Dominions 5

Dominions 5

Story and Learn Game (Open 1/10)
The goal is to learn from each other from this game!
And we're going to play with more magic ... Early Age!

For this reason, we want to host the game ourselves so that everyone can upload their turn or send it via email and it will be provided to everyone. So you can see what players do!
Try to write a story about your turn! We will use the BF Platform
( ) for this game

A friend makes a map with 10 players for this, it is important that everyone who wants to participate, therefore name their starting nation.

If you are interested, just let me know.

It could also be the first game for our BF platform that we host independently, but we also have to learn a lot to automate this.

So who wants to participate in the educational game?
So far we are 2! The goal is to be at least 6 players.

We'll write more details later! Want just collect players! Thank you.
Last edited by MorgfromOrk; Jun 11, 2020 @ 12:32am
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
jsb Jun 7, 2020 @ 2:55am 
Way too little information to go on here.

Is the map land + water? How many UW players? Will the turns be available for all players to see instantly? (that would completely nullify many basic strategies and not sure it would be particularly representative of a real game).

Suggestion: if possible - create a coaching game where each player has their turn (or a sequence of turns) reviewed by more experienced players who provide helpful input, tips and suggestions.

In either case - I am interested to participate in some form or another :)
Radewulf Jun 10, 2020 @ 3:31am 
-- The Map --

- Early Age -

There are 121 land provinces and 36 sea provinces on this map. You can "win" the map without ever going into the sea, but it would be waaaaaay easier if you can at least sail. You *can* get by with neutral units to get into or out of the sea. Up to 10 % of the provinces of the map are not easy to get or hold, but some have magic site rewards (and some are just not worth it - they are only strategic connections for adventurous players.). There are some special movement situations, where you can probably choke attackers, depending on their capabilitys (including, if they can attack across the sea - or not). The map, as it is right now, is NOT balanced.

There *should* be one

* cold loving nation, like Niefelheim, Caelum or Rus (you have a lot of highlands)
* warm loving nation, like Machaka, Hinnom or Abysia (you have a lot of wastelands)
* nation who likes forest
* nation under the sea

There are also starting places for not specialised nations.
It would make sense to play with at least 6 Players, 4 of the above and 2 unspecialised.

The USEABLE terrain (some of it is not exclusive one terrain, so the combined number is lower) is somewhat like this:

~ 30 sea
~ 30 highland/mountain
~ 30 forest

half that for wastelands, and again half that for swamps.

~ 30 provinces have no terrain (= plains & farms)

The design of the map should help to feel a fantasy mood to make the game more enjoyable.

The map is still in work.


* There will probably be a lot of magic gems available.

* There may be a lot of population, so you probably can earn a lot of gold.

* It is *highly* recommendet that you use disposable scouts to scout ahead before attacking anywhere.

* Don't attack everywhere! Use your head: what could be useful to attack now, later or never?

* Look at the map and terrain - where are connections, where are possible chokepoints?

* No wraparound - there are corners and "dead ends"

-- The Reason behind this --

This map is new, and right now, in an alpha state. It is probably imbalanced.

- I want to see how people play, what happens, and how I can make the map better.

- I also haven't really played multiplayer until now, so I want to learn to play better.

- I want to have fun playing.

- My goal is NOT to win at all costs, but to make the map better and have fun doing that.

-- The Game --

The map, as it is right now, is NOT balanced - that is the reason I *must* see the players play - and I don't see that others can't have the same fun as me.

The turns will be released to ALL players - 10 turns lag should be fine.
I would encourage you to talk about the turns with your fellow players (including me) and help them be better players.

*score graph will be enabled*

I don't know about mods. I would suggest that, at least at the alpha-game, we go very light. MarkyMark is organizing the game - I dont want to decide everything, especially, because I dont have much experience with multiplayer.

That's what I would suggest for the game:
common random events, minor story events, Hall of Fame: 20, special site frequency: 60

For a really atmospheric game, I would apreciate it if everyone uses fantastic names and no modern references and also ingame diplomacy.

You don't have to play good to take part, you just have to have fun and don't throw in the towel at the second sign of desaster.
There will probably be games following this one with better versions of the map.

It is NOT allowed to fight multiple inconsequential battles with other players to boost XP. Fight real opponents!

I want to make the game with dedicated thronsites, so lets try winning by thrones. If, at some point, it doesn't make sense to play further, the winner(s) will be announced by ascension point score.
The winner can declare that he was allied with ONE other player and they won together. After the game is concluded. But he doesn't have to.

-- Participants --

Niefelheim (jsb) : cold
R'lyeh (lambda) : underwater, some amphibian
Machaka (MarkyMark) : heat, some wasteland and forest
Maverni (Joe Blaster) : some forest
Lanka (Jaggysnake) : forest
Hinnom (seecat46) : heat, wasteland
Ulm (radoguy21) : cold, mountain, forest
Fomoria (Radewulf) : some amphibian

I will choose my faction last to get a better distribution on the map. (2 underwater nations would be enough, Fomoria as a third "half" underwater nation is probably a bit much, for example)

-- Communication --

Join the group chat here:

I will delete the useability of this code after everyone has joined.

-- Ressources for the game --

Besides the manual ,
please look at this
and tell me if this is good.

Last edited by Radewulf; Jun 17, 2020 @ 3:23am
jsb Jun 10, 2020 @ 3:30pm 
Alright, I am beginning to see what the idea is here :)

I am up for playing!
Jaggysnake Jun 10, 2020 @ 3:34pm 
sounds fun - im in and would like to play as Lanka pls.
lambda Jun 11, 2020 @ 6:15pm 
Not done multiplayer in a while and this sounds fun. Sign me up for R'lyeh the uw nation.

- mods allowed? I would suggest worthy heroes for more flavor. I do not know the state of ai mods, but that would be a potential consideration.
jsb Jun 12, 2020 @ 1:31am 
I'll go Niefelheim then.

Winter is coming.
MorgfromOrk Jun 12, 2020 @ 7:05am 
5 players now:-) We can go to a alpha test. But need some test players. I think i'm too bad than player. just play for learn and play better. Can create a mailing list for the alpha test.

MorgfromOrk Jun 13, 2020 @ 2:24pm 
i take Machaka. Heat Nation. We can make an alpha with 5+5, are all in? My proposal is to organisate it with a mail distribution list.
radoguy21 Jun 14, 2020 @ 1:01am 
any empty spots? I'm new and interested in learning more
radoguy21 Jun 14, 2020 @ 1:16am 
I can play one of the underwater nations, need to practice them.
jsb Jun 14, 2020 @ 2:01am 
Originally posted by bf_markymark:
I think i'm too bad than player. just play for learn and play better.

Since we are all getting access to the turns I can give some feedback if you want.
Joe Blaster Jun 14, 2020 @ 4:14am 
Is there any spot left ? first time in multiplayer game
MorgfromOrk Jun 14, 2020 @ 1:22pm 
yes:-) searching 10 players, the map is in alpha. i plan to organisate it with mailing list. Contact me in steam to send the email.
Joe Blaster Jun 14, 2020 @ 10:48pm 
I'll go Marveni then.
seecat46 Jun 15, 2020 @ 2:44am 
Looks good, I was looking for a friendly game to try my first multiplayer game. Interested in playing himmon.
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