They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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Clearing space on the game map and bridges over water
I'd really like some way to clear space on the map somehow. Like, all those useless single or double ore nodes blocking your ability to construct any kind of building. Would be nice to be able to remove them at a cost, but the consequence would be that they are lost forever, so if you choose to clear a patch of iron ore you think you wont need, so you can expand your defense, you might screw yourself later when you lack iron.
Also, how about an even later stage of building where youd be able to construct an advanced sawmill inside a forest?
Or at least just some way to clear a forest, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to cut down some trees when we can build mechs with gatling guns.

Or all the games where the map would actually have been decent if I could have just built a bridge across that lake right up against my command center, just to get a small amount of building space.

Or buildings for fishing in open water or mining quarries for mining the mountains.

Ofc there needs to be a balance, but it would be nice to have some way to use the landscape rather than just having it take up a lot of space and too may times putting you at a huge disadvantage.

This game is great, I've lost sooo many times by now, but I keep trying and coming back even though I just wasted my whole day on nothing but getting destroyed by the hordes in the end.
Just wish we had more options to use and/or alter the map, so the seed wouldnt be the only thing making a win impossible.
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Beiträge 112 von 12
i like those ideas, also stone pathing ! for creating routs for soldiers, they can provide a guideline for a gfroup of soldiers having to travel far but not going into uncharted teritory and they should walk faster on the path, this would help moving groups of snipers around for sure
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Pre55ure; 1. Jan. 2018 um 10:00
I like this idea. A fdew maps have a lot of water that you can do nothing with besides making choke points. This would be cool to make your own islands with x amount of wood or something.
Damale 1. Jan. 2018 um 10:15 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Pre55ure:
i like those ideas, also stone pathing ! for creating routs for soldiers, they can provide a guideline for a gfroup of soldiers having to travel far but not going into uncharted teritory and they should walk faster on the path, this would help moving groups of snipers around for sure

Sweet idea. Not to have them move faster or anything, but so that they would choose the path rather than going any other route even if the path is up to 2 times as far as their default pathfinding route.
Damale 1. Jan. 2018 um 10:17 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Goodbye Net Neutrality:
I like this idea. A fdew maps have a lot of water that you can do nothing with besides making choke points. This would be cool to make your own islands with x amount of wood or something.

Didnt consider islands, but being able to use the water in any kind of way would be great as some maps have huge amounts of it. I had a map with water up against my command center with an infected town on the other side. If I could have just gotten some turrets up at the waterfront to shoot the building and then build a bridge to the other side, prime real estate right there.
Yeah, building roads would be sweet and give us a way to redeploy our troops around the colony/base more quickly. It also might encourage extending limited infrastructure (at least roads, plus maybe some walls and towers) into "hot zones" so that your skirmishing/clearing units can get to and from the field more quickly.

I'd also be fine with just treating resource nodes for iron and stone like regular terrain insofar as building requirements are concerned. Then you could just build right over smaller nodes that aren't worth harvesting, leaving you with less janky defenses and more orderly settlements.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Damale:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Pre55ure:
i like those ideas, also stone pathing ! for creating routs for soldiers, they can provide a guideline for a gfroup of soldiers having to travel far but not going into uncharted teritory and they should walk faster on the path, this would help moving groups of snipers around for sure

Sweet idea. Not to have them move faster or anything, but so that they would choose the path rather than going any other route even if the path is up to 2 times as far as their default pathfinding route.

yeh a number of times ive sent a group on a misiion to find them 2 mins later wading through zombies...... but i kinda like the idea of a path that speeds up movement too, maybe an upgrade to a path where soldiers can walk faster
sounds good
Damale 1. Jan. 2018 um 10:50 
On a different idea, I would also like to see single use traps like minefields and explosive barrels.
Minefields would be automatic and more expensive where as minefields would require you to target them with a soldier of any kind, turrets wouldnt be able to target these either.
Would cost oil and iron to produce, but would be able to take out a nice chunk of zombies. They would be most useful for the small chokepoints where you cant setup a lot of defenses, but where the horde ends up getting cramped in a small area.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Damale:
On a different idea, I would also like to see single use traps like minefields and explosive barrels.
Minefields would be automatic and more expensive whereas minefields would require you to target them with a soldier of any kind, turrets wouldn't be able to target these either.
Would cost oil and iron to produce, but would be able to take out a nice chunk of zombies. They would be most useful for the small chokepoints where you cant setup a lot of defenses, but where the horde ends up getting cramped in a small area.
I like it. It would also be a way to more productively use excess resources beyond the iffy exchange rates from the marketplace.

Also, I've seen this suggestion in other threads, but I'd love for there to be upgrades available for your HQ. Maybe the first tier would be a basic fortification that gives it more HP, then a more advanced fortification that makes it looks more like a command center than a mansion, and perhaps a final tier could make it so that you can garrison it with soldiers or even add small auto-gun turrets (like mini-ballistae or executors). Doing so should probably be fairly expensive, but it would be a nice change since it's often impossible to hollow-out the inside of your base and replace it with defenses unless you're okay with wrecking your economy.
i agree with this. i would like some ability to manipulate the terrain, albeit some sort of late game tech. the early game struggle with the terrain is very fun
Damale 1. Jan. 2018 um 11:36 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von istari101:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Damale:
On a different idea, I would also like to see single use traps like minefields and explosive barrels.
Minefields would be automatic and more expensive whereas minefields would require you to target them with a soldier of any kind, turrets wouldn't be able to target these either.
Would cost oil and iron to produce, but would be able to take out a nice chunk of zombies. They would be most useful for the small chokepoints where you cant setup a lot of defenses, but where the horde ends up getting cramped in a small area.
I like it. It would also be a way to more productively use excess resources beyond the iffy exchange rates from the marketplace.

Also, I've seen this suggestion in other threads, but I'd love for there to be upgrades available for your HQ. Maybe the first tier would be a basic fortification that gives it more HP, then a more advanced fortification that makes it looks more like a command center than a mansion, and perhaps a final tier could make it so that you can garrison it with soldiers or even add small auto-gun turrets (like mini-ballistae or executors). Doing so should probably be fairly expensive, but it would be a nice change since it's often impossible to hollow-out the inside of your base and replace it with defenses unless you're okay with wrecking your economy.

Its a nice side income, but yes, I'd prefer having my excess go boom rather than getting shiny.

And I agree there should be more tiers for most of the building, the building aspect feels very shallow. I really dont understand why there isnt an upgrade for the sawmill either, last game I found myself lacking wood from making power plants, so for the first time my stone and iron was booming despite power plants, but my wood was shrinking (pun intended).

And that HQ upgrade to squeeze out that last stand where you nearly made it and make it a narrow victory instead.
Damale 1. Jan. 2018 um 11:37 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Zyklon B.eastmode:
i agree with this. i would like some ability to manipulate the terrain, albeit some sort of late game tech. the early game struggle with the terrain is very fun

Agreed, was my thought on it. Having a fourth tech stage to produce resources from those terrains. Maybe some longer plays would be needed to actually get there, since it seems like a fourth stage would be impossible on shorter days.
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Geschrieben am: 1. Jan. 2018 um 9:25
Beiträge: 12