Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5

Huyio4 May 1, 2023 @ 1:42pm
Alberta-FFF0BDC0 error.
In short, I went through the prologue with the first island, having received a network game. Saved, saw that at the bottom of the menu there is a "+" to add another player.

It's been 4-5 days. Yesterday I start the game, waiting for how I will have fun with a friend, and I see that the "+" has disappeared, as well as the banner that says "Welcome to Fat cry 5!"
Well, I thought everything was fine, but when I try to enter the "P" group, it gives an error "Alberta-FFF0BDC0". Okay, a friend invites me, the same "Alberta-FFF0BDC0". I'm trying to send him an invite via "shift + f2", but I can't even invite him there. There is simply no plastic over the gamepad, and there is no "invite to multiplayer" option in "...".

I searched YouTube, it's empty. Climbed on an Internet, found a guide from the developers with 7 step's. In the end, nothing helped, still "Alberta-FFF0BDC0"

Please help anyone who can solve it.
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Were you ever able to fix this. Me and a friend are having the same issue. Thanks
RMJ May 11 @ 9:59am 
Countless replays coop with friends, It is not the game! #1 issue = ever so bad security blocking - I never use any! Most modern routers have a 2nd useless firewall, disable it.
Silly apps running in the back ground are known to cause conflicts- I allow none!
BAZ May 12 @ 1:41pm 
User error....you just blocked the game to use the internet or something blocks it your custom anti virus maybe your Av uses custom firewall not the default Windows one maybe you messed around things....
Firewall in your router i never had that maybe you have it (I always disable it cuz meh)
Open ports for the game you need if your ISP blocks your connection
By default game works without issues.
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