Dota 2
dogtier Feb 24, 2024 @ 7:22am
Mega Creeps Still Mean Nothing

its not that hard to understand really, I asked for mega creep scaling more than a year ago and its still a joke.

So many games are just a total campfest in late game. The creep advantage you get from so called megas is negligible.

Many reasons for that are below, and you haven't adjusted creep strength to counteract all the hero buffs

- Tier 5 neutrals
- The game now having shards
- Many items are now stackable upgrades, bloodthorn, diffusal etc
- All the bonuses from level 25-30
- Many supports can take down mega creep waves easily
- Many supports can now be hybrid carries

The solution is pretty simple. Increase creep strength by 25% for every 10 minutes that passes once megas are spawned.

The other viable solution is to introduce ' ultra creeps' 15 minutes after megas are spawned, that have double the stats of megas. To be honest Id rather the first solution.

The game has changed, and as a result, megas need to change to keep up

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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Roshans banner gives a large buff to creeps.
dogtier Apr 19, 2024 @ 6:03am 
The banner needs to be invulnerable, and last for 15 minutes. Each time theres a additional banner, it should add +10% to creep strength. Please implement, creeps need to brought up to a level that reflects all the massive buffs to heroes and items as listed in my opening post. This is dota, not tower wars
Last edited by dogtier; Apr 19, 2024 @ 6:09am
I'd like it if the buff could be permanent but lower or give a longer buff. It really doesn't seem to make a difference. It either cleared away and doesn‘t matter. Hell, make it iinvisible so it's not instantly destroyed
dogtier Apr 29, 2024 @ 7:43am 
Yes the devs haven't thought this through at all. Having a banner that can be destroyed means a team will use it more reliably defensively, i.e promoting camping which is the inverse of the intended mechanic. But it seems they dont listen to the community anymore which is why the dev forums were closed

Id still rather that this wasn't tied to rosh because the agis, cheese etc are already enormous advantages. It shouldve just been a flat buff to all mega creeps
Last edited by dogtier; Apr 29, 2024 @ 7:49am
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Date Posted: Feb 24, 2024 @ 7:22am
Posts: 4