Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition

Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition

NULL Oct 22, 2013 @ 1:38pm
Ok, the computer cheats
It´s not a matter of knowing how to play or not, it´s just a matter of looking at the game log, the computer gets +4 80% of the time, and the human player is more likely to get 1, 2, or 3.

It´s almost as frustrating as the total war series in the hardest difficulty mode... 0 AI but tons of cheats...
Last edited by NULL; Oct 22, 2013 @ 1:38pm
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Showing 1-15 of 75 comments
Crim Oct 22, 2013 @ 2:16pm 
Its all about the luck streams, There is a program called BBManager that can record and tell you all the dice rolls that happened in the game. So far I have realized that very often games are based on streaks, - One game I have more low rolls and the computer has more high rolls -- Next I have more high rolls and the computer has more low rolls
kinti1dm Oct 22, 2013 @ 3:31pm 
you can also follow along with the dice rolls by your chat bar.
Hedless Oct 23, 2013 @ 10:04pm 
I'm on this, its ridiculous with Wood Elves consistently getting by 4-5 tackle zones in one turn and never hitting a critical failure of their own.
Red Bat Oct 24, 2013 @ 9:29am 
The computer actually doesn't cheat ingame, but it does cheat in between games. Other than having higher level players right from the start, the computer can replace level 3-4 characters with other level 3-4 characters between games.

Ingame though, the computer is... Terrible. There really isn't a difference in dice rolls. The computer plays by the exact same rules you do once you are ingame. However the AI is completely idiotic. They can't use certain skills like Leap, they use Minotaurs as running backs, they don't prioritize their actions properly, they don't make good use of their rerolls, they "Go For It" much much more than a human player should, they cage up as teams that really shouldn't be relying on caging tactics, and they don't seem to have a very good grasp of calculating odds of rolling dice for multiple actions at once (like attempting to dodge past an entire team).

Because of all that, it really isn't all that uncommon for me to kill or injure enough players on the enemy team that they can barely cover the line of scrimage after a kickoff. I've actually had a few games where the computer had only 5 players left uninjured at the end because the computer places their players in such bad positions.
runequester Oct 26, 2013 @ 2:23pm 
PLenty of people have crunched the numbers. It doesn't cheat in a match.

Humans are /terrible/ at understanding probabilities and statistics though :) We all fall prey to it
NULL Oct 26, 2013 @ 3:04pm 
Originally posted by runequester:
PLenty of people have crunched the numbers. It doesn't cheat in a match.

Humans are /terrible/ at understanding probabilities and statistics though :) We all fall prey to it

After playing 3 matches, tried 4 fouls in total, and got 4 doubles, one for each foul I tried.

Try to explain this with probabilities and statistics... and this is just one example.

(Obviously, I'm still waiting to see the computer getting a double when it tries a foul)
Last edited by NULL; Oct 26, 2013 @ 3:08pm
runequester Oct 26, 2013 @ 3:09pm 
"unlikely" doesn't mean it can't happen. We just have selective memories. The match I just played earlier saw plenty of amazons failing their dodge rolls throughout the match.

(and the chance of rolling doubles 4 times in a row, is 1 in 1296 FYI. Unlikely, but that doesn't mean it can't happen)

From another post, I made on the exact topic.

Here's a few things at play:

1: We expect patterns. Flip a coin 10 times. Turned up heads 10 in a row? It's common to assume that "Im on a streak" or "it's got to be tails this time" (game shows and casinos basically rely on that feeling), but the next coin flip is still exactly 50/50.

2: We remember the crazy situations and forget the normal. We don't flinch when a 3+ roll works, because we expect it to. But when we blow a 2+ catch, we cry foul because it "should have worked"

3: The AI is dumb and will try crazy things. Sometimes those crazy things will work. This triggers our suspicion that something is wrong, because a human wouldn't have tried it. But the AI also blows its turn often, trying a stupid move.

4: Dice average out, over a long interval. If I roll 1200 times, I'd expect to get somewhere near 200 of each result. But if I wrote all 1200 rolls in one long line, and then took a random block of 10 numbers from the middle, that block may have five 6's in it.

5: The more dice rolled, the bigger the chaos factor. Let's say that every 5 or 6 dice rolls has a 1 or 2% chance of something completely crazy happening.
How many dice are rolled i na blood bowl game? Probably 200. How many games do you play in a week ?
NULL Oct 26, 2013 @ 3:30pm 
Sure, unlikely events can happen. The problem here is that unlikely bad events usually happens to the player, and unlikely good events usually happens to the computer.
And most important: Those things do not happen when playing against another human player.

So it´s not a problem of "selective memory".
Last edited by NULL; Oct 26, 2013 @ 3:30pm
runequester Oct 26, 2013 @ 3:53pm 
Seriously. go hit up google. People have crunched the numbers for hundreds of games played.
Xcorps Nov 5, 2013 @ 4:32pm 
Even if it did cheat, it does a terribad job of it. It's not uncommon to wipe the field entirely of opposing players or run up a 5-0 score.
Red Bat Nov 5, 2013 @ 5:32pm 
Originally posted by Jimaral:
Sure, unlikely events can happen. The problem here is that unlikely bad events usually happens to the player, and unlikely good events usually happens to the computer.
And most important: Those things do not happen when playing against another human player.

So it´s not a problem of "selective memory".
You are imagining it. You just can't see the die rolls the computer makes, but they roll snake eyes just as much as you do.

The computer is so brain-dead easy to beat that in about 100 matches I've played vs it, I've only lost about 3, and all 3 of those matches were as a Vampire team. There are actually mods that are designed to make the computer play better, but how well they work is debatable.

If anything, the game is mostly stacked against the computer in the actual match, as they can't properly make use of certain skills, can't prioritze actions in a sensible order sometimes, and seem quite lacking in figuring out the probability of failure for actions that would require multiple dice rolls (like dodging past 3 player's tackle zones). Simply put, the computer will frequently make mistakes that no sane player with a good grasp of the rules would ever make.

Quit whining about you having a few bad dice rolls. Either you are just imagining it, or you are taking too many risks and not prioritizing your actions properly. If its so bad, just get 1 more reroll than you would otherwise get.
NULL Nov 6, 2013 @ 1:58pm 
Originally posted by Grilleds:
Originally posted by Jimaral:
Sure, unlikely events can happen. The problem here is that unlikely bad events usually happens to the player, and unlikely good events usually happens to the computer.
And most important: Those things do not happen when playing against another human player.

So it´s not a problem of "selective memory".
You are imagining it. You just can't see the die rolls the computer makes, but they roll snake eyes just as much as you do.

The computer is so brain-dead easy to beat that in about 100 matches I've played vs it, I've only lost about 3, and all 3 of those matches were as a Vampire team. There are actually mods that are designed to make the computer play better, but how well they work is debatable.

If anything, the game is mostly stacked against the computer in the actual match, as they can't properly make use of certain skills, can't prioritze actions in a sensible order sometimes, and seem quite lacking in figuring out the probability of failure for actions that would require multiple dice rolls (like dodging past 3 player's tackle zones). Simply put, the computer will frequently make mistakes that no sane player with a good grasp of the rules would ever make.

Quit whining about you having a few bad dice rolls. Either you are just imagining it, or you are taking too many risks and not prioritizing your actions properly. If its so bad, just get 1 more reroll than you would otherwise get.

I have played against human players, and guess what?, my luck suddenly changes.

So quit coming here to give lessons, you don´t seem to be capable of it.
Last edited by NULL; Nov 6, 2013 @ 2:01pm
runequester Nov 6, 2013 @ 7:11pm 
No, it didn't. Again, people have observed this and crunched the math for many hundreds of games as well as dived through the game code.

Blood bowl cheats in the same way that your PC dispenses honey. That is, not at all.
Xcorps Nov 6, 2013 @ 7:35pm 
Sure, unlikely events can happen. The problem here is that unlikely bad events usually happens to the player, and unlikely good events usually happens to the computer.
And most important: Those things do not happen when playing against another human player.

So it´s not a problem of "selective memory".
That's simply not true. Watch what's going on with the AI. It does GFI (go for it)far too often, and it fails quite often. The AI does a better job than new players building block dice, so it seems to come out with better results because the new player doesn't really know how to manage risk. If you do a 1 die block at the beginning of a turn with a Black Orc against an Elven lineman with block and get a turnover, you begin to think that somethings going on when on the next turn a single blitzer downs your Black Orc, but it's simple management, not luck. The AI fails throw player, throw, interceptions, breaking out of tackle zones without dodge, and any number of other low success events just as often as the player, more often really because a risk concious player doesn't take the risks that the AI does, and will not take them if needed until the end of the turn instead of the first move.

It's perception.
Karhumies Nov 7, 2013 @ 11:57am 
Also, you should go to

Extras & Settings
-> Options
-> Log background minimal opacity, adjust the setting to the max towards the right

This will make all the d6 rolls the computer makes (including the rolls your players make, AI player rolls, as well as human opponent rolls) visible. In-game, you will now see a text box in lower left corner of the screen. The chat bubble icon will show the chat log. The other icon will show the game actions log, which displays die roll results and a lot of modifier information. Following this after pretty much every action will help you a lot to stay on track of what the hell is actually going on in terms of die rolls and game mechanics.

When you see die rolls, there is less "gut feeling" involved; and more obervation of what actually happens in the game.
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