My Time at Portia

My Time at Portia

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LightFootLee Jul 19, 2017 @ 6:47am
Any Chance of Getting this into Early Access?
this is one of the very few games i would pay for in Early Access. Any chance of that happening? [please say yes :-) ]
Last edited by LightFootLee; Jul 19, 2017 @ 6:48am
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Grimmvolt Jul 19, 2017 @ 6:50am 
They plan on it going into Early Access, later this year I think.

We're looking to put a couple more builds out in the future before we hit Early Access on Steam late this year. We're aiming to finalize the game in April 2018 for PC and have it release on the PS4 and maybe Switch in June of 2018.
zede05  [developer] Jul 19, 2017 @ 6:50am 
Yes, we're aiming to release on EA during October. We'll have 5 or more areas open by then and 20+ hours of gameplay.
LightFootLee Jul 19, 2017 @ 7:05am 
Originally posted by zede05:
Yes, we're aiming to release on EA during October. We'll have 5 or more areas open by then and 20+ hours of gameplay.
Thats awsome I cant wait
LightFootLee Jul 20, 2017 @ 12:38am 
I just has a thought aboout EA. Personally the smoothest EA i've ever seen on Steam was done by Subnautica. What I meen by that is, beacuse of the quality and frequency of the updates while in EA, the game never really felt like an EA title; sure there were some bugs still but there are fully released games that have bugs, [looking @ you Mass Effect Andromida which is a game I LOVE but WOW it was rough for a while.] Anyway, if your still with me then here is my point; Your Demo doesn't really feel like a demo, would it be possible when you do release the game to EA that you do something similiar to the afore mentioned Subnautica release? [which BTW is one of the games i bought in EA, for the record]
Last edited by LightFootLee; Jul 20, 2017 @ 12:43am
zede05  [developer] Jul 20, 2017 @ 12:46am 
Regarding EA, when we enter EA, it'll be around Alpha 4.5. From that point on, we plan to do at least 1 major update per month, with smaller ones spaced in between. We'll try to make each version as bug-free as possible.
LightFootLee Jul 20, 2017 @ 12:53am 
Originally posted by LightFootLee:
Personally the smoothest EA i've ever seen on Steam was done by Subnautica. What I meen by that is, beacuse of the quality and frequency of the updates while in EA, the game never really felt like an EA title.
What I ment is there are some games out there in EA that just don't cut it, [Winds of Trade.] the updates were not useful or often; and what they did release did nothiing to help the game IMO. it might be different now, but based on what i saw they had a very long way to go before they were ready for release even in EA. That game should have stayed in DEV way longer. It was so bad IMO that even when the full game is released, the only way I would play it is if i got it for free; probably not even then TBO.
Last edited by LightFootLee; Jul 20, 2017 @ 12:56am
AinsWorth Jul 22, 2017 @ 7:40pm 
Originally posted by zede05:
Yes, we're aiming to release on EA during October. We'll have 5 or more areas open by then and 20+ hours of gameplay.

I.. Will.. Be.. BUYING!
Auxile Jul 22, 2017 @ 11:53pm 
Originally posted by zede05:
Regarding EA, when we enter EA, it'll be around Alpha 4.5. From that point on, we plan to do at least 1 major update per month, with smaller ones spaced in between. We'll try to make each version as bug-free as possible.

Please include Arlo as datable thanks! haha
LightFootLee Jul 23, 2017 @ 7:40am 
Originally posted by auxile:
Originally posted by zede05:
Regarding EA, when we enter EA, it'll be around Alpha 4.5. From that point on, we plan to do at least 1 major update per month, with smaller ones spaced in between. We'll try to make each version as bug-free as possible.

Will we be able to play any other version leading up to EA at all
Lauro Jul 23, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
Originally posted by zede05:
Regarding EA, when we enter EA, it'll be around Alpha 4.5. From that point on, we plan to do at least 1 major update per month, with smaller ones spaced in between. We'll try to make each version as bug-free as possible.

Thanks cant wait for EA
zede05  [developer] Jul 24, 2017 @ 12:22am 
Yes, there will be another build out in a week or so.
LightFootLee Jul 24, 2017 @ 3:15am 
Originally posted by zede05:
Yes, there will be another build out in a week or so.
thats awsome #HYPE
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Date Posted: Jul 19, 2017 @ 6:47am
Posts: 12