Dominions 5

Dominions 5

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kristoffer  [pengembang] 27 Nov 2017 @ 5:01am
Dom 5 wishlist
Feel free to add wishes and ideas here. Discussions are welcome.
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kristoffer  [pengembang] 27 Nov 2017 @ 5:02am 
Guardianru wrote in the bug thread:
"Still no ability to see info description of the other nations heroes in hall of fame?? "
Althaea 27 Nov 2017 @ 5:06am 
Pinning this so people don't end up making threads for individual wishes. (Under the assumption that pinning makes it more visible, which may or may not be true.)
Terakhir diedit oleh Althaea; 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:01am
Althaea 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:04am 
Worth noting that Zonk's]spreadsheet also contains a tab for wishes.

Wishes should still be posted and discussed here though, rather than as comments on the spreadsheet.
Terakhir diedit oleh Althaea; 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:04am
Zonk 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:05am 
Here's a meta-wish: let's separate wishes/suggestions for the base game from mod functionality requests.
Later I can do that myself and port the unimplemented Dom4 mod requests.
The ability to choose the land to water ratio on random maps might be nice. You can still do it when creating your own random maps. Nothing major, just seems like an odd omission.
guardianru 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:21am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh alguLoD:
Worth noting that Zonk's]spreadsheet also contains a tab for wishes.

Wishes should still be posted and discussed here though, rather than as comments on the spreadsheet.
You are wonderfull, thank you and thanks Kristoffer! :steamhappy:
actionhanz 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:21am 
a special dominions themed mouse cursor would be cool. the white hardware cursor spawns powerful horrors in my mind.
maybe there is already one out there for windows, i don't know.
Nombrilist 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:40am 
Can we get a mod subforum? I mean, we shouldn't need it yet, but it kinda sounds like we do...
Terakhir diedit oleh Nombrilist; 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:40am
Althaea 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:43am 
And one for "Maps" and "Multiplayer". It doesn't seem like I have the tools for that myself.
standbob 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:57am 
I'd like to see more premade maps in the game. I know the random is a choice, but I loved some the the old big themed maps!
tez3me 27 Nov 2017 @ 7:01am 
havent tried the game yet but i,d like huge maps without having to add loads of nations to get one
Althaea 27 Nov 2017 @ 7:01am 
More maps is largely up to the mapmakers, though I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them got imported into the base game itself.

Most of Dominions 4's in-built maps were originally made by fans for Dominions 3, I'm pretty sure.

Diposting pertama kali oleh tez3me:
havent tried the game yet but i,d like huge maps without having to add loads of nations to get one

You can make maps of any size using the Map Generator Tool found in the Tools menu accessed from the game's main menu.
Terakhir diedit oleh Althaea; 27 Nov 2017 @ 7:01am
Diposting pertama kali oleh standbob:
I'd like to see more premade maps in the game. I know the random is a choice, but I loved some the the old big themed maps!

I'd love to see a new version of that flat earth map. That was one ♥♥♥♥ map.
Hi Kristoffer

I would like to try to reduce micro with some automatism features.

Imagine a new 'national settings' UI page where you can establish some things like:
-default PD for your provinces (so you can set it to 1 or 5 or whatever, gold would be spent at the end of the turn)
-default position (back, mid, front) and side (left, mid, right, random) for commanders of X type (for all the units from your national recruits). That way you could put all your priests/mages/scouts to back/random, and they would be distributed automatically to your back line.
-default script/spell list to use for units with magical path X. Imagine being able to select "F3" or "A2N2" and a script, and any new recruited mage that have that path is given that script. It would be the same as it's right now, but with less filler micro, less copy&paste.

And a "auto blood hunt" feature for units to blood hunt in its province, take the slaves to the nearest lab and return to the province to blood hunt again would be nice.
Terakhir diedit oleh Turin Turambar; 27 Nov 2017 @ 7:16am
jsoh 27 Nov 2017 @ 7:29am 
i want to be able to have much longer pretender names. and to have time stamps in the battle log.
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