KARDS - Карточная игра о Второй мировой войне

KARDS - Карточная игра о Второй мировой войне

 Тема закреплена. Скорее всего, здесь есть важная информация.
Join the KARDS Discord
Join the Discord people.


I have seen thread after thread of people complaining about everything. From hackers, Pay2Win, Op cards, bugs, new player help, on and on.

The discord is where the vast majority of players hang out. These forums are quite useless and the whole forum should just be a banner with the discord link.

On discord we will help with decks, talk about mechanics that some dont understand, report hackers, etc.

The devs are active there and will ban hackers if you post screenshots with proof. I did it this weekend.

I just started playing this game about a month ago. I got the welcome bundle and the TOW bundle and am FM with all nations for this month.

You do not need a ton of cards to do well. Ask for help in discord or PM me and I will point you in the right direction.

If you want to just yell into the Steam void then by all means continue to post threads but if you want the devs to hear you and want actual real help.

join. the. discord.

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Сообщения 11 из 1
Good one! It will be very helpful in every way! :precious: :solar: :goldenegg:
< >
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Дата создания: 25 янв. 2021 г. в 10:28
Сообщений: 1