Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

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Cious 6 MAR 2014 a las 6:28 p. m.
Stuck on progression
Hello. So on my progression path im in the middle of Throne Room and Mistymire. I can complete Throne Room very easily with my stats but I know that I don't have the required/suggested stats for Misty. But, my problem is now is that Throne Room is barely giving me armor that is actually useful. I've been doing Throne Room for what seems like ages, but no luck so far. And all the Misty builds that I've seen all require somewhat over 2000 stats. And only a few of my characters have all stats NEAR 2000. My other characters only break 1 stat that has 2000 and the other important stats are high 1000s. So, any tips? Other than buying gear.
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Mostrando 1-6 de 6 comentarios
Nick The Guy Who Misses 6 MAR 2014 a las 7:16 p. m. 
what difficulty are u doing? imo insane throne room is arround the same as hard mysty and mysty still has a higher drop rate

and if you are going for igher stats do a map for mana and tehn go to afk shops and buy capping myths
Cious 6 MAR 2014 a las 7:40 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Nickdigger106:
what difficulty are u doing? imo insane throne room is arround the same as hard mysty and mysty still has a higher drop rate

and if you are going for igher stats do a map for mana and tehn go to afk shops and buy capping myths
I'm doing NMHC Throne Room and its pretty easy more me. So, you're saying Misty on Hard HC is better?

And I've been shopping previously and I'm not in the mood for buying again. Obtaining mana isn't a problem for me. It's armor.
Brayce 7 MAR 2014 a las 2:39 p. m. 
You could do lab assault inhc for some easy gear. Its really easy to beat with a drill and a jester.
pew pew pew 9 MAR 2014 a las 10:26 p. m. 
Check out my guide if you also got a summoner, pretty sure the build will work for less than 2k :)
Frankenstein 11 MAR 2014 a las 1:39 p. m. 
You don't need 2k stats for misty. A good build (Summoner and EV are a must to make it real easy) and you can do it with 1k stats. Beat it on NM without HC, makes the boss fight easier. You can then play NMHC survival anyways.

Akatiti insane HC is surprisingly manageable with 1k stats (check the guides for decent build ideas), as long as you have a tanky barbarian. The reward weapons can boost you considerably.

Alternatively: King's Game Insane HC (campaign) rewards nice weapons as well, and Aquanos on insane (survival) gives you access to seahorses, which are probably stat wise and damage wise the best pets available to you at your current stat level.

Brayce's idea with lab assault would work as well. If you feel like you're really hitting a brick wall, try something completely different, just to keep having fun with the game.
Qwerty 13 MAR 2014 a las 2:04 p. m. 
you can do mist with 1 to 2k, lab assault, and NM box farming is a easy way to get gear
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Publicado el: 6 MAR 2014 a las 6:28 p. m.
Mensajes: 6