Airport CEO

Airport CEO

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Demongornot Jul 16, 2019 @ 12:53pm
Some suggestions
I just bought the game and even though I haven't passed the grass runway and General Aviation phase yet, I already love it !
Here are some suggestions I want to make :

-The fast forward to the next day should be later than 4, when still having general aviation at the beginning, they don't land until 6, this would be great to be able to select a warp to x time.

-Also providing we have proper lightning, general aviation can still land at night, this is rare but still happen, in which case they are in IFR, why not having an upgrade with ILS which enable night flights of GA ? Except for the J3 Cub of course which don't have ILS instruments. Also as weather affecting operations will be (is ?) a thing, ILS could be used for allowing flights when the weather require IFR approach conditions, and some contract could be unlocked as some company may prefer that.

-General Aviation aircrafts are generally light aircraft and they don't need a fuel truck the same way they don't need a pushback, the small airport (aerodromes) often have a fuel service station like cars have and they use it instead.

-I haven't reached this level yet so they may be implemented and I just ignore that, but some service trucks like deicing and Ground Power Unit (the trailer version and upgradable parking lot which it included), the Air Start Unit, also the water and sanitary and catering trucks, firefighters (and accidents events) and even the Follow Me car which can be inplemented as a gameplay mechanic, some random aircraft if we have multiples taxiways could be slow to taxi (new pilot discovering the airport layout) and the Follow Me car would prevent that.

-Talking about Taxiway, GA aircrafts use the whole 600m of the runway to land, while in reality many GA aircrafts easily stop way before that, having multiples taxiway exits in the middle of the runway should actually allow smaller aircrafts to exit the runway before the end. A certain value per aircraft within a margins (where the aircraft will randomly land within said margin) could be nice, PAPI lights could be used to reduce maximum landing length as it help for better approach, which mean less wasted runway compared to visual approach without PAPI.
ILS could also double that, and the angled taxiway entry/exit should be considered as high speed taxiway as they are in real life and allow aircrafts to leave the runway even earlier.

-Pilots (and their passengers) of General Aviation could use small shops and restaurants too, when the airport is far enough from city it make sense in real life, but having a small shop/restaurants in game could be a nice early source of profits.

-Having hangars could make our early airport (aerodrome) to able to be part of an aeroclub where we could buy our own General Aviation aircrafts and members would pay to use them (At least this is how it work in France), and members of the aeroclub who have their own aircrafts in general have their plane staying permanently and use hangars too.

-It would be nice to have private jets too landing, staying for some time (paying parking fee) and leaving as general aviation do, but they are medium aircraft size and don't require Terminal, using flight tracking websites/app I quite often see private aircrafts, this would make small restaurants, shop and hangars having even more senses.

-Any aircrafts other than small should require Asphalt or concrete to land, taxi and park.

-We should be able to select at which percentage the fuel depot refueling, aircrafts stand and runway repair occur.

-Information windows (aircrafts, vehicles, stands etc) should stay on screen rather than goes dip at the bottom when the camera is further north than the object, and having a pinning option would be nice too.

-Copying, both pressing the copy button and clicking on any buildable object should select it to build it like the Color Picker in MS Paint, also selecting a layout (taxiway and stands for example) should be possible and have a copy/paste feature.

-Possibility to select multiples objects of the same type at once (Taxiway entrance/exit, runways, stands) and change their options at once will be nice, when placing multiples aircrafts stand its not pleasant to have to repeat enabling aircrafts types and turning it on.

-Tower control "should" have optional service road access (the small one have parking lots).

-I can't put fuel tanks to my Small Fuel Depot, I guess they only attach to the medium one, but this isn't said anywhere, I am sure it confuse a lot of new players.

-Indications (and requirement if there isn't any yet) for minimum taxiway width depending on aircraft size would be nice.

-Electricity and water bill.

-Cargo aircrafts, in real life it mostly depend on the location, for example if you look at flight tracking websites/app you'll have chances to see cargo aircraft going to and from Hawaii, while writing this I saw an UPS and a Fedex near Hawaii and an Amazon Air flying toward it (though this is prime day and it influence that) and some few others here and then, there are quite a few at Hong Kong for example, this could add a whole new gameplay layer with Cargo Terminal and some logistic gameplay.

-Could be nice to have Premium and VIP services for First and Business class, which would add things to the Terminal and could allow for certain juicy contract with company who have more premium services.

-Helicopter and helipads !

Here are my suggestions so far, I hope it will help !
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
RamblinRick Jul 16, 2019 @ 3:20pm 
I recommend you make your suggestions on the official website, not here:
Demongornot Jul 23, 2019 @ 1:25pm 
Thanks, I did it here :
I added a lot of things to it.
RamblinRick Jul 23, 2019 @ 2:41pm 
That's nice. That will not generate any action from the devs, although it might get comments from the community.
djfick1957 Jul 25, 2019 @ 4:54pm 
hi Stoner, just wondering, is the site you mentioned above only to report bug problems to the devs, or can suggestions be made there also, i was just thinking today of where to make a suggestion about weather climate conditions in the game, ie southern states in USA have hotter temps than the northern states do, thanks
Demongornot Jul 25, 2019 @ 7:43pm 
Yes, you can, this is their forum, so you have various sections, one for bugs, another for suggestion and several others.
dilipnam Jul 30, 2019 @ 6:18pm 
how do you save games ?? my previous saved game of 125 hrs vanished when i loaded fresh steam and logged in with same id
dilipnam Jul 30, 2019 @ 6:19pm 
very disappointing
RamblinRick Jul 31, 2019 @ 2:24am 
Is it in: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Apoapsis Studios\Airport CEO\Saves
Replace USER with your user name on your computer
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Date Posted: Jul 16, 2019 @ 12:53pm
Posts: 8