Dota 2
Is Silencer better to be built as a support or semi-carry?
There are good points for both. Support silencer scales well into the late game with last word and his ulti. However, he works well as a carry as he deals very good pure damage with his glaives and his innate int steal, similar to pudge.
Also, what is a good item build for a carry silencer?
Editat ultima dată de Mantis; 24 oct. 2013 la 12:12
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top (Interzis) 24 oct. 2013 la 12:10 
A+ 24 oct. 2013 la 12:11 
carry silencer is better
Semi support. Only carry, if you dont have true carries in your team.
My favourite hero :D

I usually always play him as a semi-carry. He's kind of an odd hero IMO, there are better supports and there are better carries, but as a situational hero he can really have a great impact on the game as both, depending on the other team. That ulti is brilliant.

So, going carry I usually focus on speed. Threads, Orchid of Malevolence (helps with mana regen too, a problem especially in the early game). There's nothing more frustrating than knowing that you could have 'E'ed someone but didn't have enough mana. Forcestaff is also good for both roles, and gives him int stats.

Building something like a Sheepstick for the late game will give him a disable and a lot of extra damage. Rod of Atos is also a good item, money for worth IMO, and that slow...unlike Diffusal it doesn't have any charges.
Editat ultima dată de CryHavoc&LetSlipTheCreepsOfWar; 24 oct. 2013 la 12:16
Mantis 24 oct. 2013 la 12:20 
Thanks for that. Would a diffusal work on him as a great mana burn? You could have great mana burn early game with his Q and also his auto attack.
I am trying to learn how to play him.
Diffusal doesn't stack with his Glaives, both being Unique Attack Modifiers. I would go for Rod of Atos instead, for the survivability and + 20 int stats.
Mantis 24 oct. 2013 la 12:37 
I can agree with atos, that 25 int is very good with the slow. I suspected that his glaives were UAMs, but I was holding out hope.
.... 24 oct. 2013 la 12:46 
I Think hes a good support hero quite honeslty, single target silence and a great team fight initiation skill (global silence).

Glaives just seem to match up well with his passive because most good support items give you a decent amount of intelligence.

(Force staff, Euls, Guinsos (luxury) etc.) So he has a shot at being a semi-carry or being played as a full carry if your team composition needs it but I still lean towards support and being an annoying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ during the laning phase (Curse of the silent).
̣ 24 oct. 2013 la 13:04 
He has no stuns or slows.
Semi carry silencer is better
Yes, you definitely want to spam Curse of the Silent as much as possible.

It seems to me that since Silencer isn't amongst the most popular played heroes, most people don't know how to deal with him, especially in the laning phase. He totally dominates a lane, especially against heroes that have mana intensive lvl 1 spells.
Editat ultima dată de CryHavoc&LetSlipTheCreepsOfWar; 24 oct. 2013 la 13:06
Carry-like for sure
Mantis 24 oct. 2013 la 13:29 
I just played my first game with him. He is SO GOOD. The damage from glaives is good even at level 8-11 with 2 null talismans, 2 oblivion staffs for the orchid and treads. Also, going last word is very fun to screw with the enemies last hitting.
Postat inițial de DeadlyDuck15:
I just played my first game with him. He is SO GOOD. The damage from glaives is good even at level 8-11 with 2 null talismans, 2 oblivion staffs for the orchid and treads. Also, going last word is very fun to screw with the enemies last hitting.

Try silencing them with the Orchid while casting Last Word, they will be disarmed as well. :happymeat:

Huskar, Drow, Sniper etc don't stand a chance.
Editat ultima dată de CryHavoc&LetSlipTheCreepsOfWar; 24 oct. 2013 la 13:31
Mantis 24 oct. 2013 la 13:32 
Yeah, I am in low level pubs so people generally don't dispel the last word before the timer runs out. I get more disarms than I do just silences lol.

Well then, perfect. :gmod::gmod:

A clear case of not knowing your enemy will cause you to loose the battle :P
Editat ultima dată de CryHavoc&LetSlipTheCreepsOfWar; 24 oct. 2013 la 18:40
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