Dota 2
my first time saying "LET ME BUY THE WARDS MYSELF"
like seriously ppl, you cant just buy and place it wherever you like and say "im a good support". every wards have a meaning. you dont want to be supp with no items or your ward not spotting any enemy, i wonder how many of you ever searching "pro dazzle, pro lion, pro witch doctor". yes they arnt flashy in some games they even didnt have any kill. but please learn them properly, they are the reason your carry dominating other mid-late game

#weekend with casuals
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กำลังแสดง 1-10 จาก 10 ความเห็น
While obviously you want effective wards, this is a stupid and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ post. I mean as a carry you CAN almost 100% of the time spare the 120 gold it takes to buy two wards. Your support is likely placing them where they feel safe doing so, if you want deeper wards or more aggressive wards you have to enable that by making movements with your team into the areas of the map the enemy controls.

If you watch a pro game the carries are willing to give up some time out of their busy creep hitting schedule to smoke with the team, which enables them to get objectives, kills, and wards up. Map control is a team effort, not the burden of the support alone.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย QuestionMark:
every wards have a meaning. you dont want to be supp with no items or your ward not spotting any enemy

Even if a ward spots nobody its still useful. At the very least you know that the warded are where nobody can be seen is safe to farm
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย 3215 movement speed:
simply answered: no

because people cant last hit and 50 last hits in 20 minutes is a thing, that not everyone can do

so spending gold on wards, would mean they have to last hit better and more which is impossible for them
Okay, but if you suck at farming to that degree you shouldn't blame the support when you lose.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย RAN OFF ON DA PLUG 2ICE:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย QuestionMark:
every wards have a meaning. you dont want to be supp with no items or your ward not spotting any enemy

Even if a ward spots nobody its still useful. At the very least you know that the warded are where nobody can be seen is safe to farm
Rune wards stop being useful sometime around the 20 minute mark.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sky Marshall Sanders; 29 เม.ย. 2016 @ 6: 47pm
ah i forgot that i said this at mid-late, when i pretty much got my core and looking for luxury. but i cant farm anywhere safe. i just want to say that even supporting is a serious bussiness, important as any other role. we won at the end
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย zzzzzzzzzzz; 29 เม.ย. 2016 @ 6: 47pm
@ran off they like focusing in one spot too much, yes my words choice isnt right. sometimes you dont need full vision in an area, just a few here and few there. as long as you know the big picture of situation right now
As a support I hate it when other players place wards. According to how the game is going I always have a schematic in my head concerning the ward placements. And when some trash carry or wannabe self proclaimed ganker just buys MY wards and place then in a random place that is not optimal...I freak out. It bothers me sooo much. Your a carry stick to your trash last hitting, and leave the damn wards for me. The worst is the ganker who buys a ward and throws it in the enemy forest, not realizing that even though he can go to their forest. That is not where the next fight will be as we are being pushed...then our carry gets jumped in our forest as he did not have a ward to see the gank inc...and I freak out grab the table and try to calm myself by telling me what a trash place LP is. The worst offenders are the Pudge players. The just randomly steal MY wards and constantly place them in strange places to set up a hook kill. Then they proceed to miss that hook, and im yet again grabbing the table. In this meta supports get so much gold that they will always have money for wards. If you do not know how to ward, just leave them to the support. If you do know how to ward, thank you. But I do grab the table more than I thank players.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย OH NO, it's him again!:
As a support I hate it when other players place wards. According to how the game is going I always have a schematic in my head concerning the ward placements. And when some trash carry or wannabe self proclaimed ganker just buys MY wards and place then in a random place that is not optimal...I freak out. It bothers me sooo much. Your a carry stick to your trash last hitting, and leave the damn wards for me. The worst is the ganker who buys a ward and throws it in the enemy forest, not realizing that even though he can go to their forest. That is not where the next fight will be as we are being pushed...then our carry gets jumped in our forest as he did not have a ward to see the gank inc...and I freak out grab the table and try to calm myself by telling me what a trash place LP is. The worst offenders are the Pudge players. The just randomly steal MY wards and constantly place them in strange places to set up a hook kill. Then they proceed to miss that hook, and im yet again grabbing the table. In this meta supports get so much gold that they will always have money for wards. If you do not know how to ward, just leave them to the support. If you do know how to ward, thank you. But I do grab the table more than I thank players.
I normally just buy the wards and give them to supports to ward because I know ♥♥♥♥ about warding.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย OH NO, it's him again!:
As a support I hate it when other players place wards. According to how the game is going I always have a schematic in my head concerning the ward placements. And when some trash carry or wannabe self proclaimed ganker just buys MY wards and place then in a random place that is not optimal...I freak out. It bothers me sooo much. Your a carry stick to your trash last hitting, and leave the damn wards for me. The worst is the ganker who buys a ward and throws it in the enemy forest, not realizing that even though he can go to their forest. That is not where the next fight will be as we are being pushed...then our carry gets jumped in our forest as he did not have a ward to see the gank inc...and I freak out grab the table and try to calm myself by telling me what a trash place LP is. The worst offenders are the Pudge players. The just randomly steal MY wards and constantly place them in strange places to set up a hook kill. Then they proceed to miss that hook, and im yet again grabbing the table. In this meta supports get so much gold that they will always have money for wards. If you do not know how to ward, just leave them to the support. If you do know how to ward, thank you. But I do grab the table more than I thank players.
I buy wards because if I'm going to be pushing out a side lane I can't count on my autistic support to have taken that into account with his prearranged ward workflow descision sheet. Please stop getting #triggered when someone decides they need to have vision in a specific area to do their job. BTW if your carry is getting jumped in you own woods when you have vision of the enemy woods and lanes pushed out, then he should have used the minimap we all got issued at ♥♥♥♥♥♥ camp and deduced that the people that he could not see were probably in your woods, since that's where the vision wasn't.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sky Marshall Sanders; 29 เม.ย. 2016 @ 7: 30pm
Wait...... are people actually complaining about teammates buying wards and using them "wrongly"? What is this, 4k MMR?

Frankly, as a support player, unless if I'm swimming in gold for some reason, I'm grateful enough if someone else on my team actually bothers to make sure the ward stock isn't completely full all the time (especially if said teammate is playing a very mobile hero like NP). I haven't really noticed anyone on my team placing wards in really questionable spots, so I don't have much to complain about that.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย The 'Veteran' Professor:
Wait...... are people actually complaining about teammates buying wards and using them "wrongly"? What is this, 4k MMR?

I mean you can get vision that doesn't help much, but the solution to that is simple: buy the damn ward yourself. If you aren't six slotted it is only 60 gold, for a core that's like 10 seconds or less of income.

Personally I buy wards on cores relatively often, I'll buy my own ward for mid in a lot of games (literally always if they have a mid pudge). I'll buy my own wards for the jungle as the safelane carry, and I'll buy wards for the enemy jungle if I'm going to be pushing out the sidelanes. I leave it up to the rest of the team to ward rosh or around an objective we are taking, but I'm more than happy to spend like the cost of an old tp scroll to have complete security in farming or whatever.
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กำลังแสดง 1-10 จาก 10 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 29 เม.ย. 2016 @ 6: 01pm
โพสต์: 10