Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

No Jun 29, 2022 @ 4:44am
[edit: I was wrong] The pinned New Player's Guide has incorrect info
edit: I got the Merchant's Guild and Adventurer's Guild mixed up and was wrong.

I read the pinned New Player's Guide the other day and was shocked that I had missed something so important and wasn't sure how I never realized it when it said:

"Quick tip on time management

It takes you no time to travel between the shop and the Adventurer's Guild, despite the Adventurer's Guild looking really far away, but if you go to any of the other town locations, it takes up one time slot the way normally going to town does."

I was really surprised and confused. I could be going to the guild to restock weapons and armor every single day without it taking any time!? How did I not realize that?

Unless I read what it said wrong, this isn't true; traveling anywhere from the shop will take 1 time slot to return back to the shop. They make it sound like you can travel to the Adventurer's Guild to buy stuff and take no time.

Not sure if this is just because it's such an old topic that it was patched and changed at some point, but the sticky seems to have incorrect / misleading info.

I was looking for tips because I was struggling and starting not to be able to enjoy the game anymore because there was a lot of info I had no idea about that the game doesn't explain and I started falling behind. When I read that I thought I had discovered something huge that I had missed that would make a big difference, but confirmed again today that it does take time to go to the Adventurer's Guild.

Figured I'd let people know that was incorrect in case it could be edited or whatnot if someone wanted to.
Last edited by No; Jun 29, 2022 @ 11:50pm
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SilentCaay Jun 29, 2022 @ 10:19am 
The Adventurer's Guild is where you go dungeon diving. You're thinking of the Merchant's Guild. All of the in-town locations take up one time slot regardless of how many you visit. Dungeon-diving takes 2 time slots but it doesn't deduct them until you actually enter the dungeon so you can can click on the Adventurer's Guild and then exit out without losing any time.
Last edited by SilentCaay; Jun 29, 2022 @ 10:20am
No Jun 29, 2022 @ 11:49pm 
Ohhh, gotcha. I was wrong, thanks for the info, Silent!

Yeah I was thinking about it today and had a feeling I got them mixed up. It's easy for me to remember the Market because the name makes sense to me but I can never remember the Merchant's Guild name.

Is there any advantage to going to the Adventurer's Guild and then going back to town without using any time? Because you can see your adventurer's stats and gear just by clicking Status on the menu right? Not sure if there's something else I could use to be a better player.

I checked out some of the guides and learned a lot about how to sell at lower percentages and not haggle to level up my merchant level and their level and gold amounts. I restarted a new game and think I'll have a better chance now. First playthrough I was trying to sell around 130% because that's exactly what Tear tells you to do in game, and would haggle a lot, people would get mad and leave a lot and I started struggling hard.
SilentCaay Jun 30, 2022 @ 8:29am 
I can't think of any actual advantages to checking the Adventurer's Guild and then backing out. It's just useful to know that if you click on it and then change your mind you can still back out without penalty. There's also the adventurer's fee. You might click on the guild and then realize you don't have enough to hire the one you want so you can leave and come back with more money (IIRC, Louie's fee decreases if you can't afford it but the other's are fixed.).

Yeah, you want to avoid haggling as much as possible. In addition to your merchant level, each customer also has a hidden affection level which affects how much they're willing to spend. If you offer a high priced item to a customer and their affection isn't high enough then they won't buy it unless you sell it for way below base price. When you see a little heart appear near the customer, that's their affection level rising. You want to get "Near Pin" to raise that as much as possible.
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