Dominions 5

Dominions 5

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Drithyl Nov 27, 2017 @ 10:25am
Multiplayer Discord Communities
Hey guys,

For anyone interested in joining games in a Discord community rather than through the Steam forums (which I find quite impractical, but that's a personal opinion), there are mainly two to be aware of:

  • Althaea's Dominions server is almost completely focused on Dominions, and games are hosted there mostly through llamaserver. It's the largest Discord community to date. Here's a permanent invitation link, feel free to throw it around:

  • The Clockwork Hounds, which I manage, focuses on direct connect games. For anyone interested in joining direct connect games rather than PBEM, we have bots that help automate the hosting process and give game support by announcing new turns in dedicated channels, allowing to query for timers without having to launch the game, etc. The server space is much more limited than llama's due to it being direct connect, but there should be enough for everyone to be in at least a game. Here's a permanent invitation link, feel free to throw it around:

  • "Reddit Dominions[] is a paradox like no other; it contains the silliest, highest quality memes, the most absurd yet in-depth theory craft, and the most ill-conceived, yet exceptional games in the community. Ruled by a videogame character, chibi cthulhu, skeleton, and Eeyore, guest starring Calvin; this server puts the dis in discord, and the harm in harmonica golem. If you want to play a game with wonky and active diplo or a strange game setups this server is a good home for that game."

  • DoorStuck's new Discord[] also uses a Discord bot of his own creation to automate hosting, much in the same way that the Clockwork Hounds one does.

For anyone not familiar with Discord, you can check this neat YouTube tutorial that covers its basic features. It's a bit outdated but most things remain the same.
Last edited by Drithyl; Jul 30, 2018 @ 8:41am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Althaea Nov 27, 2017 @ 11:29am 
Originally posted by Drithyl:
alguLoD's Dominions server is almost completely focused on Dominions, and games are hosted there mostly through llamaserver.

I'd love to have more Conquest of Elysium content, too, but Clockwork and Jakalor's Unofficial Illwinter Gaming server keeps stealing that away from me. :steamsalty: I'd also like to have TaT, DoE and 9m content but those games aren't available and Jakalor snagged the best name for such a pan-Illwinter Gaming server away from me, (the jerk).

I'm not sure how public Jakalor wants his server to be and I don't know if the Reddit Dominions Discord wants to keep their community small so I'll refrain from linking them. The respective admins can come in and advertise for themselves if they want.
Drithyl Nov 27, 2017 @ 12:01pm 
Can always drop them a line about the thread just in case.
oLI May 20, 2018 @ 1:23pm 
Here is another smaller Dominions 5 community on discord hosting games regularly both on llama and This server is meant to be an open platform facilitating the process of the community hosting games for the community. The servers biggest asset is it's smaller, almost fanatical, community. If you are looking for a smaller Dominions community where you will build history with the people you play with, then this server would be what you're looking for. We are always looking for people to host games or drop some Dominons knowledge in chat.
Vivifae Jan 12, 2019 @ 2:26am 
just tried the invite links to the dominions discord and the clockwork hounds discord
both are invalid, have they expired or is it an issue on my end?

My bad, i logged myself out of discord by accident and the website just told me the invite didnt work instead of telling me i need to log in again. sorry for that :(
Last edited by Vivifae; Jan 12, 2019 @ 7:52am
Althaea Jan 12, 2019 @ 4:50am 
Both seem to work just fine for me. They're permanent links.
Mandarbmax Aug 13, 2020 @ 3:06pm 
Doorstuck's link is broken.

Please update to include links to to following:

Lucid's server:
General Confuion's server:
Txoumin's noob mentoring server:
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