

Half Life 1 is cheaply designed and low key overrated.
I recently tried to replay HL1 after like 2 years, (i already beat the game few times when i was younger, so this time i played on hard) and i have to say. I dont remember this game being such a cheap, badly designed garbage. I really enjoyed my playthough until i got to the later stages. My frustration began in the level Forget about Freeman, where you are getting constantly spammed by infinite granades from the soldiers while being forced to duck, giving you no time to dodge damage from the infinite amounts of granades being thrown at you in pin point accuracy, even through walls. The snipers are buggy and your granades dont even kill them half the time. One sniper you can kill with a granade ok, the other one is invincible and you have to kill him with a satches charge. Destroying the rocket spongy APSs and tanks while getting ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the hitscan soldiers was a chore, quite oppossite of what i would call fun. I got to the level Lambda core, where i just gave up. The cheap spawning of alien grunts right behind you, in narrow corridors with no possible cover, or them waiting around every corner to sap your HEV suit in a second. These levels are just cheaply designed, forcing you to save and load over and over again until you get lucky. (Alien grunts are probably one of the most annoying enemies in video game history. Bullet sponges with homing hive hands, that you cannot out run. They just feel cheap and not fun to fight.) The part where you have to jump though different numbered portals is where i gave up. Choose the wrong portal and the game instakills you by droping you to your death. There is 0 skill involved in these later levels, (atleast while playing on hard) just cheap death over and over again until you memorize where every stupid alien is/gets teleported to. It is a chore to play and i have zero interest and patience to actualy finish this cheap, terribly designed ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of ♥♥♥♥. So yeah, it was a very good game in 1998, but today its just not fun at all. Cheap levels, cheap enemies, cheap AI. Dont play this game on hard, because it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blows.
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Showing 1-15 of 149 comments
Marselle Apr 12 @ 8:14am 
Damn that's crazy
Massive skill issue
Most of the "hype" is from when it was new. And for that time, the hype was well-earned.

Personally, I STILL find the multiplayer team-deathmatch very fun.

As far as single player goes, it's kind of a do-once thing at this point, before playing the later single player sequels, etc.
Last edited by [WL] Weasel Ⓢ (Probably AFK); Apr 12 @ 2:21pm
Your first mistake was trying the hard difficulty, ahah. It's done in the common way of adding health to enemies. Good enough for those that realllly want a difficult game, not good for anyone else
Cat Apr 12 @ 10:13pm 
tldr - i suck so game bad, dont play.

revmb51 Apr 13 @ 3:45am 
Wait...are we actually talking about the overall "quality" of a game that made in the late 90's? Wtf? That's gotta be a joke. Cuz you know I think Pitfall on the Atari 2600 really didn't hold up well 42 years later and frankly I am disappointed in the Dev's for not supporting it through the lean years. They really Jumped the Shark on that one.
Originally posted by revmb51:
Wait...are we actually talking about the overall "quality" of a game that made in the late 90's? Wtf? That's gotta be a joke. Cuz you know I think Pitfall on the Atari 2600 really didn't hold up well 42 years later and frankly I am disappointed in the Dev's for not supporting it through the lean years. They really Jumped the Shark on that one.
^ that, is the correct answer.
well, teleport gripe bit is legitimate
Eternal Apr 16 @ 4:16pm 
womp womp
Daniel Apr 17 @ 6:43pm 
Games back then had to be hard/cryptic due to lack of volume. Today you have the silver platter casual games because they can fall back on dozens of gigs of optional content.
I'd rather play Half Life for the millionth time than play today's bloated 100+ GB games that have nothing to other except the graphics
Originally posted by coffeemm8:
I'd rather play Half Life for the millionth time than play today's bloated 100+ GB games that have nothing to other except the graphics
You mean offer? Also, I'm with you.
just get good L
Dudes just mad
I'm pretty sure your Younger self remembers it the other way around (coughcheatscough)
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