Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

No sound
I've played this game a few times and found the FAF mod for it played it however while the mod was installed the game sound just gave up. However every now and then the sound comes in, I've checked the settings and everything is the same as the day i got it also I have since deleted and reinstalled the mod and it hasn't fixed it any ideas or should i just delete the game entirely
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The problem is not the game. It's the age of the game.

In it's day - computers had only one sound device, and didn't go into 'sleep' mode. That's the problem you're having.

A full and proper shutdown (hold Shift key while executing a Shut Down) will correct the issue, as this forces the audio hardware to fully reset. This will allow the game to talk to it properly again.

Uninstalling and re-installing will never fix this issue, and it's not FAF - it's just the way the original game talks to the audio hardware.
Thanks I'll give it a try
There can be all sorts of reasons for no sound, for instance I have a gaming headset, which comes with its own software for enhancing the sound, provide surround etc.
When windows sound is set to it, even though everything else works fine, more often than not Supreme commander will not start with sound, however if I set my output to the onboard sound (which my headset is still plugged into) Then I get sound every time.

While not so much on my new system, on my older one even with onboard sound, it had issues if set to surround and not stereo.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Ceejay; jún. 16., 4:08
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