Cold Waters

Cold Waters

Dot May 18, 2020 @ 3:05pm
Epic Mod v.2.11 for Cold Waters (new playable subs, campaigns and etc.)
Hi all!

New update for Epic Mod [] has been released.

Changes to prior (2.08) version:
- Different languages are now switchable via config.txt. Credit and our sincere thanks for partial English translation goes to Rokvam and Frank G. Thank you guys! Your work made this mod avaliable to english-speaking players (and actually inspired multilanguage feature development)
Gaps, like campaign briefings filled with auto-translated text.
- Measurment system witchable via config.txt.
- Voiceover switchable via installation option. You can choose Russian or English.
- Some other options(with explanation) in config.txt.
- 3 NATO Campaigns (1968NA|1984NA|2002Global)reworked by Epic (still WIP, but playable), again, inspired by Frank G. and Rokvam's work.
- Traversable border on global map. You can go around the world now. (AI can't)
- Surface vessels are automaticly spawns on 0 depth, so they will not be crushed anymore. Added to Quick Mission.
- US awards are back. Medals miniature number no longer limited.
- Some bugfixes and improvements. US subs now has correct towed array position
- Some info about mod is added to ingame help(shift+F1). That info is in blue color, so it is easily recognized.
- Player moved a bit away from enemy right before battle starts. This is tweakable via config.txt

IMORTANT: Campaign saves are not compatible with previous versions! New game is required!

ALSO IMORTANT: After playing Epic Mod or any mod that adds hotkeys (Skwabie's fo example) you will not be able reassign hotkeys if you return to original game. To fix this you have either to delete \AppData\LocalLow\Killerfish Games\Cold Waters\options.txt or delete all lines with new keys from that file.

Link[] to GoogleDisk Epic Mod 2.11

How to install
- Install clean version of Cold Waters 1.15 g (if another version of the mod is already installed, then in EpicMod Install.exe roll back the mod, delete the old MODS folder)
- Unpack the contents of the archive to the game folder next to ColdWaters.exe
- Run EpicMod Install.exe, activate the Main mod
- Additional options are available at will
- Run ColdWaters.exe

Have fun!

P.S. Many thanks to 「M〤」patrosha for initial post about 2.072! In fact I liked your style so much that I shamelessly copied it and formatted new post accordingly :)
Last edited by Dot; May 21, 2020 @ 1:24pm
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Showing 1-15 of 69 comments
Raptor341 May 18, 2020 @ 3:36pm 
Excellent work EpicMod team and Rokvam/Frank G. - Looking forward to trying this out
Frank. G May 18, 2020 @ 4:51pm 
Dive! Dive!
Wwulff May 18, 2020 @ 8:02pm 
I dont play Cold Waters without this mod! Thanks a bunch good sirs. GREAT JOB! :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
Last edited by Wwulff; May 18, 2020 @ 8:03pm
Mr.Gold May 19, 2020 @ 5:05am 
Gave this a go finally and it is awesome! started a playthrough with the Alpha in 1984. First patrol suffered a bit due to the lack of translations in the weapon description but the overall shorter seeker range is a welcome addition and the extra ship models (?!?) are awesome. I plan on taking the kilo and the Oscar for 1984 playthroughs as well.

I also seem to be spawining well separated from the opposing forces which is great.

Engaged a surface fleet and the number of torps on the water is a lot higher which is good and I am not automatically detected when launching. My attack pattern for surface fleets is get 4 or 6 65s loaded and fire them in a spread and GTFO at about 1800 feet.

Then slowly creep back to the surface and regain contacts and see what needs polishing off. The torps are not as reliable to hit as wire guided but their range, speed and huge payload make up for it.

Also had a duel with a Sturgeon... WOW! Boat noise levels seem to be a tad low overall (like a skipjack under 130dB?!?) but it was tense. I never knew exactly where the Sturgeon was and he also didn't know exactly where I was but I think he had a much better clue. then he pinged me with active sonar, fired a spread of torps and moved away. I was able to get him with a spread of 80s but I must say, the difference in passive equipment between american and soviet forces is quite telling. I was very pleasently surprised by it. But i was also very hard to detect which is how it should be. Cmon, the Soviets weren't sleeping on duty. They had very smart and talented people developing these weapon systems.

This reminds me of a story I read about the engagement between an American LA class (iirc) and a Soviet Akula. If you read the American version of the story, the LA class was in position and pinged the Akula to say "I killed you" and the Soviet Submarine was totally caught by surprise.

If you read the Soviet Akula side of the story, they knew that something was out there and when the LA pinged them, they knew where it was and could have fired back.

This tells a completely different story! One is a tale of complete defeat the other is of a defeat (the soviet sub was at a worse position) but defeat while knowing what was happening and probably able to return fire would they have come to blows. That is a huge difference.

This game felt like the story from the soviet side... Well done!

Overall, this mod reminded me of playing Dangerous Waters in the Akula and there is no better compliment I can give.

One question, have you guys tried that other chap's realism mod? It could bring some nice changes (especially in torp reload time and target acquisition time).

Dot May 19, 2020 @ 5:48am 
@Mr.Gold Glad you've liked it) Thanks for reminder: In this version I've added a config option that pushes player some distance away, right before battle starts. And now I see that Epic used it to increace starting distance. Will update patchnote.

What difficulties did you have with weapon descriptions? Description text is mostly flavour and stats fields are translated, so we've decided that it is low priority.

Which mod are you talking about?
Dot May 19, 2020 @ 7:43am 
Originally posted by jaegertier123:
it looks like the "improved Sierra" is missing from the signature table. Run into one at South Africa but could not indentify it.
Confirmed. Sierra-2 is player-only and shouldn't be among enemies in campaign... Guess it is time to make wp_02_ssn_sierra2_ai... )
Thanks for report!
Raptor341 May 19, 2020 @ 9:39am 
The only point I wanted to bring up that Mr. Gold also highlighted was the torpedo reload time seems a bit fast to be realistic. If you go back through the forums both here and on, a compromise time of around 7 min per tube for US Subs and 5 min per tube for Rus subs was used to help simulate the time needed perform the whole reloading operation (firing, clearing the tube, reloading, wiring up, readying, and checklists)
Raptor341 May 19, 2020 @ 9:40am 
If anyone with more direct knowledge in this area could weight in, that would also be valuable. Thankfully, if you want to increase the reload time on your own it is a very simple text edit that will only take you 10 min to do.
Mr.Gold May 19, 2020 @ 10:39am 
Originally posted by Dot:
@Mr.Gold Glad you've liked it) Thanks for reminder: In this version I've added a config option that pushes player some distance away, right before battle starts. And now I see that Epic used it to increace starting distance. Will update patchnote.

What difficulties did you have with weapon descriptions? Description text is mostly flavour and stats fields are translated, so we've decided that it is low priority.

Which mod are you talking about?
gsmith63 mod. I the main forum section.

He changes torpedo reload and boat inertia. It is quite good. Now it takes time to do stuff.
I mean, this mod is very good already. Just a suggestion for somethings to add.

It was mostly that the 80 torpedoes in the 80s are not wire guided. I loaded too many of them. Had to go to port after having a surprise torpedo hit me in the aft so it was all good.

Really enjoying this mod. Oh and the reduced underwater visibility! Perfection!

Going to try a Kilo campaign too. Those boats are awesome. We have to pretend that they installed an AIP system on the diesel boats but other than that they are awesome to play. You clearly see what they are suited for and what they aren't!

But right now really enjoying the Akula experience.

One question though, why is the Akula seemingly without anechoic tile cover? It should have the black rubber colour instead of the metalic finishing no?
Dot May 19, 2020 @ 11:01am 
Dunno about inertia, but iti is possible to change all reload times at once via config.txt (difficulty options)

ahh.. that.. Guess we here just used that the only wire-guided torpedoes are TEST-71 and UGSTs... I've added info if torpedo wire guided, but cant remember if it in this version.
Will try to post sa screenshot:

Dunno about Akula, probably forgot to change or just left it like in original...
Raptor341 May 19, 2020 @ 1:54pm 
Originally posted by Dot:
Dunno about inertia, but iti is possible to change all reload times at once via config.txt (difficulty options)

ahh.. that.. Guess we here just used that the only wire-guided torpedoes are TEST-71 and UGSTs... I've added info if torpedo wire guided, but cant remember if it in this version.
Will try to post sa screenshot:

Dunno about Akula, probably forgot to change or just left it like in original...

Does that setting effect all units (player and AI) or just the player, reference load times? Before I changed them all manually to ensure that both the human and AI controlled units would be effected by the same reload rules. And in case anyone was wondering about the time different between US and RUS reloads, the realism mod in question was trying to simulate the difference between the more common autoloaders found on RUS submarines vs the more manual torpedo reload systems found on US boats.
Badger343rd May 19, 2020 @ 2:17pm 
Could someone here clarify something for me??...I have modded the akulas to have 14 tubes.But I'm not sure what the akula carries in the 6 externals.Is it only decoys?or does it carry its missiles there (ie ssn-16 stallions)as well.And if its only the decoys how are they guided if its the external tube which hasn't any wires?? What size are the external tubes? 533mm or 650mm?? Or is it only for the older decoys that aren't guided?
Dot May 19, 2020 @ 2:43pm 
@Raptor341 Player only. I can add same option for AI if needed.

@Badger343rd External tubes are for decoys. Dont know about decoy guidance.
Last edited by Dot; May 19, 2020 @ 2:44pm
Badger343rd May 19, 2020 @ 4:09pm 
So couldn't they launch a stallion like in this video as well?? My point being it doesn't seem to need anything special,just a little compressed air.
Last edited by Badger343rd; May 19, 2020 @ 4:28pm
Raptor341 May 19, 2020 @ 4:15pm 

Originally posted by Dot:
@Raptor341 Player only. I can add same option for AI if needed.

@Badger343rd External tubes are for decoys. Dont know about decoy guidance.

Would be good to have both
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