Minos Strategos

Minos Strategos

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Undo command?
I looked around, but it doesn't seem discussed.

Is there an undo command? The game being so deterministic, if there isn't one I think it'd benefit from it, as sometimes the interface can be a bit misleading (I thought a couple of times that I had activated the "play an additional card" power, only to discover I didn't, and ended up discarding the card I wanted to play. The game never ends nicely when this happens).
Dernière modification de Namekujisennin; 10 févr. 2017 à 0h17
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 4 sur 4
BrickRoadDX  [dév.] 10 févr. 2017 à 6h18 
Right click undoes most actions. Unfortunately, discard is not one of the undo-able things, because it ends your turn. Maybe I should make the discard X's more prominent...
I am laughing at myself, because the right click was so natural, I wasn't noticing it when doing it!
BrickRoadDX  [dév.] 10 févr. 2017 à 13h20 
Heh, well the next person who comes along will see your thread and gain sweet, sweet KNOWLEDGE.
Right click doesn't really undo much in this game, unlike in say Axes & Acres
Most annoying is when you start to play a card, then realize you are not in the right position for this card, but you are stuck with it anyway, say with the River Styx card for example
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