^DreeMax^ Dec 7, 2018 @ 10:20pm
FOV & DOF discussions.
Please post your feedback here.
Originally posted by LevaOpaki:
We are working on offical FOV support and will be available soon and we will add options to disable DOF from options menu (probably next hot fix this week).
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Showing 106-120 of 148 comments
RMOD-Dylan Dec 9, 2018 @ 12:12pm 
7 pages of DoF. Bump to say again -
Just make sure you don't cap this when you implement it at 90. I will make sure I find which setting I want, like others will, without a max cap telling me to enjoy the tunnel vision.
[DRT] Raven Dec 9, 2018 @ 1:02pm 
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by Mikfail:
Reply I was posting elsewhere but the thread was locked by the time I submitted:

Players do not render past the blur line. You can not see players at great distance.

(Old No-DoF pics to enjoy)

This is why I bought SCUM the day of release.

Me Too!
Without this Ugly DoF the Game looks much much better. :)

We play on an private server PvE only !!! No shooting at any Player, only Mechs, Puppets and Wildlife.

We love to wander around an enjoy the beautyfull graphics of the game.

BUT. With DoF the game dont´t look so nice as it could.

We have no "advantage", because we not play PvP. :)
Last edited by [DRT] Raven; Dec 9, 2018 @ 1:13pm
Mikfail Dec 9, 2018 @ 3:12pm 
There is no advantage in PVP without it, If someone truly believes I could see people when taking those pics above, they are sorely mistaken & making assumptions.
meowmeow Dec 9, 2018 @ 3:42pm 
Originally posted by Mikfail:
There is no advantage in PVP without it, If someone truly believes I could see people when taking those pics above, they are sorely mistaken & making assumptions.

Same with fov, because of the stupid pop in mechanics wide fov doesn't allow you to see players any better than narrow.
seven Dec 9, 2018 @ 3:51pm 
Originally posted by _Roidrage:
Originally posted by ^FuN^ DreeMax:
Please post your feedback here.
I'm not sure what people are complaining about honestly DreeMax...

DoF totally makes sense... when you look at an object, your peripherals aren't clear, they are blurry IRL.

Disabling DoF is cheating IMO, because it gives you full clarity in all directions, which is unrealistic if this is a Survival Sim. The people that complain are too used to PUBG. If they only figured out that their mouse pointer is their eyes, and look around the world using that logic... they would stop complaining.

DoF should NOT be an option to disable... however, I'm not sure if it's because of the QUALITY of the DoF, or the fact that people are so used to cheating, that they demand it to be off.

The spot where you are looking, is clear, there is no fuzzyness. The spots where you aren't looking are fuzzy, that's a normal (and good) recreation of Real Life.

You are wrong. In this screenshot I'm looking at the tree on the opposite bank of this pond. Anyone who's played SCUM for a decent length of time should recognize it. It's not big, so the tree isn't that far away. But those trees on the opposite bank are so blurry it is rediculous. And the peripheral vision? Any distance I can see something clear in the center, the periphery is just as clear. So, no, this is nothing like real life.
Last edited by seven; Dec 9, 2018 @ 3:53pm
_Roidrage Dec 9, 2018 @ 4:58pm 
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by _Roidrage:
I'm not sure what people are complaining about honestly DreeMax...

DoF totally makes sense... when you look at an object, your peripherals aren't clear, they are blurry IRL.

Disabling DoF is cheating IMO, because it gives you full clarity in all directions, which is unrealistic if this is a Survival Sim. The people that complain are too used to PUBG. If they only figured out that their mouse pointer is their eyes, and look around the world using that logic... they would stop complaining.

DoF should NOT be an option to disable... however, I'm not sure if it's because of the QUALITY of the DoF, or the fact that people are so used to cheating, that they demand it to be off.

The spot where you are looking, is clear, there is no fuzzyness. The spots where you aren't looking are fuzzy, that's a normal (and good) recreation of Real Life.

You are wrong. In this screenshot I'm looking at the tree on the opposite bank of this pond. Anyone who's played SCUM for a decent length of time should recognize it. It's not big, so the tree isn't that far away. But those trees on the opposite bank are so blurry it is rediculous. And the peripheral vision? Any distance I can see something clear in the center, the periphery is just as clear. So, no, this is nothing like real life.
Actually no, it's you that is wrong. I'm right.

You're looking at the pond, not the trees.

Therefore the trees are in your upper peripherals, exactly why they are blurry.

Look where the dot of your crosshair is... get used to learning the center of your screen.

You must be new to FPS games... you'll never scope someone quickly if you think your screen is centered right now.
[DRT] Raven Dec 9, 2018 @ 5:00pm 
Oh i forgot, this §%§% DoF drops my fps by 20 frames. :(

60~ fps without DoF, and 40~ fps with Dof. :(
_Roidrage Dec 9, 2018 @ 5:06pm 
Originally posted by mikes:
Originally posted by _Roidrage:
I'm not sure what people are complaining about honestly DreeMax...

DoF totally makes sense... when you look at an object, your peripherals aren't clear, they are blurry IRL.

Disabling DoF is cheating IMO, because it gives you full clarity in all directions, which is unrealistic if this is a Survival Sim. The people that complain are too used to PUBG. If they only figured out that their mouse pointer is their eyes, and look around the world using that logic... they would stop complaining.

DoF should NOT be an option to disable... however, I'm not sure if it's because of the QUALITY of the DoF, or the fact that people are so used to cheating, that they demand it to be off.

The spot where you are looking, is clear, there is no fuzzyness. The spots where you aren't looking are fuzzy, that's a normal (and good) recreation of Real Life.

An easy way to test this, take a news paper, read the headline. Put the newspaper down, look away from it, but with it still in view, and try to read the headline... you can't. It's too Fuzzy IRL... because it's no in focus. SAME RULE APPLIES to SCUM. If you're not looking at the object, you can't make it out until you focus on it. Very Real. Do NOT disable DoF, just work on the Quality of it.

Perhaps make the clarity circle a little bigger, but do NOT allow people to cheat by scanning the whole screen with their eyes. The reason they are getting triggered (and motion sick) is because they are scanning the screen with their RL eyes and not moving their vision IN-GAME to where they are looking at.

For those of you with a problem with DoF, please understand that your demands are unrealistic and not the goal of this game. I don't want to be insulting to you, but realize that your vision in-game is your small dot cross-hair. THAT is the center of your vision, and when you get used to it, you'll notice things are clearer because you will look at the world using that as your Simulated Eyes.
uhm...and what do you play on? 2 inch monitor? Because when i'm looking at the center of my screen i don't clearly see what's happening in its corners, that doesn't need to be simulated. Yeah ok, my center vision in game is in the center of my screen i can live with that. But when i point that center to a mountain 1km away it's still blurry. That's what bugs most people out. I wouldn't say a thing if focus changed depending on whene my center dot is, but it doesn't. I like the graphics in the game, this ain't about spotting people i wanna enjoy the scenery, not feel like i'am shortsighted.

You wanna simulate things that naturaly occour while looking at the screen with my own eyes, why? Why do i have to move my hand to see somewhere if i can move my eyes ffs? How is that realistic? How is not being able to use my own eyes to change the spot where i wanna focus realistic? Tell me.
No I actually play on quite a large 4k monitor at around 140 fps.

If you're looking at something 1km away IRL, it's going to be slightly blurry, even with 20/20 vision. Our eyes are not like eagle eyes, we have limits, we can't make out detail from 1km away. You can see large cracks in the mountains, but even if a herd of buffalo was there, you'd have an incredibly hard time spotting them without binoculars.

It's because you're playing a game and everything "Feels" closer than it is. It's not.

A 100ft drop IRL looks like it's 100ft ... but on TV it looks like it's 10ft, it literally looks like you could jump down, until you see it IRL. You don't understand perspective, that's OK. But it doesn't give you the right to demand the Devs to submit to your ignorance (not saying that in a bad way... I understand very well by your description that you don't understand perspective and sight).
meowmeow Dec 9, 2018 @ 5:16pm 
Originally posted by _Roidrage:
A 100ft drop IRL looks like it's 100ft ... but on TV it looks like it's 10ft, it literally looks like you could jump down, until you see it IRL. You don't understand perspective, that's OK. But it doesn't give you the right to demand the Devs to submit to your ignorance (not saying that in a bad way... I understand very well by your description that you don't understand perspective and sight).

i think the only person with a perspective problem is you. 100ft irl doesn't look 10ft in game, it looks 100ft, if the devs are worth their weight in crap they can illustrate that(which they have). DOF smears the distance, but that isn't how eyes work, objects can get hazy, fade even in the distance, but they don't smear like a dirty window.
seven Dec 9, 2018 @ 8:22pm 
Originally posted by _Roidrage:
Actually no, it's you that is wrong. I'm right.

You're looking at the pond, not the trees.

Therefore the trees are in your upper peripherals, exactly why they are blurry.

Look where the dot of your crosshair is... get used to learning the center of your screen.

You must be new to FPS games... you'll never scope someone quickly if you think your screen is centered right now.

No, you are the one that is wrong. It doesn't matter where my center of vision is, but I've redone the screenshot just for you. You notice my crosshair dot is directly on that tree now? Still just as blurry.

Oh, and I took my first FPS steps in an alpha version of Doom, the first one, from the early 90s. Played that game for hundreds of hours. Were you even born then?
Last edited by seven; Dec 9, 2018 @ 8:23pm
PrettyFunkedUp (Banned) Dec 9, 2018 @ 10:40pm 
DOF is a camera lens effect not a human eye effect.
DOF was put in console games because they were not powerful enough forr the programers vision.
DOF has no place in a human beingings world who has better than 20/20 vision.
DOF should go away in all games!!!!!!!!!!
Ragganerator Dec 10, 2018 @ 2:48am 
I'd like to see some statement about the DoF from devs
A moderator of this forum has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
LevaOpaki  [developer] Dec 10, 2018 @ 3:12am 
We are working on offical FOV support and will be available soon and we will add options to disable DOF from options menu (probably next hot fix this week).
Mikfail Dec 10, 2018 @ 3:28am 
Thank you sir. Let's go out for a pizza sometime:
Dreadda Dec 10, 2018 @ 3:58am 
Originally posted by LevaOpaki:
We are working on offical FOV support and will be available soon and we will add options to disable DOF from options menu (probably next hot fix this week).
Thanks Devs - u rock !!!
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Date Posted: Dec 7, 2018 @ 10:20pm
Posts: 148