Realms of Magic

Realms of Magic

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Magic Early - Kind of Useless?
Okay, so i just finished my first main story playthrough as a Goblin Warrior, who dipped into Nature Magic after maxing out my Axe and defensive skills. My second character is focusing more on Necromancy, and my 3rd is trying to go for a Pyromancer build.

And in my experience, I have concluded that magic is pretty friggin terrible for an early game playstyle. You run out of magic way too fast, and it barely seems to do any damage at all. Especially that fire spray!

My summoned monsters kept dying too fast, unless I spammed in as many of them as possible and just overran the enemy through sheer numbers. While my Goblin didn't even have enough mana to summon the final upgrade of the boar, despite the fact his level was in the mid 30's.


Simply put, it seems like being a spell caster is designed primarily as a secondary skill set, while taking on a weapon style is meant to be your primary means of engagement. Maybe it gets better later on, when you start getting more upgrades, but if you go into the game trying to build a wizard specialist right off the bat, you're gonna have to do a lot of hit and run tactics.
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Healing is the only viable skill from Nature magic. The summons are too weak.

Direct damage spells work best, so Fire and Ice magic are recommended for a pure mage. Also, human or high/dark elf work best for mana regeneration.
Postat inițial de Dean:
Healing is the only viable skill from Nature magic. The summons are too weak.

Direct damage spells work best, so Fire and Ice magic are recommended for a pure mage. Also, human or high/dark elf work best for mana regeneration.

My necromancer is a human, but my pyromancer is one of the Cursed.

Speaking of which, I wish that Cursed had gotten a massive EXP boost from killing enemies, like how humans gained 300% exp from profession leveling. It would help ease the burden of not being able to do quests or trade with people.
Postat inițial de GrandMajora:

My necromancer is a human, but my pyromancer is one of the Cursed.

Speaking of which, I wish that Cursed had gotten a massive EXP boost from killing enemies, like how humans gained 300% exp from profession leveling. It would help ease the burden of not being able to do quests or trade with people.

I agree, but unfortunately the developers have focused on other things. One of them mentioned a remaster of ROM, but no telling when it will happen. I told them about the weak summons, and it will most likely be left up to them to buff the damage and hp. I'm unaware of any modding for this game, so we probably can't do it ourselves.

I think the racials for the Cursed should be revised to give them an advantage with Necromancy magic. It makes so much more sense for them to be the most powerful necromancers. I would suggest a 50% buff to the health of all undead summons and a 50% reduction to the mana cost of all necromancy spells.

Incase you didn't know, you can respec your talents at the witch's house for a high price in gold. I think it's 10 gold.
Postat inițial de Dean:
Incase you didn't know, you can respec your talents at the witch's house for a high price in gold. I think it's 10 gold.

Ah, I forgot respec was a thing. I don't know where the Witch's house is either. Didn't really look around the map that much.

10k Gold is BS ridiculously expensive, though. I mass produced a crap ton of Elixirs and sold them off with 100 points in Trade, and I've only managed to break about 1.2k in gold.


Cursed do get a rapid HP regeneration, though. Which combined with the defensive HP regen skill makes me think they're a good race for tanking.
Editat ultima dată de GrandMajora; 30 apr. la 19:05
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