Two Point Hospital

Two Point Hospital

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Please fix useless Janitor AI!
Janitors with ghost capture need to CAPTURE GHOSTS!
I had 3 janitors set to just capturing ghosts. That was literally their only job. But whenever a ghost poped up, it would just float around splooging on everything and bothering the invalids while my crack squad of paranormal experts hung around in different parts of the hospital "looking for work"!? There's even a bloody tanoy announcement which just adds insult to injury when the work-shy sods ignore it to stand around staring at their shoes.

They also just let the place fall to ruin in general. They will happily walk past countless broken down vending machines and dead plants to sweep up some sick 3 buildings away. They tend to bunch up, so if something breaks down or catches fire you can't trust them not to let the place burn to the ground while they casually saunter through piles of charred remains to see what all the fuss is about.

I don't know how to fix the ghost problem, that seems like a genuine bug that need a hammer taking to the AI, but what seems like a fix for the other issues is to allow assigning of specific janitors to specific buildings. This would stop them wandering and keep them where they're needed. It would also be nice to have a seperate job assignment for maintaining plants as I shouldn't have to do the rounds clicking on every single one to manually tell the cloth-eared dinks to water them.

It makes no sense in a game where you can set up a perfectly ballanced roster of highly trained medical experts who will work in perfect sync, that you have to micromanage the guys whose job it is is to water plants and sweep up a bit.

(I love this game, but please, these guys are making my head spin.)
Last edited by Incurious Log; Sep 8, 2018 @ 8:58pm
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Do they have the Ghost Catcher skill? I ask because I've had no issue with them catching ghosts. They usually prioritize it over anything else, except manual maintenance and upgrade requests.
jhendriks87 Sep 8, 2018 @ 9:21pm 
This made me laugh way more than i expected. hilarious.
Timmiii Sep 8, 2018 @ 10:25pm 
Amen - Have the same exact issue. Makes me wonder what the devs had in mind
MrFisse Sep 9, 2018 @ 4:27am 
Agreed, though I have had some pretty decent results with 9-10 janitors.
One will be trained to mechanics V
The rest have the speed, energy, ghost and maintainance II training.
Though this will be for late game ofc which still makes the earlier stages a pita
O_o Sep 9, 2018 @ 4:33am 
my experiences so far with them. THEY ARE USELESS if u dont manage them by yourself.
Evilsod Sep 9, 2018 @ 4:50am 
They only ever bother with Ghosts if they happen to be nearby which is frustrating.

However this is absolutely nothing by comparison to how unbelievably retarded the AI is on janitors when fires are concerned.

Janitor told to go repair a machine because its critical, patient gets called in anyway. Welp, may as well stay and watch the fireworks. The janitor standing NEXT to the machine waiting patiently for it to no longer be in use will then stand there like a complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥ panicking and nothing you can do seems to change that. Meanwhile a Janitor HALFWAY ACROSS THE HOSPITAL is sprinting over to put the fire out.

The bug with Pick Up has made it even worse. You can't get them to lose there job assignment allowing you to move a janitor who was already close to do the job so you just have to wait and hope it doesn't explode.
Ashiver Sep 9, 2018 @ 5:11am 
Janitors are not globally aware of ghosts. But they are globally aware (or at least highly aware, massive radius of detection) of the messes ghosts make. So set your ghost capture only janitors to also clean messes. The messes will lead them to the ghosts. Alternatively, have plenty of janitors with most having ghost capture.
Stoicism Sep 9, 2018 @ 5:32am 
One other thing that annoys me about janitors is that it's impossible to make them pick up litter in the staff room. Whenever you drop them there, they assume it's break time.
Mavoc Sep 9, 2018 @ 5:39am 
I have never had an issue with janitors doing their job near instantly. Though I have no plants or vending machines in my hospitals to distract them.
Bagels Sep 9, 2018 @ 6:10am 
Is it to do with the training? Perhaps until they are trained up in certain things then they sometimes ignore stuff? For example a 2 star janitor might just simply be rubbish at their job until trained up?
Last edited by Bagels; Sep 9, 2018 @ 6:15am
Anders Sep 9, 2018 @ 6:13am 
You need a lot more then you think. Plants, toilets, running repairs, restocking, cleaning, bins etc. They doode will tell you if somebody is idle. Hire ontil that messenge. When i got loads they all work and they clear out the walking deads with the quickness.
Evilsod Sep 9, 2018 @ 7:18am 
Urgh right I'm done with Sweaty Palms till they either sort out the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless Janitor AI or fix the Pick Up bug.

During the volcanic eruption I had 4 Janitors running around to extinguish 2 machines and some hot rocks. The one assigned to put the Fluid Accelerator out? The guy the other end of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hospital. He got there just in time for it to explode in his face, nothing I could do other than watch since you can't stop make them change task.
gachi is manly Sep 9, 2018 @ 7:25am 
Originally posted by Evilsod:
Urgh right I'm done with Sweaty Palms till they either sort out the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless Janitor AI or fix the Pick Up bug.

During the volcanic eruption I had 4 Janitors running around to extinguish 2 machines and some hot rocks. The one assigned to put the Fluid Accelerator out? The guy the other end of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hospital. He got there just in time for it to explode in his face, nothing I could do other than watch since you can't stop make them change task.

I also just had a traumatic experience in Sweaty Palms regarding volcanoes and crappy janitor AI...

My X-ray machine caught fire in the eruption. My janitor is standing right outside the room. "Great! He'll be able to save it no problem!" I think to myself.

He proceeds to walk in the room, do the little panic animation, then run out of the room and down the hall... The task of putting out the X-ray switches from him to another janitor who's not even in the building. Just like in your tragic story, the second janitor gets there just in time to have it blow up in his face right before he starts extinguishing it.

Thanks janitors, you guys are great!
Incurious Log Sep 9, 2018 @ 11:16am 
Originally posted by Ashiver:
Janitors are not globally aware of ghosts. But they are globally aware (or at least highly aware, massive radius of detection) of the messes ghosts make. So set your ghost capture only janitors to also clean messes. The messes will lead them to the ghosts. Alternatively, have plenty of janitors with most having ghost capture.

I'll try this out, see if it helps. I'd happily ignor the "You may have too many janitors..." message if they were at least doing their job.
Moro Sep 13, 2018 @ 1:01pm 
Originally posted by Evilsod:
Urgh right I'm done with Sweaty Palms till they either sort out the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless Janitor AI or fix the Pick Up bug.

During the volcanic eruption I had 4 Janitors running around to extinguish 2 machines and some hot rocks. The one assigned to put the Fluid Accelerator out? The guy the other end of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hospital. He got there just in time for it to explode in his face, nothing I could do other than watch since you can't stop make them change task.

im hating this map. i mean i could tolerate the occasional earthquakes from the previous map. thats was fine. then sweaty palms showed up.

sweaty palms is like the worst of everything.
-spamming A/C everywhere (which has to be repaired)
-spamming fire extingquishers like they were gold certs just to make sure you have enough out.
-random seismic activity
-random volcanic eruptions
-machines catching fire or blowing up because everything gets damaged on the entire map

yep... when i am finally done with this one i never want to see it again.
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Date Posted: Sep 8, 2018 @ 8:51pm
Posts: 19