Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose

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Choosing to load all servers vs friends/ history only
Players should be able to choose "friends" or "history" tab on server list before having to be forced to load all servers. This would save time when selecting servers- servers can take upwards of a minute to load up, just to have to reload the server list when clicking "friends" or "history" tab. PLEASE!
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SEVEN 11. mai kl. 16.54 
I agree the match making decisions for this game just seems as an after thought. Seems like all they would need to do it give the player some options of what they do or do not wish to see when it comes to match making and allow the player to save the match making options.
pr0x 11. mai kl. 17.46 
That's a very reasonable feature to have that totally makes sense, so don't expect Team17 to even think about it.
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Dato lagt ut: 11. mai kl. 16.44
Innlegg: 2