulance response.

But again reiterating the first point, Chirper complains constantly about crime but my crime rate is very low. It constantly complains about smog though the air pollution is not over populated areas. And yes, it complains about healthcare when things look fine. So take it with a grain of salt.
mackster Oct 26, 2023 @ 1:41am 
I saw this too. This is game optimisation I think. I am guessing, and it really is only a guess, the game assumes that all healthcare is available so at the beginning, if you just plop the only one you have, its asking for more.

Hopefully, this will change with a patch and it be a more gradual notification, that gets more obvious as more assets become available.

I even got the hospital too, but man its expensive I coulndt afford to drop it:steammocking:
Blobfish Oct 26, 2023 @ 4:37am 
Same problem. "I'm appalled at how healthcare is run in this city. You never know if you're going to get treatment or not." is what my citizens say. And most other polls get around 5-20 likes, meanwhile this one gets 70 likes, and it isn't even a problem because I have coverage over the whole city, 0/100 patients and 0/5 vehicles in use.
Last edited by Blobfish; Oct 26, 2023 @ 4:38am
Big Chewy™ Oct 26, 2023 @ 4:41am 
Originally posted by yeenimal:
Originally posted by dklreviews:
I've been mashing and it seems like you need a university to get "well educated" people to fill out the hospital jobs. Seems like you have to hold the -1 happiness bonus until you have a city developed enough to fund universities, but I'm not sure.
i hope this wasn't intentional. its really frustrating paying for the service's upkeep but not getting any of the benefit.

You do get some benefit ... the number of patients being seen is not zero.
AlienWired Oct 26, 2023 @ 4:43am 
The one thing I learned about recent Paradox game releases is, don't take the details for granted.

It may not be a balance issue but a detail that you haven't stumbled across yet, make sure to look at all of the information available, even though it's hard to know what information is available when you haven't an idea of where to look for it all.

Click everything and anything. There are now things you have to upgrade and link the people to, for them to be enabled to work correctly.

It's almost like Transport Tycoon or the way you set up old Cities Skylines bus lines... You have to makes sure everything in the supply chain is "supplied" and make sure everything is linked together in a fashion that makes sense.
GhorX Oct 26, 2023 @ 5:10am 
Clear water source is solution in most cases... Any close ground / water pollution leads to sick people a raising deatg rate...
Arathir Oct 26, 2023 @ 5:17am 
Originally posted by dklreviews:
I've been mashing and it seems like you need a university to get "well educated" people to fill out the hospital jobs. Seems like you have to hold the -1 happiness bonus until you have a city developed enough to fund universities, but I'm not sure.

I haven't try this myself yet, but you can set the taxes for individual educational levels (if you click on the residential dropdown in taxation tab). I wonder if setting taxes for the highly educated peeps to 0% or really low values would attract enough of them to fill the necessary posts before you can educate your own citizens.

edit: you can see the taxation tab with the dropdown opened in 3:19 on the video
Last edited by Arathir; Oct 26, 2023 @ 5:18am
JakeURb8ty Oct 27, 2023 @ 12:17pm 
Originally posted by Blobfish:
Same problem. "I'm appalled at how healthcare is run in this city. You never know if you're going to get treatment or not." is what my citizens say. And most other polls get around 5-20 likes, meanwhile this one gets 70 likes, and it isn't even a problem because I have coverage over the whole city, 0/100 patients and 0/5 vehicles in use.
TimeBomb Oct 28, 2023 @ 2:54pm 
Finally figured what was causing the remaining healthcare complaints on my 50k pop city. I had a few small areas where there were no or very few residents, but they didn't have full medical coverage, the roads were red. Added some medical clinics and all of a sudden all complaints turned into compliments and people were happy with their healthcare.
Smoking2Joints Oct 28, 2023 @ 3:06pm 
Originally posted by TimeBomb:
Finally figured what was causing the remaining healthcare complaints on my 50k pop city. I had a few small areas where there were no or very few residents, but they didn't have full medical coverage, the roads were red. Added some medical clinics and all of a sudden all complaints turned into compliments and people were happy with their healthcare.
Yeah, I didn't have medical coverage for my industrial area. As soon as I plopped a clinic down for them my chirper complaints went way down and a bunch of ind buldings upgraded.
Peptide Nov 3, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
A building guide for when to build certain expensive structures would be good. I’ve got full coverage on 20k population with a few clinics. I just can't see any need for a hospital (with such a massive expense burden) when my current patient and ambulance load is tiny.

Likewise for the police and fire HQs. I understand it’ll add helicopters but still can’t justify -700k or whatever the expense is. On the flip side I’ve spent the points on the milestone and I feel like my city /needs/ one.
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Date Posted: Oct 24, 2023 @ 12:46pm
Posts: 17