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Rokvach  [desarrollador] 15 SEP 2020 a las 7:02
Unstable V1.6.9.0 - New PvP modes (Deathmatch, King of the hull), improved alien ruins, improved outposts, 3 new husks, Save backups
Hello testers!

Find the changelog for the most recent unstable version below.

Please read the testing instructions in the How to get and use the unstable test version post.

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Changelog (v1.6.9.0)
Changes and additions: - Added the ability to load saves from back-up save slots, rather than just one save slot per campaign (allows going back further into the past, to avoid getting stuck). - Disabled portable item finders working outside of the player subs. The intention is that they can't be used as a map of unknown places. Can be adjusted in xml for modding. - Monster AI (modding): Added support for multiple targeting tags per target (e.g. an item having two different tags that a monster can target with different targeting params: the guardians now use this when targeting traps: they can either hide in them or flee to them for the repairs). - Monster AI (modding): Added support for multiple targeting params with the same tag. Currently not used in the vanilla game. - New storage modules, with 4 new events (providing extra loot and some potential challenges) Alien ruins: - Additional loot spawning to large chests and chests marked as treasure, making exploring ruins more worthwhile and especially expands the ability to pick up (unidentified) genes along the way. - Alien turrets deal significantly more damage. - Alien generators indicate more clearly when they're enabled or disabled (adjusted the lights). - Alien current generators show more clearly (with bubbles) that they're enabled, pushing the player back. - New alien module: workshop. Introduces repair pods where guardians can hide in. Fixes: - Beer bottles are no longer shown as suitable treatment for infections. - Fractal guardians don't try to enter repair pods occupied by someone else. - Fixed fractal guardian 2 not targeting the repair pods. - Fixed property conditionals targeting item components always requiring a match for all of the components of the same type, instead of any of them. Can be adjusted in the xml. - Fixed trigger components not working with status effects targeting "this" (= the component itself). Only the position (for e.g. particles and sounds) was affected. - Fixed hiding limbs (in code or xml) now hiding it for all the characters of the same species, instead of just one character. Affected at least the fractal guardians. - Fixed monsters set not to target outposts not being able to target items/structures of ruins in the sub editor test mode. Happened because in the test mode the ruins are technically outposts. - Fixed monsters ignoring handheld sonar beacons that are inside a sub. - Fixed husks not being able to retaliate if fractal guardians attack them. - Fixed the waypoint generator no longer(?) working properly with all the ruin modules. - Fixed ruin modules not being considered ruin in the sub editor test game mode (causing a ton of issues, especially with the AI). - Fixed monsters spawned via console commands being added to Team1 by default, which should be the player team. Made spawned fractal guardians think they could break through the ruin doors, if they didn't have access to it. Most likely have caused some other implications too. - Fixed NPCChangeTeamAction crashing the game if the target doesn't have a character info (= it's a monster or a pet). Fixes (unstable only): - Fixed error when downloading (custom) subs from server. - Several fixes and polishing to the smaller PvP outpost (Kattenberg). - Fixed husks reacting to gun shots etc when playing dead. They should only react to characters that get close to them and when being attacked. Attacking them have 50% chance to trigger reactions.

Changelog (v1.6.8.0)
- New, smaller outpost for the outpost deathmatch mode.

Changelog (v1.6.7.0)
Unstable only: - Fixed gravity shells not working indoors. - Disallow respawns during the first minute of the round. Otherwise it can be that bots are spawned to "fill" the spots of players who are taking a long time to load in. - Fixed mid-round joining clients always getting assigned to the Separatists in PvP. - Mindwipe item is functional now (can be used to reset talents). - Fixed background walls of the ruin in at the end of the campaign being rendered in front of the wrecks' background walls. - Miscellaneous fixes and improvements to the PvP outpost. - Fixed constant skill gain notifications in MP. - Readded old alien generator, alien turret and alien terminal as legacy items to prevent breaking existing ruins and subs. - Fixed multitool hold angle, disallowed stacking and made it possible to fabricate higher-quality versions of it. Alien ruins: - New three-part event chain that takes part in research outposts, and progresses when ruin missions are completed. Detonator changes: - Detonators now get damaged by explosions and always have a 0.2 second delay before triggering - Made the Detonator item craftable, and added a timed detonator variant that can be set to explode with a 0-60 countdown. Changes and additions: - Some new stair variants. Fixes: - Fixed mineral scanners working without power. - Fixed security officers starting to consider everyone in the outpost as "belonging to another crew" after they've been alerted in a jailbreak mission, causing them to do constant security inspections on each other. Modding: - Increased the shadow casting light limit to 100 in the sub editor (can still be bypassed by enabling the "debugdraw" command). - Made hostile abandoned outpost NPCs able to react offensively to the player even if the mission takes places in a friendly outpost (i.e. assassination/rescue missions can take place elsewhere than abandoned outposts without the hostile NPCs fleeing from the players). - Made it possible for a CustomInterface to periodically refresh the UI to match the properties of the item (e.g. if there's some timer field, to get the value of the timer from the item).Configured with the attribute "GetValueInterval". Previously it was only possible to make the UI control the values of the properties or send signals, but not the other way around.

Changelog (v1.6.6.0)
Unstable only: - Fixed beacon station often not generating in the first end level. - Miscellaneous fixes to the new outpost modules (mainly sprite depth, lighting and other visual fixes). - Fixed separatist outfits being available in coalition outposts. - Made tainted genetic material debuffs less severe - Removed the 10% quality removal penalty for genetic materials, now there's no penalty for equip/removing genetic material. Alien ruins: - New modules: shrine, research facility, current quarters. Husks: - Three new husk variants: Prowler, Exosuit and Chimera. - Improved the appendages (ovipositors) coming from the husks mouths. - There's a chance corpses in wrecks are husks. - Husks can play dead. PvP changes: - Added "boarding pod", an item you can go inside and launch through a depth charge tube. The pod penetrates through submarine walls, allowing rapid boarding of enemy subs. - Added railgun and coilgun harpoons. Can be used to reel enemy subs and other large targets closer to your sub. - More options for controlling the team assignment logic in the PvP mode: - Split team choice logic into two modes: Player Preference (the old behavior) and the new Player Choice mode (players are free to choose the team). - Add a server setting for auto-balance threshold (how big of a difference there can be in the team sizes before the server forces them to be rebalanced). - Option to send chat messages to your team only in the server lobby. Only works when Player Choice mode is enabled (because in the Player Preference mode the teams aren't known in the lobby yet). - 3 new background music tracks for the outpost deathmatch mode. - Option to select the outpost in the outpost deathmatch mission type (or any modded mission type that's supports selecting the outpost). Gene system adjustments: - Changed the husk immunity genes to instead slow down the infection at lower quality to make higher quality husk genes actually worth getting. - Mudraptor gene quality affects the damage and the damage protection of the beak. - Spineling gene quality affects the damage done by the spineling spikes. Changes and additions: - Added two new modules: bath house and night club. - Clown crates can be carried with a character inside. - Jukeboxes play music, the track can be changed by interacting with the jukebox. Also added new "speaker" items that work the same as jukeboxes. - 7 new achivements (hidden until the update goes out, but they're already possible to unlock): - Get Out Alive: get through the entirety of the Cold Caverns without losing your character in permadeath mode. - The Abyss Beckons: lose a character in the permadeath mode. - King of the Hull: win a PvP King of the Hull mission. - Hide And Seek: kill a Cave Mantis. - Ancient Novelty: destroy an alien terminal using alien curio. - What Smirks Below: kill a psychoclown on a beacon station. - Europa's Finest: complete a campaign in ironman mode in multiplayer! - Cultist robes require less reputation to buy, Zealot robes more. - Zealot robes no longer block transformation. Full husk transformation immunity was a too powerful effect, which made husk genes and husk symbiosis much less valuable. Talent changes and fixes: - Reworked Europabrew to be more of a double-edged sword: it's a cheap cure for any poison, but it also increases ALL types of damage taken (works on monsters too!), not just acid damage - Sulphuric Acid Syringe recipe changed and renamed to Crimson Acid. Now causes a very significant slow and much more damage over a longer duration. - "Macrodosing" talent had acid burn damage boost removed, but increased the amount of poison applied, making it much easier to poison big enemies. - "What A Stench" talent had acid burn damage bonuses reduced, to allow acid burn weapons to be stronger even for those without these specific talents. - Buffed "Modular Repairs" talent: repair pack is now a "multitool", essentially a combination of a screwdriver and wrench which repairs slightly faster, and is no longer consumed when used. The talent also gives one free "Modular Repairs" submarine upgrade. - Differentiated the "Art of Submarine Warfare" book given by talents from the one you can purchase from outposts (different names and sprites). Previously these looked identical, and it seemed like a bug when they didn't stack and gave a different amount of skill. - Fixed "War Stories" book seemingly giving no skill increase sometimes. The amount of skill the book gives is proportional to the number of kills the "author" of the book got, and diminishes the higher the reader's skill is. That meant the book sometimes increased the skill by less than 1 (only making it progress toward the next level), which didn't cause a skill increase notification to pop up. - Fixed 'Bounty Hunter' and 'Logistics Expert' not showing the additional reward in UI in multiplayer. Fixes: - Fixed an issue in the medic AI that made them often use suboptimal medicine when there were better options available. The issue happened when the medic didn't have the meds readily available: when they started searching for the sub for suitable meds, they would accept any of the 4 most suitable ones even if there were more suitable options available. - Medic bots no longer use saline to treat infections. Saline has such a minor effect on infections that the bots could end up wasting huge amounts of it. - Fixed "mission equality check failed" error when you join an ongoing campaign in which the players have selected missions in an outpost, but not departed yet. - Fixed escort and cargo missions still sometimes leading to locations with no outpost. Now these missions should not be offered if there's no adjacent outposts. - Fixed sonar marker sometimes disappearing in one of the levels at the end of the campaign if the player stays too long in the level. - Fixed dropping a melee weapon mid-swing leaving it's hit detection active, causing characters to take damage if they touch it afterwards. Modding: - Made beacon events more modding-friendly: previously which beacon events were allowed to trigger was based on which layers are present in the beacons, but this was not a good idea because it breaks the events in all existing beacon mods (which for the most part don't use layers). Now trigger based on what kind of spawnpoints there are available in the beacon station. - Add support for targeting only items and for specifying multiple target types in the attack definitions. Or in other words, a monster attack can be configured to work against both characters and items. - Support for defining characters "the normal way" (using human prefabs, as opposed to the "character types") in pirate missions. - Support for applying status effects on the pirates in pirate missions.

Changelog (v1.6.5.0)
Unstable only: - Added kill and death counters to the PvP mode. Shown in the tab menu and the round summary. - Added turrets to defend the spawnpoints against the enemy team in the PvP outpost. - Added some security cameras to the PvP outpost (with a surveillance center from which the teams can monitor their side of the outpost). - Every job spawns with a revolver and 6 rounds in PvP. - Fixed dragging an item that can be placed into multiple slots (like the riot shield, which can go either in the hand slots or the bag slot) to your hotbar placing it into all of those slots. - Fixes to the "teleportcharacter" console command: - Fixed no more being able to teleport characters using an index. - Fixed no longer being possible to omit the location argument. - Fixes some combinations of arguments not working. For example "teleport cursor" should teleport the controlled character to the cursor position, just like simple "teleport". - Typing invalid location arguments should now (in most cases) throw a more informative error, instead of the generic "invalid arguments", which is used as a fallback for cases where it's not clear what type the argument was supposed to be. - Fixed almost all text fields in the sub editor being restricted to 20 characters. - Fixed mist particles from acid grenades poking through walls. - Fixed mist particles making loud noises when they hit walls or floors. Changes and additions: - Updated alien ruin modules: new puzzles and traps, improvements to old puzzles, visual improvements. Still WIP, feedback on the new modules is much appreciated! - New events related to alien ruins. - Made the water ambience sounds inside the sub a little more quiet. - Adjusted the low pass filter that muffles audio that's coming from far away or from behind obstacles: the sounds are now muffled more heavily. - Made the ping estimations in the server list more accurate. They are still not perfect, because due to the way SteamP2P works (with the connection potentially getting relayed through Valve's intermediary servers), it can be hard to determine the ping in advance without actually connecting to the server. Fixes: - Fixed escorted NPCs getting turned hostile by the negative side-effects of medicine way too easily. - Fixed some faction events getting stuck when you choose the "ignore" option in the dialog. - Fixed wrecked coilgun loader still using the old sprite (that doesn't look like the normal loader). - Fixed lower docking port not being connected to the power grid in Camel, Orca 2, R-29 and Remora. - Fixed chitin being damageable. - Fixed beacon stations being often positioned in a different spot in mirrored levels (e.g. it might be near the outpost at the end of the level, but if enter that outpost and return to the level, it might be near the other end of the level). - Handheld item finders no longer work in ruins, wrecks and outposts (makes it too easy to locate loot - they were originally intended just for finding items on your own sub). - Fixed "access denied" console errors when you attempt to open a restricted folder in the file selection dialog (e.g. when selecting a preview image in the sub editor). Now folders you don't have access to open a hidden from the menu. Modding: - Fixed toggling layers not working in outpost modules. - Fixed contained items not getting hidden when the layer the parent item is in gets hidden.

Changelog (v1.6.4.0)
Unstable only: - Fixes and improvements to the PvP outpost. - Made the separatist uniforms more visually distinct between classes. - Fixed spawnpoints getting linked to each other when copied by ctrl-dragging in the editor. - Fixes to respawning in PvP (still most likely pretty bugged): - Separate respawn shuttles for both teams in the King of the Hull mission. - Fixed bot respawns. Previously we would respawn every bot corpse, meaning if the same bot died multiple times before the old corpses despawn, the bot would get duplicated. - Fixed mid-round joining clients not getting assigned a team. Unstable only: - Made the separatist uniforms more visually distinct between classes. - Fixed spawnpoints getting linked to each other when copied by ctrl-dragging in the editor. Alien ruin improvements (WIP, modules haven't been updated yet): - Made walls and doors much harder to destroy to encourage getting past the puzzles and obstacles in other ways. - Added weaker version of the ruin walls, to be used in specific spots in the ruins. - Alien power cells can be charged in alien generators. - Most alien devices are now destructible. - Alien terminals have been reworked to send out a signal when there's a trinket inside: can be used for creating puzzles that require keeping the trinket in the terminal, meaning you can't just reuse the same trinket for every terminal but need to think about where to place it at any given time. - Improvements to alien device sprites. - New alien devices: alien assembly device, alien storage vat, alien current generator, alien toxins generator. - New decorative alien structures. Changes and additions: - Added a new docking module. - Adjusted railgun shells and depth charges to show the 'explosives' icon. Other items can still be placed into them, but most don't actually do anything. This should help players to understand it's mainly intended for explosives. - Adjusted the names and descriptions of turret ammunition, to be more clear (and more easily searchable) on what turret they're used with. - New "casual" playstyle banner. Fixes: - Fixed "lock default wiring" server setting locking components in all circuit boxes (even ones placed mid-round). - Fixed the radio component of headset not working on characters spawned via console command. - Fixed outpost NPCs being unable to sit in cafeteria chairs (literally unplayable). Modding: - Added OnInserted and OnRemoved action types, which can be used in Containable definitions to trigger a status effect when something is placed into or removed from a container. - Fixed Sprite elements in wearables being case-sensitive. - Fixed SpawnAction sometimes choosing spawnpoints in the abyss, ruins or caves when set to spawn at the MainPath. - Fixed items not being positioned/rotated correctly when contained inside a "grandparent container" (item inside a container inside a container). - Added "researchmaterial" tag to items containable in a research station. Doesn't affect any vanilla content, but allows modders to make research stations usable for things other than genetic materials. Also allow putting medium and small items into the output slots.

Changelog (v1.6.3.0)
Unstable only: - Fixes to separatist uniform icons. - Fixed crashing when opening the submarine tab in of the tab menu in outpost deathmatch mode. - New outpost for the outpost deathmatch mode. Still WIP, but should be mostly playable. Feedback on the outpost would be much appreciated: is the layout fair and balanced? Are there some particularly problematic spots, areas that are too easy to camp in or otherwise abuse? Changes and additions: - New "gravity shell" ammo types for railgun and flak cannon. Fabricated from dementonite. - New "mindsense" item that temporarily gives you the ability to sense living characters through walls. Fabricated from dementonite. - New "bath house" module. - Circuit boxes can be set to require a specific ID card tag to access. - The docking circuit boxes in vanilla subs require captain's ID card to access. Gene splicing: - Various changes to gene splicing to make it easier to refine genes, swap between different types of genes at will, and to make tainted genes more useful (rather than something that's essentially "permanently ruined"): - Removing genetic materials from a splicer degrades the material instead of destroying it. - Combining genes can remove taints if one gene is 100% pure. - Dying with genetic materials on taints the material. - Refining two genes will now use the average of both qualities instead of the higher one - meaning that using higher-quality genes for refining is more effective than low-quality genes. AI: - Fixed bots recharging fulgurium shells as soon as they're below 100% condition. Fixes: - Fixed "extra powder" talent not affecting depth charges. - Fixed weapons skill gain and medical skill gain from certain talents working the wrong way around. - Fixed lights sometimes going through doors. Modding: - Option to make TriggerComponents trigger based on a species name, species group or a conditional.

Changelog (v1.6.2.0)
PVP overhaul, WIP: - Please note that the PvP overhaul is still very much a work in progress. The new mission types should be somewhat playable regardless. Respawning is somewhat broken at the moment though: midround-spawning players don't get properly assigned to a team, and both teams spawn in the same respawn shuttle in the "king of the hull" mission (or, without a suit in the potentially flooded sub if respawn shuttles are disabled). - Added outpost deathmatch mission type. Teams spawn at different sides of a colony, and need to get x kills to win (configured using a slider in the server lobby). There's periodical weapon/ammo drops around the outpost. The ammo drops spawn more destructive weapons and ammo as the round progresses. - Added "king of the hull" mission type. The teams must stay in control of a beacon station for x seconds to win (configured using a slider in the server lobby). - Separatists spawn with different gear in the PvP mode to make it easier to differentiate between the teams. The actual gear is still mostly unimplemented, at the moment only some of the classes have generic separatist gear. - New settings for the PvP mode: multiplier for stuns, option to disable monster and wreck spawns. Fixes: - Fixed dropped items sometimes seemingly disappearing client-side in multiplayer (most often, cargo scooters around ruins). - Fixed inability to select containers that make you automatically pick up the item inside (e.g. weapon holders and fire extinguisher brackets) in the sub editor. - Fixed "tasty target" still making characters super loud (and visible on the sonar). - Fixed occasional "invalid wallet" errors when finishing the campaign with talents that give extra money at the end of the round. - Fixed rescuing Jacov Subra still not changing the abandoned outpost back to normal. - Fixed characters losing skills and items if they die due to a disconnection, and then despawn before the end of the round. - Fixed loading an autosave in the submarine editor not refreshing the list of layers in the sub. - Disabled drop item hotkey in editors. It seems this is frequently bound to keys that are used in editors too, leading to e.g. people dropping screwdrivers around the sub when they're trying to toggle the entity list. - Fixed outdated skill requirements in some weapon tooltips (Autoshotgun, HMG and Machine Pistol). Changes and additions: - One-handed riot shields (to make them actually useful!). - Added "surveillance center" item which can be connected to multiple cameras, which can be toggled through with buttons on the UI. There's an example item assembly showing how to connect the center to multiple cameras using the new output selector components. - Output selector component (the technical term is "demultiplexer"). A component that has one input connection, and multiple output connections, and allows you to choose which of the output to send the input signal to. - Input selector component (the technical term is "multiplexer"). A component that has multiple input connections, and one output connection, and allows you to choose which of the input signals should be forwarded to the output. - Flamers can set characters on fire. - Made the sound effects and camera shake a lot more noticeable when approaching crush depth. - Option to make circuit boxes require a specific ID card to access. - Monsters can now see and target searchlights. - Fixed crew list order shuffling around whenever characters are added or removed in MP. Performance: - Optimized the way afflictions apply overlays to limbs (had an unnecessarily large performance impact when there were lots of characters with a large number of afflictions). - Minor optimization to the way items in a characters' inventory stick to the position of the character. - Minor UI optimizations. - Improved performance when debugdraw is enabled. AI: - Bots are now able to change the fuel rods on exosuits. - Fixed bots being too eager to use welding tools and plasma cutters as weapons. - Defense bots are now much better at navigating inside the sub, and they can open doors and use ladders. - Fixed defense bots always being friendly to all humans, regardless of the team. - Defense bots can now be told to unfollow by interacting with "E" (play). You can also tell someone else's defense bot to follow you. - Defense bots show a green light when they are following a target. Modding: - "HUDOverlay" element which can be used to show a full-screen overlay on any arbitrary item the view is focused on. Used on cameras. - Fixed there being no guarantee that there's a suitable start outpost in the first biome, especially when using mods that add a lot of new location types. - Fixed removing an item with multiple inventories using status effects only removing the items inside its first inventory. - Fixed MissionStateAction always incrementing the state by 1 when set to "Add", disregarding the value set in XML. - Fixed delayed effects not filtering the targets properly (ignoring e.g. TargetIdentifiers and TargetItemComponent). - Fixed character variants overriding the targeting parameters of the parent character incorrectly. - Mission types are no longer hard-coded.The name of the XML element determines the actual mission class used by the game, but the mission type can be any arbitrary string. Can be used if you let's say wanted to add special types of salvage missions, and categorize them separately in the menus. - Fixed NPCs losing the reference to the HumanPrefab if they're hired in the crew and a new round started. Didn't cause any issues in the vanilla game, but made it impossible to refer to the NPC using the human prefab id in events. - Non-humanoids can now use ladders, if they have both "CanInteract" and "CanClimb" enabled in the character params.
Última edición por Rokvach; 20 SEP a las 6:49
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Mostrando 1-15 de 289 comentarios
Zaxabock 18 DIC 2020 a las 9:24 
Wohoo!! Awesome :D
Dbat 15 ENE 2021 a las 7:25 
Benzin 22 ENE 2021 a las 22:28 
Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Rokvach  [desarrollador] 11 MAY 2021 a las 5:54 
New Unstable build released, updated post to include v0.1400.0.0 changelog.
Lance Patchwork 11 MAY 2021 a las 8:16 
Ohhhhh pirate and escort, also cargo and orders persistance, and bug fix and and.... thats a ton of nice stuff!.
Bozhdynsky 11 MAY 2021 a las 9:12 
Very nice, now the Berlilia is a true transport ship.
Última edición por Bozhdynsky; 11 MAY 2021 a las 9:14
Zothen 12 MAY 2021 a las 14:04 
Amazing! Keep up the great work!
Bozhdynsky 12 MAY 2021 a las 14:40 
Pirate mission. The spawn of a pirate ship should be revised. I tried the mission 3 times and when You hit them with guns or depth charge they sink to the abbyss and there is no way of catching them and finishing the mission. Their spawn should be over any solid terrain.
Grek 16 MAY 2021 a las 1:06 
Made it possible to carry diving suits and toolbelts in hands. We could use some feedback on the way this works: is it intuitive, should there be a separate key for picking them up...

Now its pain in ass. Suits should be oin hands only if suit already equipped:

No suit player clicking on suit->wears it->clicking on second-> taking it
Rokvach  [desarrollador] 20 MAY 2021 a las 6:07 
New Unstable build released, updated post to include v0.1400.1.0 changelog.
Rokvach  [desarrollador] 28 MAY 2021 a las 5:05 
New Unstable build released, updated post to include v0.1400.2.0 changelog.
sintri 29 MAY 2021 a las 0:05 
How does this weapon mount switching work with loaders, do connected loaders automatically swap as well? If so, what happens when multiple weapons are connected to the same loader?
A Spoon 29 MAY 2021 a las 0:49 
Publicado originalmente por sintri:
How does this weapon mount switching work with loaders, do connected loaders automatically swap as well? If so, what happens when multiple weapons are connected to the same loader?
The loader does swap yes but when connected to multiple loaders I have no idea
Rokvach  [desarrollador] 2 JUN 2021 a las 6:43 
New Unstable build released, updated post to include v0.1400.3.0 changelog.
Rokvach  [desarrollador] 9 JUN 2021 a las 7:13 
New Unstable build released, updated post to include v0.14.4.0 changelog.
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